滝野温泉ぽかぽ - Kato

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 滝野温泉ぽかぽ

住所 :

Shimotakino, Kato, 〒679-0212 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798
Postal code : 679-0212
Webサイト : http://www.pokapo.jp/
街 : Hyogo
Description : Serene indoor/outdoor spa offering natural hot mineral baths, surrounded by nature & mountain views.

Shimotakino, Kato, 〒679-0212 Hyogo,Japan
The only In japn on Google

久しぶりに来ましたが、露天風呂からの景色は最高ですね? 温泉の泉質はしょっぱいので塩泉かな❓ でも、肌がベタベタするほどでも無いので良い感じです? 温度は熱すぎずヌル過ぎず、湯船に長く入っていられますヨ^_^ 今日は川の湯に入りました、露天風呂は結構な水量の打たせ湯があり、肩凝りに効きそう‼️ 屋形船を型取ったサウナがありました、洗い場が内湯だけでなく露天風呂にもあったのはメチャ良かったです? 今回は入りませんでしたが、山の湯には洞窟風呂があります! 全体的に風呂場は少し狭いかな?土曜日だったので結構お客さんで混んでました?休憩所も少し狭くて、ごろ寝している人が一杯で入れませんでした?平日ならゆっくり出来ると思います^_^
I came after a long time, but the view from the open-air bath is the best! The spring quality of the hot springs is so salty that the salt springs But it feels good because the skin isn't sticky enough? The temperature is not too hot and not too null, you can enter the bathtub for a long time Today I went into the river hot spring, the open-air bath has a good amount of water and it seems to work on my shoulders ️ There was a sauna that modeled a houseboat, and it was good that the washing place was not only in the indoor bath but also in the outdoor bath ? We did not enter this time, but there is a cave bath in Yamanoyu! Is the bathroom a bit small overall? Since it was Saturday, it was quite crowded with customers ? The rest area was a little too small, and people who were sleeping around could not fill it up ? I think you can relax slowly on weekdays ^ _ ^
ばりいち on Google

露天風呂、内風呂、サウナ、食事処、休憩所、駐車場など、全てが完備されています。洗い場は内風呂と露天風呂にそれぞれありました。シャンプー、リンス、ボディーソープも備えてありました。 それぞれの施設、設備がこじんまりとしています。 温泉は適温で、気持ちいい感じ。露天風呂は階段を登り降りします。 山の横に施設があり、空気は気持ちいいですね。
The open-air bath, indoor bath, sauna, restaurant, rest area, parking lot, etc. are all fully equipped. There were washing areas in the indoor bath and the open-air bath, respectively. Shampoo, conditioner and body soap were also provided. Each facility and equipment is small. The hot springs are at a suitable temperature and feel good. The open-air bath goes up and down the stairs. There is a facility next to the mountain, and the air feels good.
M H on Google

川の湯(船の形のサウナ) と山の湯(洞窟風呂)があり今日の女湯は川の湯でした。 650円とお手頃ゆえか近所のかたが銭湯感覚でいらしているようです。平日の夕方は家族連れでいっぱいです。サウナもご近所話で盛り上がっていました。コロナでなければ微笑ましいのですが。 休憩所 も畳で寝転べて便利です。店内にがいな製麺がありました。 近くにはアイス屋さんがありますが他食べ物屋さんはないようでした。
Kawanoyu (ship-shaped sauna) There is a mountain bath (cave bath), and today's women's bath was a river bath. It seems that people in the neighborhood are coming in like a public bath, probably because it is affordable at 650 yen. Weekday evenings are full of families. The sauna was also lively with the story of the neighborhood. It would be funny if it wasn't Corona. The rest area is also convenient because you can lie down on tatami mats. There was a ginger noodle making in the store. There was an ice cream shop nearby, but there didn't seem to be any other food shops.
k kym on Google

熱すぎず気持ちのいい露天風呂です。 しょっぱい温泉でした。川湯が源泉100%と買いていました。脱衣所が畳で気持ち良かったです。 次回は、洞窟にも入ってみたいです。 650円はお安いです。
It is a comfortable open-air bath that is not too hot. It was a salty hot spring. I bought Kawayu as 100% source. The dressing room was tatami mats and it was comfortable. Next time, I would like to enter the cave. 650 yen is cheap.
ma sa on Google

播磨中央公園のすぐ近くにある温浴施設です。 公園で汗を流した後によく利用させて頂いてます。 お風呂は申し分ないですが、ゆっくりするスペースは少し少なめかと。
It is a hot bath facility near Harima Central Park. I often use it after sweating in the park. The bath is perfect, but the space to relax is a little small.
木村義美 on Google

I visited for the first time. The lady at the front desk is also impressed with the answering of phone calls and the response to visits. Elderly male employees were also friendly. It seems that the stiffness of the back and shoulders has been eliminated with the unprecedented strength of the open-air bath Takiyu. I will go again.
say-go tani on Google

平日の午前中に訪問です。訪問日によって男女の湯が替わります。こだわりがある方は事前に調べてから訪問されるのが吉かなと。 泉質は塩化ナトリウム系かなと想いますが詳しくは知らないです。地元の高齢者が内湯エリアや更衣エリアにて大声で談笑してるのに、泉質管理に来た係員が何も注意しないのはどうかなと感じました。日帰り温泉としては価格帯、泉質、清潔度合いから鑑みてもかなりおすすめです。 あと、施設内に西脇市内で有名なうどん店の支店が出店していましたので、昼めし目当てでの訪問もありかなと思います。
Visit in the morning on weekdays. Men's and women's hot springs change depending on the day of visit. If you are particular about it, it would be good to check it in advance before visiting. I think the quality of the spring is sodium chloride, but I don't know the details. I felt that the staff who came to the spring quality management did not pay attention to the local elderly people chatting loudly in the indoor bath area and the changing clothes area. As a one-day hot spring, it is highly recommended considering the price range, spring quality, and cleanliness. Also, there was a branch office of a famous udon shop in Nishiwaki city, so I think it might be a good idea to visit for lunch.
Andii Adamick on Google

A nice quiet and very local onsen. A good relax point during a day trip.

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