Kenkyugakuennanahoshi Clinic - Tsukuba

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kenkyugakuennanahoshi Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-2-7 Kenkyugakuen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0817, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987977
Postal code : 305-0817
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–1:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–1:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–1:30PM
Thursday 9AM–1:30PM
Friday Closed

2 Chome-2-7 Kenkyugakuen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0817, Japan
コウダチアキ on Google

thank you for helping me.
アキサバ on Google

初診の予約を取ろうと電話したのに出ない。 一体何をやってるんだろ。
I called to make an appointment for my first visit, but I didn't answer. What the hell are you doing?
ふくく on Google

はじめての心療内科に通うのはとても不安で何度もネットでたくさんの病院を調べました。 病院ができてそれほど時間が経っていない為か口コミがなかったんですが、行ってみることにしました。 受付の方はとても親切で毎回気持ちよく通わせてもらってます。 先生も親切で優しく、私の話を全て聞いてくれます。パソコン入力中も話し出すと目見て話を聞いてくれます。一緒に改善点を考えてくれたりと、本当にこちらの病院にしてよかったと思います。 おかげで症状が良くなってきました。 すごくオススメします!! 少し遠いところにお住まいの方も来て損はないと思います。
I was very worried about going to the first psychosomatic department, so I searched many hospitals online many times. I didn't have word of mouth because the hospital was built and it didn't take long, but I decided to go there. The receptionist is very kind and I am able to communicate comfortably every time. The teacher is kind and kind and listens to all my stories. If you speak while you are typing on your computer, you can listen and listen. I think it was really nice to make this hospital so that we could think of improvements together. Thanks to that, my symptoms have improved. I highly recommend it! ! I don't think it would be a loss for those who live a little further away.
羽根 on Google

気を付けて下さい。問題が起こる前まではいい印象でした。ここの医院の医者さんはあまり中身のある親身な先生とは到底言えない方です。 きっと比較的とても軽度な初期の方向けの場所だと思いますのでその点だけは踏まえての以下、体験談と共に注意書書かせて下さい。 蓋を開けたら最悪な対応をされました。 なんて度量の無い狭い酷いポリシーな方なんだと。元々患っていたものが更にここの医者の所為で悪化した挙句に大病院への入院勧告を勝手にされて勝手に患者側の意思の有無も確認せず一方的にその他病院に回されましておかげ様で今も人間不審です。酷く酷く悪化しました。ある意味ありがとうございます。怨んでます。 もう2度と行きたくないし本当ならわざわざコメも書きたくない程です。
please be careful. It was a good impression before the problem occurred. The doctors in the clinic here are far from being friendly teachers with a lot of content. I'm sure it's a relatively very mild place for the early days, so please let me write a note with your experiences below based on that point. When I opened the lid, I got the worst response. What a narrow and terrible policy person. What I was originally suffering from became worse because of the doctor here, and I was given a recommendation to be admitted to a large hospital without permission, and I was unilaterally sent to another hospital without confirming the intention of the patient. I'm still suspicious of human beings. It got worse and worse. Thank you in a way. I'm grudged. I don't want to go there again, and if it's true, I don't want to bother to write rice.
L on Google

