Sano Ramen Ittetsu - Sano

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sano Ramen Ittetsu

住所 :

1201-7 Takahagicho, Sano, Tochigi 327-0821, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 327-0821
Webサイト :
Description : Simple, shacklike ramen restaurant with home-cooked noodles in a choice of salty or soy pork broth.

1201-7 Takahagicho, Sano, Tochigi 327-0821, Japan
はまやねん on Google

佐野の近くに立ち寄ったので、佐野ラーメンを食べにこちらへ。 12:30過ぎにお店に到着しましたが、10組ほど既に並ばれておりましたが、回転が早いため、30分ほどで店内に入店できました。 しょうゆと塩、どちらも美味しいですが個人的なヒットは塩のスープ。美味。チャーシューもほろほろでいい肉質で美味しい。 また立ち寄りたいお店です。ご馳走様でした♪
I stopped by near Sano, so I went here to eat Sano ramen. I arrived at the store after 12:30, but about 10 groups were already lined up, but due to the fast rotation, I was able to enter the store in about 30 minutes. Both soy sauce and salt are delicious, but my personal hit is salt soup. Delicious. The char siu is also savory and delicious with good meat quality. It is a shop that I would like to stop by again. It was a treat ♪
Tm OGG on Google

佐野に来たので訪問しました? 駐車場は第三まであるみたいです?日曜日のお昼時だったので10組くらい並んでて40分くらい待った感じで順番がきました。 しおチャーシューメン900円と、ねぎラーメン830円、餃子5個450円を注文?そしたら餃子がすぐにやってきました?続いてラーメンも到着。 どちらも、あっさりしたスープに青竹特有の縮れ麺がいい感じで、しおラーメンのあおさがすごくあってて、おいしくいただきました? しお、しょうゆどちらもおいしかったです?
I came to Sano so I visited ? It seems that there is a parking lot up to the third ? It was Sunday noon, so about 10 groups lined up and waited for about 40 minutes before the turn came. I ordered Shio char siu noodles 900 yen, green onion ramen 830 yen, and 5 dumplings 450 yen ? Then the dumplings arrived immediately ? Then the ramen arrived. In both cases, the light soup and the curly noodles peculiar to green bamboo were nice, and the shio ramen had a great aroma, which was delicious ? Both shio and soy sauce were delicious ?
YOKO H. on Google

