
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ゆうメンタルクリニック大宮院

住所 :

Miyacho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0802 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://yuik.net/omiya/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday 10AM–12:30PM
Monday 10AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–12:30PM
Thursday 10AM–12:30PM
Friday 10AM–12:30PM
街 : Saitama

Miyacho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0802 Saitama,Japan
いゆ on Google

駅から近くであること、予約なしで行けること、受付の雰囲気も良い方か多いのことなどは良いところだと思います。 ただ、診察が最悪でした。 私が症状を伝えても、軽く受け流されて抗不安薬と睡眠導入剤を処方されるだけ。回転率を上げたいのはわかりますが。 挙げ句の果てには、いじめられていた時のトラウマを話させてもらった時に看護師さんと先生に鼻で笑われました。 そして、私の職業について必要以上に根掘り葉掘り聞いてきてその仕事の存在意義を否定し、馬鹿にされました。 限界だったので別の病院を探し、病院を変えますと伝えたところうちでは紹介状とか書きませんのでと言われ、まともに診察もせずそのまま帰らされました。お金はしっかり取られました。他に何か言うことはないのでしょうか。 今の病院は私の話や症状も聞いてくださる先生と出会うことができました。診察時間も長いうえに診察料金が低額です。 薬が欲しいとか今すぐみてもらいたいとかいう状況じゃないかぎり、いかないことをお勧めします。 他にいい病院はたくさんあると思います。
It is near from the station, it can go in without a reservation, I think a good place is such as thing or person may be accepted of the atmosphere often. However, examination was the worst. I also have to tell the symptoms, only be prescribed lightly Ukenagasa been with anti-anxiety drugs and sleep-inducing agent. I understand what I want to raise the rotation rate. To top it off, I laughed at the nose to the nurse and the teacher when I was allowed speak trauma of when I was bullied. Then, ask inquisitive than necessary about my profession denied the existence significance of the work, it has been a fool. Looking for another hospital because it was limit, it is among was reportedly changes the hospital is said to be because it does not write Toka letter of introduction, was go back as it is not decent to be consultation. Money was taken firmly. Do you not say anything else? Now the hospital was able to meet with the teacher who would also heard my story and symptoms. Examination fee to the examination time after even long is the small amount. It is recommended that you don't want to have a medicine that you want to get it right now. Other good hospital is I think that a lot.
rua ruru on Google

薬のことで他の先生の話も聞きたいと思い、いつも診察してくれている先生以外の診察を希望しました。女の先生で相談しやすそうだなとホッとしたのですが診察は最悪でした。寄り添うことは全くなく上から目線。悩んでいて相談したのにあまりの強めの圧や冷たさに泣きました…他の方の口コミにある通り当たり外れがあると思います。良い先生がたくさんいるなか悲しく残念でした。 会計にいつもいる事務の方は丁寧で話し方も優しい口調で、とても素敵な方だなと対応してもらう度に感じています。
I wanted to hear from other teachers about medicines, so I wanted to see a doctor other than the one who always sees me. I was relieved that it would be easy for a female teacher to consult with me, but the examination was the worst. Looking from above without snuggling up at all. I was worried and consulted, but I cried because of the strong pressure and coldness ... I think there is a hit or miss as in the reviews of other people. It was sad and disappointing that there were many good teachers. The clerical staff who are always in the accounting are polite and have a gentle tone, and I feel that they are very nice people every time.
鳴海福 on Google

スタッフさんが優しいです。大宮の心療内科はどこも混んでいて待ち時間も長いですがここも混んでいますが人数の割に診察まで待たない気がします。スタッフさんもテキパキしていますがやさしく、わからないことを聞いたら優しく教えてくれました。 大宮の周りにあまり大きいビルがないからかもしれませんが、部屋が少し狭かったのが残念でしたが、その分頑張ってすぐに診察できるようにしてくれているのかなと思いました。 カウンセリングはまだ一回しかやっていないのでわかりませんがよさそうなので続けて様子を見てみたいと思います。
The staff is kind. Omiya's psychosomatic medicine department is crowded everywhere and the waiting time is long, but it is also crowded here, but I feel that I do not wait until the medical examination for the number of people. The staff was also very cheerful, but they were kind, and when I heard something they didn't understand, they kindly taught me. It may be because there aren't many big buildings around Omiya, but it was a pity that the room was a little small, but I wondered if they were doing their best so that they could see the doctor immediately. I've only done counseling once, so I don't know, but it looks good, so I'd like to continue watching.
七味と一味 on Google