こちらに通い始めて3回目の受診になりました。 心療内科に通うだけにどんな先生なのか不安がありましたが、話をしっかり聞いてくれる、説明をちゃんとしてくれるという所が安心感に繋がったので通い続けています。 実力があるスマートな先生というイメージです。 初診の時に問診票を書くと思いますが、心療内科に限らず、問診票を見てないかのように話をする先生が多く居ますが、こちらではちゃんと記入した内容を確認したり、詳しく聞いたりしてしっかり薬の処方の為に理解をしてくれているという印象がありました。最後には聞き漏れがない様に、伝えた事をまとめて頂き、その上で薬の説明があったのでスムーズでわかりやすく、信頼出来ました。 カウンセリングに通いながらいろんな問題と向き合っていますが、努力だけではどうにもならない身体の症状の改善の為に通い始めましたが、必要以上にいろんな事を根掘り葉掘り聞かれる事なく、1番の問題を的確に理解してそれに合った薬を相談、説明をして処方してくれる、という感じで薬も安心して飲めています。 何より薬がちゃんと効いてます。もちろん効き出すのに時間がかかりましたが…辛抱強く耐えるのみですね。 他の心療内科にも通った事がありますが、よくある、急かされている感じ、毎日数多くの患者を見ているせいか適当な感じ、なれなれしい、などはなかったので、大きな安心感に繋がりました。 受付の方もちょうどいい距離感で優しく接してくれています。 他の患者さんも受付であれこれ話してるというのがなく、皆さん静かに来て、静かに出て行くと言う感じなので、その静かさが落ち着きます。 あと、先生が部屋から出てきて静かに名前を呼ばれたら診察室に入るという流れです。 唯一の願いは安心感と信頼感があるこの感じが患者が増えても変わらない事を願います。
This is my third visit since I started going here. I was worried about what kind of teacher I was because I attended psychosomatic medicine, but I continued to attend because it gave me a sense of security that he would listen to me and give me proper explanations. It is an image of a smart teacher who has the ability. I think that I will write a questionnaire at the time of the first medical examination, but not only in psychosomatic medicine, there are many teachers who talk as if they are not looking at the questionnaire, but here you can check the contents you filled out properly and details When I heard it, I had the impression that he understood it well for prescribing medicine. At the end, I asked them to summarize what they had told me so that they would not miss it, and then explained the medicine, so it was smooth, easy to understand, and reliable. While attending counseling, I face various problems, but I started going to improve my physical symptoms that can not be helped by effort alone, but I did not dig up various things more than necessary and I was not asked to dig up the leaves, and the number one problem I can take the medicine with confidence because I understand exactly what it is and consult, explain, and prescribe the medicine that suits it. Above all, the medicine is working properly. Of course it took some time for it to work, but ... I just endure it patiently. I have attended other psychosomatic medicine departments, but I didn't feel that it was common, urgent, appropriate because I see a lot of patients every day, and I didn't feel comfortable, so it gave me a great sense of security. I did. The receptionist also treats me kindly with just the right distance. Other patients don't talk about it at the reception desk, and everyone comes in quietly and goes out quietly, so the quietness calms down. Also, when the teacher comes out of the room and quietly calls his name, he enters the examination room. The only wish is that there is a sense of security and trust. I hope that this feeling will not change even if the number of patients increases.
YUI m on Google

受付の電話、コールが鳴っているのに何分も出ない...。話し中なら分かるが...。電話する時こんなにコールを鳴らしたのは初めてでした。ようやく電話に出た時も、特に前置きもなく、なんですか?って感じで、とても病状を話す気分にはなれなかった。 診療は良いものだと期待しております。
The reception phone and the call are ringing, but I can't answer for a few minutes. I know if it's busy ... It was the first time I had ringed such a call when I called. When I finally answered the phone, what was it without any preface? I didn't feel like talking about my medical condition. I expect that the medical treatment will be good.
M A on Google

I couldn't make an accurate diagnosis of the illness, and every time I was asked for symptoms, I just entered them into my computer and had no advice. After that, the examination was completed with the prescription of the medicine and the next appointment. Does this cure the illness?
EJ20 TY75 on Google

ここのクリニックは、ご自身で症状を説明できる方、ある程度ご自身で対処可能な軽度な方向けだと思います。 クリニックですので、カウンセリングなどは対応しておりません。 ここでの治療が不十分だと思う方は、認知行動療法やカウンセリングに対応している専門の大病院に行かれた方がよろしいかと思います。(私は経験者です) 前述ような高度な治療は難しいですが、日常的に心身の不調を感じる方には、漢方薬にも精通しておられますので貴重なクリニックだと思います。
I think that the clinic here is for those who can explain the symptoms by themselves and those who can deal with it to some extent. Since it is a clinic, we do not support counseling. If you think that the treatment here is inadequate, you should go to a large specialized hospital that supports cognitive behavioral therapy and counseling. (I am an experienced person) The advanced treatment mentioned above is difficult, but for those who feel physical and mental disorders on a daily basis, I think it is a valuable clinic because they are familiar with Chinese medicine.

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