店内に入ると、カウンター5席、テーブル5卓、座敷が2卓あり、テーブルと座席は家族連れで満席。カウンター席が空いていたのでそちらに座らせていただきます。並んでいる間にメニューをチェックしようと思っていたので選んでいる間もなく席に座ったため、何にしようときょろきょろしていたところ、店員さんがきて「何にしましょうか?」と声をかけてきます。いやいや、ちょっと待って、まだ決まっていないですよ。連れはまだコートを脱いでいるところです(苦笑)ただ、種類は醤油か塩で、あとはチャーシューとかネギを増すとかだけなので、わたしは醤油のネギラーメン(830円)、連れは塩のチャーシューラーメン(900円)を注文。餃子も美味しそうだったので3つの餃子(270円)も注文しました。 店内はキレイで、広々しています。入店時に見逃しましたが、入口の製麺室で麺打ちをしていました。開店したばかりでも麺打ちをしているということは、開店前に作り置きするわけではなくできるだけ打ち立てを提供しているのでしょうか。 するとすぐに餃子到着。ん?早すぎない??まだ注文して2分程度なんですが。わたしのあとに来た隣のお客さんなんて注文してすぐに餃子が到着してびっくりしていました。すでにある程度焼いていたのでしょうかね。さっそく餃子を食べてみると、ニンニク不使用で野菜が多め。美味しいのは間違いないですが、ちょっと物足りなかったかな。まあ、味見程度に頼んだ3個なので良しとしましょう。 その後ラーメンが到着。さっそくスープを飲んでみると鶏ガラ、豚骨、香味野菜に、節系などの魚介、昆布などの乾物などでとった出汁のようで、かなりさっぱり・あっさりした味わいです。カエシの味わいがあまり感じられないので出汁で勝負をしているような感じ。ただ、ちょっと物足りなさを感じるのも事実なのでトッピングの辛ネギの辛みのパンチがいい役割をかもし出していました。 麺は青竹打ちの平打ちビロビロ麺。やはり佐野ラーメンといったらこの麺ですよね。とにかく食感が楽しいです。大盛りで250gくらいでしょうか。食べごたえがありますが、スルスルと食べられてしまいます。 具材はチャーシュー、メンマ、ナルト、カイワレ、辛ネギとシンプルです。チャーシューはトロトロのやわらかいものでなかなか美味しかったです。 卓上アイテムはお酢、醤油、ゆず胡椒、七味など。ゆず胡椒を溶かして食べると和風の出汁に早変わりして味変にはとてもいい。 完食してごちそうさま。
When you enter the store, there are 5 counter seats, 5 tables, and 2 tatami mats, and the tables and seats are full for families. The counter seat was vacant, so I will sit there. I was thinking of checking the menu while I was in line, so I sat down shortly after choosing, so when I was wandering around what to do, the clerk came and asked me, "What should I do?" increase. No, wait a minute, it hasn't been decided yet. My companion is still taking off his coat (bitter smile) However, the only type is soy sauce or salt, and the only thing left is to add char siu or green onions, so I'm soy sauce onion ramen (830 yen), and my companion is salted char siu ramen. I ordered (900 yen). The dumplings looked delicious, so I ordered three dumplings (270 yen). The inside of the store is beautiful and spacious. I missed it when I entered the store, but I was making noodles in the noodle making room at the entrance. The fact that the noodles are made even when the store has just opened does not mean that the noodles are prepared before the store opens, but does it provide as much freshness as possible? Then the dumplings arrived immediately. Yeah? Isn't it too early? ?? It's been about 2 minutes since I ordered it. I was surprised that the dumplings arrived immediately after ordering the next customer who came after me. I wonder if it was already baked to some extent. When I tried the dumplings, I found that they didn't use garlic and had a lot of vegetables. It's definitely delicious, but I think it was a little unsatisfactory. Well, let's say it's okay because it's 3 pieces that I asked for tasting. Then the ramen arrived. When I drank the soup, it looked like chicken stock, pork bones, flavored vegetables, seafood such as knots, and dried fish such as kelp, and it had a very refreshing and light taste. I don't really feel the taste of Kaesi, so I feel like I'm playing with soup stock. However, it is also true that I feel a little unsatisfactory, so the spicy punch of the spicy green onion topping played a good role. The noodles are flat noodles made with green bamboo. After all, Sano ramen is this noodle, isn't it? Anyway, the texture is fun. Is it about 250g in a large serving? It's delicious, but it's easy to eat. The ingredients are simple, such as char siu, menma, naruto, kaiware, and spicy green onion. The char siu was soft and delicious. Tabletop items include vinegar, soy sauce, yuzu pepper, and shichimi. If you melt the yuzu pepper and eat it, it will quickly turn into a Japanese-style soup stock, which is very good for changing the taste. A feast after eating.
Carl I (Carl) on Google

Patricia Yoshioka on Google

Salt taste ramen is soooo good! ❤️
Garry Bickle on Google

Great, quick snack after visiting the Lord's of Japanese Cricket! ?
Monsieur de la Perouse on Google

Very simple place with excellent fresh ramen made inside the shop. The soup that goes with is tasty but does not feel heavy, and the pork chashu almost melts in the mouth. Genuinely recommended.
Taleah Cox on Google

Saw a long line here and was curious, went back later when it was quite. The soy sauce flavor soup was rich and satisfying. The noodles are thick and chewy. Overall, enjoyable. Try to go when there's no rush and you won't have to wait. We were able to go right in.

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