新年から心療内科くらいしか行くところなくて余計へこむ。 主にうつ病と睡眠障害を診てもらっています。軽いパニック障害みたいなのがあってから広場恐怖とか予期不安とか、色々併発してる。 それでも、ちゃんと通おうと思わせてくれる心理士さんがいる。 毎日辛かったり苦しかったり、寝て忘れようにも寝られなかったり、踏んだり蹴ったりの毎日だけど 心理士さんに会うために生きてるみたいだ。 でも、それじゃあ心理士さんヤですよね笑 ちゃんと、自分のチカラで生きられるように生き甲斐を探すのも手伝ってくれる。 自分の体調が良くなるのが一番の恩返しかなと思って日々過ごしています。 もう少し、もう少しなのかなと思うと寂しくてうつになる…のもよくないと思いなおして、そんな繰り返し。 いつかもう来なくて大丈夫と言われるのが怖い気もするけど、そう言われても大丈夫なように、治療、頑張ります。
From the new year, I only go to the psychosomatic medicine department, so I'm dented. I am mainly diagnosed with depression and sleep disorders. Since I had a slight panic disorder, I've had agoraphobia and anxiety about anticipation. Still, there is a psychologist who makes me want to go. It's hard and painful every day, I can't sleep even if I forget to sleep, I step on and kick every day It looks like he's alive to meet a psychologist. But then you're a psychologist, right? It will also help you find the worth of life so that you can live on your own power. I spend my days thinking that getting better is the best way to give back. I feel lonely and depressed when I think it's a little more, and I think it's not good, so I repeat that. I'm afraid that I won't come anymore and I'll be told that it's okay, but I'll do my best to treat it so that it's okay to say so.
ガチャガチャ on Google

都内で有名な心療内科が大宮にできると聞いて通い始めて、もう一年近くなるな。 思えば良いタイミングで受診できたと思う。最初は採血やら薬も二週間とかでなんだそりゃと思うこともあったけど 聞けばちゃんと理由も教えてくれるし、自分の無知がわかるばっかりだった。 自分の診断はうつ病ということで、ずっともやもやしたりイライラしたり落ち込んで何も手につかなかったりっていうのにはっきりと病名をもらって治療していくことに。 ずっとなんだか生き辛いというか、大人になったからだと思ってやなこともずっと我慢してたけど、薬で軽減できることだった。 ここで薬をもらって、決まった日にちにカウンセリング。そんな生活を一年弱。 昔からの友達と会話してて、そういえば、子供の頃はこういう人間だった気がするという感覚があって、帰ってから泣くほどうれしくなった。 うつ病を大人の行き辛さだとむりやり呑み込んで生きてきた何年か、むだにしたなと思うこともあるけど…今治ってほんとうによかった。 自分で言うのもなんだけど、自分のまじめさに息が詰まっちゃうような人におすすめしたい。
It's been almost a year since I started going to Omiya when I heard that a famous psychosomatic medicine department in Tokyo could be established in Omiya. If you think about it, I think I was able to get a medical examination at the right time. At first, I sometimes thought that blood sampling and medicine would be done in two weeks. When I asked him, he told me the reason, and I just understood my ignorance. My diagnosis is depression, so I decided to get a clear name for the illness and treat it even though I was always sick, frustrated, and depressed and couldn't get anything. I had to put up with things that I thought it was hard to live for a long time, or because I became an adult, but it was something that could be alleviated with medicine. I got medicine here and counseled on a fixed date. I have lived such a life for less than a year. When I was talking to my old friends, I felt like I was such a person when I was a kid, and I was so happy that I cried when I got home. I sometimes think that I wasted a few years of living by swallowing depression because it was hard for adults to go, but ... I'm really glad that I'm cured now. I would say it myself, but I would like to recommend it to people who are suffocated by their seriousness.
komu komi on Google

埼玉県大宮市の中心地だった。駅前の通り沿いです。何度か行く人であれば、大宮駅から徒歩1分の距離といえると思う。どんだけ方向音痴でも迷えない場所にありました6( ´艸`)9 web問診システムや予約システムが完備されている。小さなクリニックだが、学生が多くいて待ちながら携帯いじっている人が多い。 診察は早く呼ばれる。 自動精算機が2台くらいあった。銀行のATMみたいにならぶ。 とりあえずは、薬を処方して様子を見ましょうということになった。 パニック障害という名前を付けるかどうかは微妙みたいです。 突然襲われる「不安な気持ち」は前からありましたが、今回、専門の医者に診てもらえたので安心できた。いってよかったです。
It was the center of Omiya City, Saitama Prefecture. It is along the street in front of the station. If you go there several times, you can say that it is a 1-minute walk from Omiya Station. It was in a place where I couldn't get lost even if I had no sense of direction. 6 (´ 艸 `) 9 It is fully equipped with a web interview system and a reservation system. Although it is a small clinic, there are many students who are waiting and playing with their mobile phones. The examination is called early. There were about two automatic checkout machines. Line up like a bank ATM. For the time being, I decided to prescribe a medicine and see what happened. Whether or not to name it panic disorder seems subtle. I had been suddenly attacked with "anxiety" for some time, but I was relieved to see a specialist doctor this time. It was good to say.
パクチ on Google

