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Contact つくばねむりとこころのクリニック

住所 :

Saiki, Tsukuba, 〒305-0028 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898778
Webサイト : http://sleep-mental-tsukuba.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday 9AM–1PM
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–1PM
街 : Ibaraki

Saiki, Tsukuba, 〒305-0028 Ibaraki,Japan
川原雅恵 on Google

栗原礼子 on Google

にゃー on Google

ni ka on Google

When I made a reservation, it was hard for me to make a phone call that would make me poke.
おぱいす on Google

I received treatment for sleeplessness but I am prescribed Myslee unchanged even though Myslee has a delirium. The prescription given at 6 mg Evilify in another hospital was made 1 mg at a stretch, and I felt really painful with withdrawal symptoms. I understand that it is a kind teacher, but I was compelled to question the honest prescription sense.
たけのこ on Google

He became insomnia from Meniere and developed a panic attack. I finally met a reliable teacher on the third house. He/she always listens to me and has a strong sense of security. It seems that the teacher's personality is very good, and it seems that it is popular, so I often wait for a while even if I make a reservation, but I would like to continue to take care of me. I am grateful to the teacher who keeps smiling even though he is very busy.
m m on Google

以前の職場で「適応障害」が発症する前から色々な事情で通院していました。何回も長期通院することになりましたが、いつもニコニコ優しい先生であることは間違いありません。でも優しさと厳しさを兼ねそろえている先生でもあります。「最終的には(現在の状況を脱して)自分で治す」と思えるように導いて下さいました。 感じ方には個人差があります。 どん底の時には診察中に涙流しながら穏やかに話を聞いて下さったり、寛解間近の元気になりつつある頃には「自分はこうしていきたい」「こうしていかないといけないかな?」と思えるように大久保先生は優しい笑顔ながらもこれからの人生を自分の思いで切り開かなければならないヒントや手助けをして下さいました。うつ病のようになった母親もお世話になり、評判が評判を呼んで初診も数か月待ちになり、それに応じて評判も影響してくると思います。最後に通院した1.5年前には大久保先生もかなりお疲れのようでした。でも複数の心理療法士と主治医がフォローする「リワークプログラム」にも参加して、同じような境遇の方々と接することができ、様々な学術的な気付きも与えて下さった自分に合ったクリニックでした。患者として大事なのは主治医との相性。現代は十人十色ではなく百人百色、悪い口コミだけではなく、総合的に判断して受診されることをお勧めしたいです。私が住む近隣の大事な人が同じような状況に陥ったら、時間はかかるけれども迷わずこちらのクリニックの受診を薦めます。
I had been going to the hospital for various reasons before my "workout disorder" started in my previous workplace. I have been to the hospital many times for a long time, but I am sure that she is always a friendly teacher. But he is also a teacher who is kind and strict. He led me to think, "I will eventually cure myself (outside the current situation)." There are individual differences in how people feel. When you are at the bottom, you can listen to the story gently while crying during the consultation, and when you are getting well near remission, you can think "I want to do this" or "Do I have to do this?" The teacher gave me hints and tips to help me to open up the future with my own thoughts, with a gentle smile. Mothers who have become depressed will also be taken care of, and their reputation will be reputed, the first consultation will be waiting for several months, and the reputation will be affected accordingly. One and a half years ago, Okubo-sensei was very tired. However, I participated in a `` rework program '' followed by multiple psychotherapists and the attending physician, I was able to interact with people in similar situations, and at a clinic tailored to me who gave me various academic awareness did. What is important as a patient is compatibility with the attending physician. In modern times, I would like to recommend not only ten people, but one hundred people, bad reviews, and comprehensive medical judgment. If an important person near me lives in a similar situation, I recommend you to visit this clinic without any hesitation, though it takes time.
ランラン on Google

産後の不眠で1年ほどお世話になり、先日通院を卒業しました。素晴らしいクリニックです。このクリニックに出会えたおかげで、地獄から這い上がれたと思っています。 以下、あくまでも個人的な感想です。各個人の症状等により、先生の対応や処方は異なると思いますのでご了承ください。 予約について ・大変人気があるようで、予約はとりにくい(初診は数ヶ月待ち) ・自分はキャンセル待ちで初診の予約をしており、たまたますぐにキャンセルが出て早めに受診できた 処方について ・依存性のある薬(ベンゾジアゼピン系など)の処方には慎重 ・患者の希望を尊重してくれる(試してみたい薬なども、試しに数日分処方してくれたりした) 減薬、断薬について ・自分の場合、減薬できそうなタイミングにこちらから減薬を希望し、減薬を始めた ・減薬は、1種類ずつ、少しずつ、時間をかけて慎重に行ってくださり、離脱症状などもほとんど起きずスムーズに減薬でき、断薬後も症状が再燃することはなかった 診察について ・事前にWEBで問診票に入力しておくやり方なので、2回目以降の診察は5分程度 ・質問などもWEB問診票に入力しておけば診察時に答えてもらえる 先生について ・いつもニコニコしていて話を聞いてくださる穏やかな先生 ・優しさが滲み出ている ・お薬の知識も豊富で処方時の説明も丁寧にしてくれる 診察以外の治療について ・カウンセリングや不眠の認知行動療法など、薬以外の治療も各種用意されている ・自分は不眠の認知行動療法も受けたがとても良かった
I was taken care of for about a year due to sleeplessness after childbirth, and I graduated from the hospital the other day. It's a great clinic. I think I was able to crawl out of hell because I met this clinic. The following are my personal impressions. Please note that the teacher's response and prescription may differ depending on the individual's symptoms. For reservation ・ It seems to be very popular and it is difficult to make an appointment (wait for a few months for the first visit) ・ I was waiting for cancellation and made an appointment for the first visit, so I happened to be canceled and was able to see the doctor early. About prescription ・ Be careful when prescribing addictive drugs (benzodiazepines, etc.) ・ Respects the wishes of the patient (they prescribe medicines that they want to try for several days) About drug reduction and withdrawal ・ In my case, I requested a drug reduction from here at a timing when I could reduce the drug, and started to reduce the drug. ・ The drug reduction was done one by one, little by little, over time, and the drug could be reduced smoothly with almost no withdrawal symptoms, and the symptoms did not recur even after the drug was stopped. About medical examination ・ Since it is a method to fill in the questionnaire on the WEB in advance, the second and subsequent examinations will take about 5 minutes. ・ If you enter questions on the WEB questionnaire, you will be able to answer them at the time of the examination. About the teacher ・ A gentle teacher who always smiles and listens to me ・ Kindness is exuding ・ Abundant knowledge of medicines and polite explanation at the time of prescription About treatment other than medical examination ・ Various treatments other than medicine are available, such as counseling and cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia. ・ I also received cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, but it was very good.

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