Miyahara Mental Clinic

2.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Miyahara Mental Clinic

住所 :

Miyaharacho, Kita Ward, 〒331-0812 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88999
Webサイト : http://www.miyahara-mental.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 2–5PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : Saitama

Miyaharacho, Kita Ward, 〒331-0812 Saitama,Japan
ほむらひやく on Google

First of all, I called in the morning and was told that it was only available at 9:45, but it was too crowded to make it in time because I came from afar. Even so, I will see other people first, so I will see them later. I was told, but I didn't seem to be in time, and I didn't pick up the phone after 11 o'clock to contact me. If you go to talk after the hospital opens in the afternoon, make a reservation in the afternoon. It became. The patient was liable even if the patient called and was late in a situation where the hospital could not normally answer the phone. Even if I try to change it by online reservation because it is unlikely to be in time. Your reservation is closed. Is only displayed. I can't believe this hospital anymore. If you want to go here, I think it's better to be in the neighborhood. I was warned that another receptionist would come to the hospital with the approval when another receptionist answered the phone that he was already late for the receptionist who had a good physical constitution. The teacher is a teacher who does not easily strengthen the medicine, but the reception is too disappointing.
さささ on Google

採血のボブの看護師が感じ悪い。いつも無表情で怖い。 最低限の声掛けもないときがある。(チクッとしますよなど。) 普通の病院でもあんな看護師見たことないです。 メンタルクリニックだからこそ 最低限、気を遣ってほしい。特に採血はデリケートなこと。 感覚過敏の方、血を見るのが苦手な方、トラウマがある方、女性恐怖症の方、対人恐怖症の方、様々な恐怖症を抱えてる人達がやっとの思いで治療を受けに来てると思います。 私もその1人です。不安になるような態度やめてほしいです。それだけが毎回モヤモヤして、せっかく治療を受けに来てるのに気分が悪くなります。 先生や受付の方の対応はとても良いです。
Bob's nurse is uncomfortable with blood sampling. Always expressionless and scary. Sometimes there is no minimum voice. (It makes me sick, etc.) I have never seen such a nurse in an ordinary hospital. Because it is a mental clinic At the very least, I want you to be careful. Especially blood sampling is delicate. People with hypersensitivity, those who are not good at seeing blood, those with trauma, those with gynophobia, those with social phobia, and those with various phobias are finally coming to receive treatment. I think. I am one of them. I want you to stop the anxious attitude. That's the only thing that makes me sick every time, and even though I've come to receive treatment, I feel sick. The correspondence of teachers and receptionists is very good.
西村絵美 on Google

私は初診でお世話になり、 そこから引越しや出産で転院しましたが 再び戻ってきて10年近くお世話になっております。 酷評が多いようですが、何故だかわかりません。 受付の方は入れ替わりありますが みなさん親切で嫌な思いをしたことはありません。 医師はずっと院長先生が担当ですが、 短い診察時間でも出来る限り話を聞いてくれますし、 お薬も色々考えて出してくれます。 減薬したいと言えば考えてくれますし、 何かと融通を利かせてくれたり、 自立支援医療制度もわからなかったのですが、 勧めてくださり受けられています。 どこの病院にかかってもそうですが、 こちらから伝えていかないと 医師でもわからないと思いますよ。 たまに素っ気ない時もありますが、 医師だって医師の前に人です。 その日その時の気分もあるでしょう。 パソコン見てる時はありますけど、 こちらが真剣に話している時は手を止めて ちゃんと目を見て話を聞いてくれますよ。 私は2度ほど転院しましたが、 心療内科や精神科、どこも同じような診察時間ですし、 ここより話を聞いてくれない、待たされる、 薬も変なものを出されて動けなくなる等、 怖い思いをしたので、 ここが一番信頼できる病院です。 話を長々と聞いてもらいたい人は そもそもカウンセリングを受けるべきでは? 精神科医とカウンセラーは一緒ではありません。 本当に辛くて今すぐ診てもらいたい人は 予約もとりやすいですし、 初診は丁寧なカウンセリングや心理テストなど しっかりした上で診断してくれるのでおすすめですよ。
I was taken care of at the first visit, I was transferred from there due to moving or giving birth. I have been back again for almost 10 years. It seems to be criticized, but I don't know why. The receptionist may change, Everyone is kind and has never felt unpleasant. The doctor is always in charge of the director, He / she listens as much as possible even in a short consultation time. They will also think about various medicines. If you want to reduce the drug, he will think about it. Something flexible I didn't know the independence support medical system, but I have been recommended and accepted. As with any hospital, I have to tell you from here I don't think even a doctor can tell. Sometimes it ’s not easy, but Even doctors are people in front of doctors. You will feel that day. There are times when I'm looking at a computer, Stop when you're talking seriously They will look at you and listen to you. I was transferred twice, Psychosomatic medicine and psychiatry all have similar consultation times, Don't listen to me from here, wait, Something strange was given to the medicine and I couldn't move. I was scared, so This is the most reliable hospital. For those who want to hear the story for a long time Should I get counseling in the first place? Psychiatrists and counselors are not the same. For those who are really painful and want to see you right away It's easy to make a reservation Careful counseling and psychological tests for the first visit It is recommended because it will make a diagnosis after making a firm decision.
すー on Google

