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Contact 城山城跡

住所 :

Sakaide, 〒762-0021 Kagawa,Japan

街 : Kagawa

Sakaide, 〒762-0021 Kagawa,Japan
Naka Kou on Google

The view is good
うずヒロ on Google

Yamashiro is great in the late 7th century.
大平伊賀守国也 on Google

Castle facilities are scattered and remain
C* Gaomu on Google

ここに城を築きたくなる気持ちがわかる絶景。多方面を見渡せるとても気持ちの良い場所です。 山頂に辿り着く途中にある展望場(というほど整備されてはいないけど)も眺望良し。
A superb view that shows the desire to build a castle here. It is a very pleasant place to look around. The observatory on the way to the summit (although not so well maintained) has a good view.
ぴかぴかつま on Google

It was in good condition and had a toilet and parking space. The view from the observatory overlooking 360 ° was pleasant.
Albert Einstein on Google

Castle traces are scattered around the summit. There are holoso stones, stone walls, manaite stones, and castle walls. The mountaintop has been maintained as a Shiroyama garden, and there is a triangular point, one enoki of Shiroyama, and an observatory, and you can enjoy a 360-degree view.
良ちゃーずる on Google

The evening view was very beautiful. The night view overlooking the highway was also good.
にこF on Google

史跡城山城跡は天智天皇の時代、白村江の戦いで敗れた軍を退いた後、西からの侵攻を恐れて瀬戸内海沿いの各所に山城を築いたうちの1つといわれています。 今よりも海岸線が内陸寄りであった頃には、この場所から海上を行き来する船が一望できる見張り場所だったことがよくわかります。 頂上には小さな展望台があり、そばには大きな榎の木。 青空に映えて絵になる風景です。 ちなみにこの木は、城山が見える範囲のいろいろな場所からも大木が1本あると認識できるほどの巨木です。 山頂からは讃岐平野、特に三木あたりから綾歌方面が一望できて圧巻です。 西方面も金刀比羅宮のある象頭山、善通寺の香色山に七宝山系、北には多度津・坂出から五色台までが眺められますが、樹々が生い茂り一部見にくい箇所があります。 ちなみに瀬戸大橋の眺望はバッチリです。 平日昼間でも絶景を求めて人が絶えません。 近くの草むらには野うさぎのものと思われる乾いたフンが。夜は野生動物の生活場所なんですね。 追記:夕方の景色もすごくきれいですよ? 星もきれいに見えることでしょう。 夕方にわんちゃん?連れで来られていた男性が、晴れていたら剣山は普通に見えるし、快晴なら石鎚山も見えるよ、とおっしゃっていました。
Historic site Kiyama Castle Ruins is said to be one of the castles built in various places along the Seto Inland Sea for fear of invasion from the west after retiring from the army that was defeated in the Battle of Baekgang during the time of Emperor Tenji. By the time the coastline was closer to the inland than it is now, it's easy to see that it was a lookout place with a panoramic view of ships coming and going over the sea from this place. There is a small observatory at the top, and a large celtis tree beside it. It is a picturesque landscape that shines in the blue sky. By the way, this tree is so big that you can recognize that there is one big tree from various places where you can see Shiroyama. From the top of the mountain, you can see the Sanuki Plain, especially the Ayaka area from around Miki, which is a masterpiece. In the west, you can see Mt. Zozu, where Kotohiragu Shrine is located, Mt. Koshikizan in Zentsuji, and the cloisonne mountain range, and in the north, you can see from Tadotsu / Sakaide to Goshokudai, but there are some areas that are overgrown with trees and difficult to see. By the way, the view of the Seto Bridge is perfect. Even in the daytime on weekdays, people are constantly seeking a superb view. In the grass nearby, there is a dry dung that seems to belong to a wild rabbit. It's a place where wild animals live at night. Postscript: The evening scenery is also very beautiful ? The stars will also look beautiful. A man who came with a doggy ? in the evening said that if it was sunny, Mt. Tsurugi would look normal, and if it was fine, Mt. Ishizuchi could be seen.

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