Seafood Restaurant Tairyo - Imabari

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Seafood Restaurant Tairyo

住所 :

5507-1 Omishimacho Miyaura, Imabari, Ehime 794-1304, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889787
Postal code : 794-1304

5507-1 Omishimacho Miyaura, Imabari, Ehime 794-1304, Japan
小柴貴明 on Google

All rice bowls. I ate a seafood bowl with more ingredients than rice for the first time. I am worried that the amount of sea urchin is large and this price is okay. Miso soup ¥ 60 for ¥ 1480.
河口知明 on Google

大山祇神社の向かいの大漁のお勧めは「ぜんぶのせ丼」なんとこの14種類が酢飯の上に載ってます、本当にお勧めの一品1480円。 ハモ、マグロたたき、鰹たたき、とびっこ、イカ、マグロ、鯖、数の子、タイ、イクラ、ウニ、サーモン、帆立、海老。
The recommended big catch across from Oyamazumi Shrine is "Zenbu no Sedon". These 14 types are on top of the vinegared rice, which is a really recommended dish for 1480 yen. Hamo, tuna tataki, bonito tataki, tobiko, squid, tuna, mackerel, kazunoko, Thai, salmon roe, sea urchin, salmon, scallop, shrimp.
Lee Go Yu on Google

It seems that you cannot order additional bowls later. The items lined up in the store are divided into plates. I entered the store immediately after opening, but the ingredients lined up are cold, so it is better to heat them in the microwave. The seafood bowl is cheap, but it is the first size in a small bowl. I think it's the size of a bowl that is common in all bowls. The sea bream was delicious, probably because it was in Ehime. The customer service is not so friendly. It is a store with various orders.

大山祇神社近くに、ひときわ目を引く人だかり。新鮮な魚の丼のメニューがメインで、しかもリーズナブル❗ お店は11:30から開店だが、すでに予約のお客様で満席状態。 30~40分の待ち時間だけど、それだけの価値はあると思いました。 頼んだものは、スペシャル丼で、その日お店にある新鮮な魚の刺身がてんこ盛り。 思った以上にボリュームがありました。
There are a lot of people who stand out near Oyamazumi Shrine. The main menu is a bowl of fresh fish, and it's reasonably priced ❗ The shop opens from 11:30, but it is already full with reserved customers. It's a waiting time of 30-40 minutes, but I thought it was worth it. What I ordered was a special bowl, which was filled with fresh fish sashimi that day. There was more volume than I expected.
相良大次郎 on Google

It was good to put it in before the end ❗ Anyway, it was gorgeous and delicious ❗ The clerk was also cheerful, cheerful and enjoyable. There were plenty of side dishes, and I had a sea bream and sea bream bowl on top. ❗ On my way home, I bought sea bream and sea bream and got supper. The sardines are the best ❗ It's worth using the high speed fee ❗
Fujihashi Taisen on Google

大山祇神社の向かいにあるお店です。 すぐわかります。 海鮮丼ではなくスペシャル丼を注文しました。 見た目は量が少ない感じがしますが食べると結構ガッツリでお腹いっぱいになります。 ウニ、トビコ、イクラと数の子がのっています。 酢飯の味付けが濃いので醤油は必要ありません。 あと、帆立の天ぷらを頂きました。 他の方のコメントにも有るように開店10分前にお店に着きましたが既に並んでいて30分程並びました。 食事が終わり店外に出ると平日でしたが20人程が並んでました。
It is a shop opposite Oyamazumi Shrine. You can see it right away. I ordered a special bowl instead of a seafood bowl. It looks like the amount is small, but when you eat it, you will feel quite full. There are sea urchins, tobiko, salmon roe and kazunoko. Soy sauce is not required because the seasoning of vinegared rice is strong. Also, I had scallop tempura. As mentioned in the comments of other people, I arrived at the store 10 minutes before the store opened, but it was already lined up and lined up for about 30 minutes. When the meal was over and I went out of the store, it was a weekday, but about 20 people lined up.
Phoebe Leung on Google

Great and cheap food! Frequented by Japanese locals!
Johninjapan on Google

the only place open in town... no wonder it was busy. Seems no one wants to open, as if they don't want any visitors in their town! Luckily this place was open... a bit cramped, but the ikura and uni, were really yummy. Very different texture and flavour from typical Hokkaido types. Only negative.. the lunch was a bit pricey..but hey, it is a tourist spot.

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