確かに採血の看護師さんはその時々によって感じ悪い時もあります(^_^;) でもそういう方なんだと割り切っています。 担当の先生がとても話しやすく、思わず泣いてしまっても、よく話を聞いてくださり、的確なアドバイスをしてくださいます。 薬の量もちょうどいいです。 受付の方の対応も良いし私にとっては今までで一番良いメンタルクリニックです!
Certainly, blood sampling nurses sometimes feel uncomfortable (^ _ ^;) But I'm pretty sure he's that kind of person. The teacher in charge is very easy to talk to, and even if you cry unintentionally, he will listen to you and give you accurate advice. The amount of medicine is just right. The receptionist is very friendly and it is the best mental clinic I have ever had!
らぶりー on Google

受付や先生に嫌な思いをしたことはありません。 ストレスで通院していましたが、今では回復して薬を飲まなくて良くなりました。 初診の時にテストのようなものや、採血があります。 少し多めにお金をお持ちした方が良いと思います。 コロナ対策はされています。 受付にアルコールがあります。 窓で換気もされています。 予約制です。
I have never felt uncomfortable with the receptionist or the teacher. I used to go to the hospital because of stress, but now I am recovering and I don't have to take any medicine. There is something like a test at the first visit and blood sampling. I think it's better to have a little more money. Corona measures have been taken. There is alcohol at the reception. It is also ventilated by the windows. It is a reservation system.
てばさき on Google

I made an online reservation from HP and went for the first visit. I was worried because the word of mouth was bad, but the men at the reception, the psychologists, the teachers, and the blood collectors were all very kind. I cried while talking, but he listened to me and asked me to prescribe medicine for two weeks. I'm glad I went. It took about 2 hours because I had a diagnostic test and a blood test, and the bill was about 8000 yen.
M. on Google

紅(mirei) on Google

友人がこちらに通院歴があり紹介していただき一年ほど前から通わせていただいています。 入口が分かりにくい点はありますが堂々とメンタルクリニックに入るのが少し恥ずかしさもあったので私は気になりませんでした。 受付の方もきちんと理由を話せば対応してくださいますし不満に思った事は一度もありません。 待合の場所が狭い為、通院されていらっしゃるお年寄りの方の声が気になる事はありましたが。ただそれだけです。 採血の方も事務的ではありますが失敗された事はなくとてもスムーズです。 女医さんが担当ですがサバサバした感じで些細な事でも親身にお話しを聞いてくれ薬の効きなど毎回丁寧に聞いてくださいますしきちんと調整して貰えます。私はこの先生が大好きです。 一度通院すればネットで自宅でも予約ができるのでとても助かっています。 いつもありがとうございます。
A friend of mine has a history of going to the hospital and has been introducing me for about a year. The entrance is difficult to understand, but I was a little embarrassed to enter the mental clinic, so I didn't mind. The receptionist will respond if you tell me the reason properly, and I have never been dissatisfied. Since the waiting area is small, I was worried about the voices of the elderly people who are going to the hospital. That's it. Blood sampling is also clerical, but it has never failed and is very smooth. The female doctor is in charge, but please listen to me even if it's a trivial matter, and listen carefully to the effects of the medicine every time. I love this teacher. Once I go to the hospital, I can make a reservation online at home, which is very helpful. I am always grateful for your help.

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