Sanshodo Honten - Kanoashi District

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sanshodo Honten

住所 :

5 ハ 19 Morimura, Tsuwano, Kanoashi District, Shimane 699-5604, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 699-5604
Webサイト :

5 ハ 19 Morimura, Tsuwano, Kanoashi District, Shimane 699-5604, Japan
虎子おちゅまみ on Google

津和野に行くと必ず立ち寄ります。津和野名物と言えば【源氏巻】ですが、ここの【鯉の里】は、隠れた名品。 四角い餡玉だと思っていただくとイメージしやすいかも。 甘さもそこそこありますが、後残りしない上品な甘さで、緑茶やお抹茶などにもよくあいます。 また、今回は大きな栗を丸々包んだ栗大福でしたが、甘さ控えめ、中の栗も一つ一つ手作りされたのがよくわかり大変おいしい大福でした。 栗のシーズンしか販売されていないのが本当に残念でタイミングが合えば絶対購入したい一品です。 季節に合わせた和菓子が販売されているので、いつ行っても楽しみです。 余談ですが、SLやまぐち号が運行されている時期にはお店のすぐそばを線路が通っているので、駐車場からもノスタルジックな蒸気機関車を間近に見れますよ。
Whenever I go to Tsuwano, I always stop by. Speaking of Tsuwano's specialty, [Genji Maki], but here [Koi no Sato] is a hidden masterpiece. It may be easier to imagine if you think of it as a square ball. The sweetness is moderate, but it is an elegant sweetness that does not leave behind, and it goes well with green tea and matcha. Also, this time it was a chestnut daifuku that wrapped a whole big chestnut, but the sweetness was modest, and it was very delicious because you can see that the chestnuts inside were also handmade one by one. It's a pity that it is only sold during the chestnut season, so if the timing is right, I definitely want to buy it. Seasonal Japanese sweets are on sale, so I'm always looking forward to it. As an aside, when the SL Yamaguchi is in operation, the railroad tracks run right next to the shop, so you can see the nostalgic steam locomotive up close from the parking lot.
食いしんBON on Google

おやつに「栗の大福」 お土産に「こいの里」プレーンと、ほうじ茶を購入しました。 大福の栗が大きくて感動✨ こいの里は、羊羮の一種だそうですが、表面がサクっとしていて、とても美味しく、差し上げた方からも大好評でした。
"Chestnut Daifuku" for snacks I bought "Koinosato" plain and roasted green tea as souvenirs. Daifuku chestnuts are big and impressed ✨ Koinosato is a kind of sheep, but the surface is crispy and it is very delicious, and it was very popular with the people who gave it.
Sukuna Bikona on Google

お目当ての抹茶むしどらと源氏巻を購入。抹茶の香りと味が濃く、餡子は甘過ぎずで大変美味しかったです。 期間限定のパイナップル大福は昼過ぎには売り切れでした、残念。 あんの日の限定メニューも、どれも美味しそうなのでいつか食べてみたいです。
Purchase the matcha dorayaki and Genji rolls you are looking for. The aroma and taste of matcha was strong, and the bean paste was not too sweet and was very delicious. The limited-time pineapple Daifuku was sold out in the afternoon, unfortunately. The limited menus for that day all look delicious, so I'd like to try them someday.
love hiroshima on Google

源氏巻きと言えば三松堂さん。 上質で上品なあんこの味わいは、ここまで足を運ぶ価値ある美味しさです。 一番好きなのはこいの里。 その他来るたび楽しみなのが季節限定の大福です。 初めて拝見したパイナップル大福は、 話のネタ程度でそこまで期待せずに頂きましたが、 一口味わうと二度見するくらい衝撃的な美味しさでした! パイナップルの肉厚と甘さが白餡と合う〜!! お腹にゆとりあればまだまだ味わいたい魅力的な甘味が沢山あります。 贈答用に発送したいと尋ねると、ネットから注文した方が送料がお安くなると親切に教えてくださり配慮が嬉しかったです。 初めてだと少し緊張するような風格ある佇まいですが、時間があれば店内でゆっくり頂きたい落ち着いた雰囲気で接客も温かいです。 散策時は殿町にも店舗があるので買い忘れる心配もなく有難いです。
Speaking of Genji winding, Mimatsudo. The taste of high-quality and elegant red bean paste is worth visiting. My favorite is Koinosato. Another thing I look forward to every time I come is the seasonal Daifuku. The pineapple Daifuku I saw for the first time I didn't expect that much because of the story, but It was so shocking that I saw it twice when I tasted it! The thickness and sweetness of the pineapple goes well with the white bean paste! !! There are many attractive sweets that you want to taste if you feel comfortable in your stomach. When I asked if I wanted to ship it as a gift, I was glad that he kindly told me that the shipping cost would be cheaper if I ordered online. It looks a little nervous for the first time, but if you have time, you can relax in the store and the customer service is warm. There is also a store in Tonomachi when you take a walk, so you don't have to worry about forgetting to buy it.
taro sanda on Google

津和野和栗を使った大福がとても美味しいです。 大福ですが、あんこやお餅の主張は少なめで栗が香り、食感、味ともに主張して栗の良さを引き出してると思います。
Daifuku made with Tsuwano Waguri is very delicious. Although it is Daifuku, the claims of anko and mochi are few, and I think that chestnuts bring out the goodness of chestnuts by insisting on the aroma, texture, and taste.
シゲトシ(シゲトシ) on Google

やおい皮にほんのり甘くさらさらしたこし餡が旨い。 あんと皮のバランスが良い。
The slightly sweet and silky yaoi skin is delicious. The balance between the skin and the skin is good.
pyonkiti on Google

ずっ〜と気になっていた三松堂さん。 日曜日の3時半過ぎに行ったので、日曜日限定の商品は全て売り切れていたので、ジェラートをいただきました。 珍しい焼きぐり?のジェラートは甘さ控えめで、ふんわりとした栗の風味と香り、レッドアイはリンゴ?の酸味が程よく、どちらもおいしかったです。 次は開店と同時に行って限定のお菓子をいただきたいです。
Mr. Mimatsudo who was always worried. I went there after 3:30 on Sunday, so all the Sunday limited items were sold out, so I got a gelato. The rare roasted ? gelato was modestly sweet, with a fluffy chestnut flavor and aroma, and the red eye was moderately sour with apple ?, both of which were delicious. Next time, I would like to go at the same time as the store opens and have a limited number of sweets.
姫路在住出張族 on Google

大福狙いで行きましたが既に完売…。 店員さんに試食でこいの里を提供頂き、初めて食べましたが、ビックリ! 外はさっくり、中はしっとりの味は羊羹。 甘さも控えめ、かなりの美味しさ。 もちろんお土産に買いました! 作れる職人さんも1人しか居ないとのことで、かなり希少な物に出会えた気がしました。
I went for Daifuku, but it's already sold out ... I had a clerk provide me with a carp village for tasting, and I ate it for the first time, but I was surprised! The outside is refreshing and the inside is moist with yokan. The sweetness is also modest, and it is quite delicious. Of course I bought it as a souvenir! There is only one craftsman who can make it, so I felt that I was able to meet something quite rare.

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