花粉の季節になると、頭が重くてボーっとして何もできなくなる。 耳鼻科もアレルギーの専門の病院も受診して、薬をいくつ変えても原因が分からず本当に辛かった。 うつ病の一環かもしれない、メンタルが原因で、その治療が必要かもしれないと気付いて、こちらを受診しました。 うつ病って、落ち込むだけというのも違うんですよね。 私の場合、しにたいとか何もかもイヤみたいな、負のエネルギーはあんまりなくて ただただ気力がゼロの状態と言った方が近かったです。だから気付くの遅れたんだけど。 花粉の薬のせいにしたり耳鼻科の先生をうらめしく思った時もありました。 本当に、先生も辛かったんだと思います。専門外の病気にまで向き合ってくれて素晴らしい先生でした。 原因は……決算期、繁忙期の仕事のストレスですね………本当に、なんで今まで気付かなかったんだろう。 一年前、できたばかりのここを受診して、ストレス過多は感じてたもののまだメンタルの薬というのに半信半疑で 少し良くなって6月頃には通院をやめて、また2月頭頃から症状が出ました。そして再度受診、今落ち着いているという状態です。 季節性のうつ病というのも存在します。原因は日照時間とか色々、私みたいに仕事の季節柄という人も。 とにかく辛ければ手遅れになる前に一度気軽に受診した方が良い。 ここのお陰で、辛い春の時期を乗り越えることができます。本当にありがとうございました。
In the pollen season, my head is heavy and I can't do anything. I went to an otolaryngologist and a hospital specializing in allergies, and no matter how many medicines I changed, I couldn't figure out the cause and it was really painful. I went to see this because I realized that my mental illness, which may be part of my depression, might require treatment. It's also different from being depressed and just being depressed. In my case, I don't have much negative energy, like I don't like everything. It was closer to just saying that the energy was zero. So I was late to notice. There were times when I blamed pollen medicine and envied my otolaryngologist. I think the teacher really had a hard time. He was a wonderful teacher who dealt with illnesses outside his specialty. The cause is ... the stress of work during the accounting period and busy period ..... I wonder why I didn't notice it until now. A year ago, when I visited this place, which was just completed, I felt overstressed, but I was skeptical that it was still a mental medicine. I got a little better and stopped going to the hospital around June, and started to have symptoms again around the beginning of February. Then I went to see him again and now I am in a calm state. There is also seasonal depression. The cause is various things such as daylight hours, and some people like me have a seasonal pattern of work. Anyway, if it's painful, you should feel free to visit us before it's too late. Thanks to this, you can overcome the difficult spring season. I'm really thankful to you.
いがぐりたわし on Google

ここに来て一年という事は、大切なものを失って一年なんだなと感慨深く。 最初の頃は生きていける気がしなかったけど、それでもなんとかやっています。 立ち上がれないほど落ち込む、うつ病、眠れない、睡眠障害 なんとか仕事に行っても失敗したり、また大事なものが消えてしまうんじゃないか、失敗を繰り返すんじゃないかという予期不安 事情を説明するとそれは仕方ないねと言ってくれた初診の時のことを思い出しました。 辛くて辛くてこのまま目覚めなければいいのにと布団に入るのも、体は元気で働けるはずなのに働けないのも 辛いことがあったんだから仕方ないと、誰かに言ってもらいたかった 自分で自分に言ってあげられなかったから。 適度に自分を甘やかしながら律しながらきっと誰も生きてるんだと思うけど 自分みたいに心が弱ってたり、傷ついてる時に、仕方ないんだよ、休んでいいんだよって いつか自分も、人に言ってあげられる余裕ができたらいいなと思う なんか長々書いちゃったな 一年、一年か。 先生と、カウンセラーさんのお陰で、今生きてます それだけ伝えようと思って書いたんだ 次は、そのお陰で幸せですって書けるようになりたい
I am deeply moved that one year has passed since I lost something important. At first I didn't feel like I could live, but I still manage to do it. Depression, sleeplessness, sleep disorders I'm worried that even if I manage to go to work, I will fail, and important things will disappear, and I will repeat failures. When I explained the situation, I remembered the time of my first visit when he told me that it was unavoidable. It's spicy and spicy, so I shouldn't wake up as it is, and I can't work even though my body should be able to work well. I wanted someone to tell me that I had a hard time I couldn't tell myself. I'm sure everyone is alive while spoiling themselves moderately When my heart is weak or hurt like myself, it can't be helped, it's okay to rest I hope someday I can afford to tell people I wrote something for a long time One year, one year? Thanks to my teacher and counselor, I'm alive now I wrote it with the intention of telling that much Next time, I want to be able to write that I am happy thanks to that

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