Pâtisserie SUR - Mito

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Pâtisserie SUR

住所 :

2 Chome-170-1 Migawa, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0912, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 310-0912
Webサイト : http://p-sur.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM

2 Chome-170-1 Migawa, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0912, Japan
nao K on Google

昔、アーモンドケーキよくもらって食べていたのを思いだして、何処のお店なのか最近調べたらコチラでした! 地元に久々に帰ってきたので、行ってみようと思い初めて行きました。 プリン、マスカットタルト、アーモンドケーキなど購入しました。 駐車場も広くて停めやすいし、お店がお洒落で良いです。
I remembered that I used to eat almond cakes a long time ago, and recently I found out where the store was, and it was here! It's been a while since I came back to my hometown, so I decided to go there for the first time. I bought pudding, muscat tart, almond cake and so on. The parking lot is large and easy to park, and the shop is fashionable.
y on Google

アーモンドケーキおいしかったです。 店員さんは人によってですね。 レジの方は凄く感じがよいけど焼き菓子などを包まれてる方たちは、挨拶がないし目があっても、挨拶ないので。
The almond cake was delicious. The clerk depends on the person. The cashier feels really good, but the people who are wrapped in baked goods don't say hello, even if they have eyes.
東の姫君 on Google

I like fruit roll cakes. Almond cake is the same as in Suehiro-cho and is delicious.
Yusuke on Google

ここのスイーツは美味しいとかではなく「凄い」の一言です。素材も厳選されているのでしょう。味も甘すぎないながら濃厚さもちゃんと感じられ、特にオレンジやカシス系のケーキは甘みと酸味のバランスが絶妙で抜きん出て美味しいと思います。もちろんオーソドックスなショートケーキやモンブラン、それに地元の方に長年愛されているという「アーモンドケーキ」も作り込まれた印象です。 個人的にはデコレーションに厚紙を使わず、すべて食べられる素材で出来ているのも、ポイントが高い所です。水戸、いや茨城県に行かれた際は、ぜひ回り道されることをオススメします
The sweets here are not delicious, but rather a word of “unlucky”. The materials are also carefully selected. The taste is not too sweet, but the richness is felt properly, and in particular, the orange and cassis cakes have an exquisite balance of sweetness and sourness and I think it is delicious. Of course, it is an impression that orthodox short cake and Mont Blanc, and "almond cake" that has been loved by local people for many years are also made. Personally, it is a place where the point is high that it does not use cardboard for decoration, but it is made of all eatable material. When we went to Mito, Ibaraki prefecture, we recommend that it is detour by all means
トオル on Google

暫らくご無沙汰していましたが、久しぶりの訪問でした。以前は栄町のお店でしたが、予約が多く購入困難な時期もありこちらの見川を利用させていただいています。久しぶりに行ったら、価格が上がっていました。まぁ、しょっちゅう買うモノでもないから・・・(汗) と思いながら、美味しくいただいています。
I haven't seen you for a while, but it was my first visit in a long time. It used to be a shop in Sakae-cho, but there are many reservations and it is difficult to purchase, so I use Migawa here. When I went there for the first time in a long time, the price was going up. Well, it's not something I buy all the time, so I think it's delicious (sweat).
m to on Google

I got a famous almond cake and it was so delicious that I started going there. Not to mention almond cakes, cassis cakes are really delicious. Texture and aroma, balance of acidity and sweetness, and appearance. It's a cake shop in a rural town, so is it a little expensive? ?? ?? I thought, but no, it's more than the price. it's recommended. The appearance like a museum. The inside of the store is so large that you can't settle down where to go.
hilitemen1 (ハイライト) on Google

I bought 36 rusks, reefs, etc. for 210 yen each to celebrate the birth. I had them all put in one free box. I bought it for my home and ate it, but it was delicious.

Patisserie SUR ミガワ店舗さん シュール本店さんは何度もお邪魔していましたが…初めてお邪魔させていただきました ショコラショコラ トロワフロマージュ アンファン 笠間栗のモンブラン 購入させていただきました✨ 器も可愛くてまた次のバージョン楽しみにしております✨ 本店でアーモンドケーキは何度も購入してましたが…ミガワ店舗さんにも有ったのかな? また次回訪問事購入予定です ムース系のケーキは普通に美味しかったです? 店舗デザイン 店内装飾素敵ですね ?
Patisserie SUR Migawa store, Sur main store has been in the way many times, but ... I was the first to bother you. Chocolat Chocolat Troyes Fromage Anfan Kasama Chestnut Mont Blanc I bought it ✨ The bowl is cute and I'm looking forward to the next version ✨ I bought almond cake many times at the main store, but I wonder if it was also at the Migawa store? We are planning to purchase the next visit The mousse cake was usually delicious ? Store design The interior decoration is wonderful ?

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