Sakae Hot Spring

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakae Hot Spring

住所 :

Saiwaidori, Ayabe, 〒623-0052 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト :
街 : Kyoto

Saiwaidori, Ayabe, 〒623-0052 Kyoto,Japan
まにまに彩月 on Google

The capacity of the set meal shop on the 2nd floor was too low and I was impatient. I said 7 people and I didn't come to the set meal, so when I checked it, the order didn't go through, so when I ordered again (this isn't bad, but I'm not complaining), the capacity suddenly said, "Customers order. I've forgotten to do it! ", But another capacity for the reverse guile came, but the same reverse guile ……… Honestly, I think that it would be better if the elementary school students in that area did it.
ayu gashi on Google

The quality of the spring is not characteristic, but the parking lot is free in front of the station, so it is highly useful.
金谷秀樹 on Google

湯治用に泊まるとこあっても良さそうな療養泉。タオルなしの値段600円 二階の食堂の日替わり魚定食は、とにかくお得な刺し身定食の日もあるので、食事目当てなら聞いてみるのも得
A recuperation spring that seems to be a good place to stay for a hot spring. Price without towel 600 yen The daily fish set meal in the cafeteria on the second floor has a great sashimi set meal day, so it's a good idea to ask if you're looking for a meal.
けい on Google

The scale is about the same as a general public bath. The temperature of the hot water is 42 degrees in the main bath inside and 43 degrees in the open air, which is quite hot. I wish I could go more if I could at least set it to 40 degrees in the summer alone. The rest area is small, but it's 500 yen, so it can't be helped. But this is the only place around here that is open until 23:00. (Now it's 600 yen)
温泉マニア on Google

洗面器やイス、シャワーの取っ手やその他いっぱい水アカがあり 不衛生さを感じた!ちゃんと掃除が出来ていないんだろう。風呂屋で不衛生さを感じたら終わりだろう。それに露天風呂は小さい虫がいっぱい浮いている!
I felt unsanitary because there were washbasins, chairs, shower handles, and a lot of other water stains! I wonder if it hasn't been cleaned properly. If you feel unsanitary in the bathhouse, you're done. Besides, the open-air bath is full of small insects!
20 kaho on Google

人が少ないので安心して入れます。 帰省するたびに一度は入ります。 温泉の後は同施設中で食事します。 唐揚げ定食は美味しくてボリューム満点。 私は巨大エビフライ御膳が定番です。 旦那様は焼肉定食が気に入ってます。
Since there are few people, you can enter with confidence. I enter once every time I go home. After the hot spring, we will eat in the same facility. The fried chicken set meal is delicious and full of volume. I like the giant fried shrimp set. My husband likes the yakiniku set meal.
KEN Hassy on Google

天文館パオに行き、あわせて温泉に。17時過ぎだったのでヒトはまだ少なくゆっくり入りました。綺麗です。少し熱いかな。皮膚の湿疹が少しあったけど翌日には改善。孫にはキャンデーをいただきました。ありがとう。 また行きたいね。
Go to the Astronomical Museum Pao and go to the hot springs. It was past 17:00, so there were still few people and I entered slowly. Is beautiful. Is it a little hot? I had some eczema on my skin, but it improved the next day. My grandson had a candy. thank you. I want to go again.
阪本栄一 on Google

お肉屋さんがやってる温泉❗️? 温泉入浴は、500円❗️銭湯より安い天然温泉❗️ 普通のクワハウスよりは、小さめだけどすごく清潔感有って綺麗にしてある❗️? 特筆は、レストラン❗️お肉屋さんだけの事有ってレストランの充実ぶりは、品数 味 共に群を抜く❗️??お試しあれ❗️
A hot spring that a butcher is doing ❗️? Hot spring bathing is a natural hot spring that is 500 yen cheaper than a public bath ❗️ Smaller than a normal mulberry house, but clean and clean The special mention is the restaurant だ け ️ There is only a butcher's but the fullness of the restaurant is outstanding, both in terms of quantity and taste ❗️?? Try it out あ ️

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