Iwa-no-yu Hot Spring - Minamiuonuma District

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Iwa-no-yu Hot Spring

住所 :

6191-87 Tsuchidaru, Yuzawa, Minamiuonuma District, Niigata 949-6103, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787787
Postal code : 949-6103
Webサイト : https://sp.yuzawaonsen.com/%3Fpage_id%3D182

6191-87 Tsuchidaru, Yuzawa, Minamiuonuma District, Niigata 949-6103, Japan
534 souls on Google

仕事で湯沢に来る事が月に3〜4回はあり、その度に利用しています。平日の日中は地元の方が多いです。温泉自体には何の問題も無いのですが、近年地元の方々の余所者に対する素行の悪さが際立ってきたように感じます。 タオルを持っていなさそうな人を監視する。脱衣所に水滴を垂らすと異常なほど注意する。服が置いてある場所で身体を拭くなと意味のわからない持論を展開する。服や荷物が置いてある場所を意図的に塞ぐ。見ているとね、本当に不快になりますよ。 地元民しか来て欲しくないなら経営者にお願いして余所者は入れなくすれば良いのに。
There are three or four times to it is the coming months in Yuzawa at work, we use each time. It is during the day on weekdays is there are more local. I the hot spring itself there is no problem, but in recent years I feel As we stand out poor behavior for the outsider of the local people. To monitor the people who are unlikely to have a towel. Note unusually and dripping water droplets in the dressing room. Clothes to expand the mantra that do not know the meaning and Do not wipe the body in places where is put. The location where the clothes and luggage is put intentionally blocked. I If you look, you will really uncomfortable. Although it is sufficient to strangers is not put only to ask if managers do not want to come locals.
hefeweizen on Google

魚野川沿いにある公共浴場です。 山と田園風景、川のほとりあって良い佇まいですね。 お風呂のキャパシティを考えると広い駐車場。 入ってすぐに券売機とフロント。 熊やカモシカの剥製が飾られている休憩所はコロナの影響で使用禁止になっています。 男女に分かれて暖簾をくぐると下足箱。 脱衣所にロッカーはなく、広く区切られた棚に着替えを収める形式です。貴重品用のロッカーはありました。 お風呂場は壁沿いに洗い場が9つ、 窓が広くて川のせせらぎが見えるのが気持ちいい。 湯船は窓際に一つだけ、お湯が絶え間なく流れ込んでいます。 お湯はぬるめで41℃くらいでしょうか。ゆっくりと入るのに良いですね。柔らかい感じ。 シンプルな造りですので20分ほどで出ましたが、身体はしばらく温まって心地よかったです。 シャンプー、ボディソープの備え付けあり。 ドライヤーもありました。 購入したタオルは湯沢町の外湯巡りのものでした。
It is a public bath along the Uono River. It looks good because of the mountains, the countryside, and the river. Large parking lot considering the capacity of the bath. Immediately after entering, the ticket vending machine and the front desk. The rest area where stuffed bears and antelopes are displayed is prohibited due to the influence of corona. If you divide into men and women and go through the curtain, you will find a lower leg box. There are no lockers in the dressing room, and you can put your clothes on the widely separated shelves. There was a locker for valuables. There are 9 washrooms along the wall in the bathroom, It feels good to see the murmuring of the river with wide windows. There is only one bathtub near the window, and hot water is constantly flowing in. Is the hot water about 41 ° C lukewarm? It's good to enter slowly. Feeling soft. It took about 20 minutes because it was a simple structure, but my body was warm and comfortable for a while. Shampoo and body soap are provided. There was also a hairdryer. The towels I bought were for visiting the outdoor hot springs in Yuzawa Town.
Yoshihiro T on Google

大人500円で温泉に入れるのは貴重です。 すごくおしゃれではありませんが、温泉に入るには十分な施設と清潔感があり、駐車場もスペースがあります。 スキーの後に寄りましたがおススメの温泉です。
It is valuable to take a hot spring for 500 yen for an adult. It's not very fashionable, but it has enough facilities and cleanliness to enter the hot springs, and there is plenty of parking space. I stopped by after skiing, but it is a recommended hot spring.
zero one on Google

お風呂に入るだけです。 露天風呂はありません。 鍵付きのロッカーはありません。 まあ気の利いた銭湯と思って行った方がいいです。 500円ですのでそれなりと考えた方がいいです。 このエリヤは大きな日帰り温泉施設はないですね。
Just take a bath. There is no open-air bath. There is no locker with a key. You should think of it as a nice public bath. It's 500 yen, so you should think about it as it is. This Elijah doesn't have a big one-day hot spring facility.
Tim on Google

Very nice cave and scenery!
Jon Salz on Google

Pretty average onsen, nothing special. Totally jam-packed at peak times.
Stephane Beaulieu on Google

Old School Hotspring by the River. A local hangout open to day visitors.
Rufus Starbuck on Google

Iwa-no-yu is a town-run onsen facility on the banks of a river. The volcanic hot spring bath are lined with large rocks and have views out onto the river. Good place to go after playing in the river nearby or spending a day at Yuzawa Fishing Park.

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