kokorono Clinic - Saitama

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact kokorono Clinic

住所 :

5 Chome-6-6 Higashiomiya, Minuma Ward, Saitama, 337-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 337-0051
Webサイト : http://kokoro.saitama.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–6:30PM
Thursday 10AM–6:30PM
Friday Closed

5 Chome-6-6 Higashiomiya, Minuma Ward, Saitama, 337-0051, Japan
久美子浅沼 on Google

Both the teachers and the receptionist are kind.
愛もな on Google

I am receiving counseling but a female teacher is very kind and will listen to the story.
横田ノリオ on Google

ここはヤブです…(´・_・`) 何ヶ月も通ったけど、薬は変わらないまま。 原因もよく分からないまま。 一向に良くならないです… 他をこれから探します
This is a yab ... (´ ・ _ ・ `) I've been there for months, but the medicine hasn't changed. The cause remains unknown. It doesn't improve at all ... I will look for others
yrs ik on Google

人を傷つける言動や圧迫感のある高圧的な態度の医者だった。弱っている人間に対して正論をぶつけて悦を得ている。 短時間の診療なのにこの先生は私の事を大嫌いなのでは…?って思う事が何回もあった。 通うたびに帰りの電車で飛び降りて自殺したくなります。
He was a doctor with a high-pressure attitude that hurt people and had a feeling of oppression. I am delighted to hit the right theory against the weakened human beings. This teacher hates me even though it's a short medical examination ...? I had many thoughts. Every time I go, I want to jump off the train on my way home and commit suicide.
松本翼 on Google

The worst hospital. There are signs such as "Kokoro no Clinic", but it's a ridiculously ruthless hospital! It's not a hospital that can cure people's hearts! I called at various hospitals to see the cause without knowing the cause, but I said "I'm not home" and "I should go to the hospital I went to before". It seems to be troublesome even though I explain the degree. When you call this hospital, the receptionist will treat you without consulting a doctor! Does the receptionist have a doctor's qualification? I wanted to say. Nothing but unpleasant! Never call! My heart breaks!
Hitomi Noguchi on Google

間は空いた事もあるが、15年ほど通っていた。 カウンセリングと医師の診察をどちらも受けていた事もあったが、カウンセラーが会話中に時計を見る事が気になって、その後は診察のみにしていた。 諸事情により期間が空き、2年近く前からまた通い始めた。 通い続ける人の中には、その時その時でぶつかる問題は変わるだろう。 例えば 学校はつらいが、仕事になってからはスムーズに行ける 仕事はつらいが、家族との関係は良くなった気がする 等と、「ここがつらい」の基準は人それぞれだ。 医師の事は信頼していたし、何でも打ち明けて来たが、こんなに長く接しているにも関わらず、今回とても残念な事があった。 体調は心から来ていると分かっており、体調不良が続いていて、最後の砦と思い、診察を受けたところ、今までの診察では見た事もない程に突き放す口調をされた。 で、どうしたいの? 薬飲んだってアレコレ考えちゃうのは変わらないよ 等… それを言ってしまったら、じゃあ今まで私が打ち明けてきた出来事は?そして過去に処方されていた薬は?? 何の意味も無いのでは? 私は単に話を聞いて欲しくてダラダラ話すタイプではなく、そして今回はとてもつらかったので久々にまた受診したのだが 診察中に泣く事などない自分が、あまりの悔しさに涙が出そうだった。 帰り道、診察券を破り捨てた。 もう二度と来る事はない。 心療内科を受診したのに、あまりにも悔しく、更にどん底まで落とされた気持ちになった。 非常に残念だ。
There was a gap, but I had been there for about 15 years. I had both counseling and a doctor's consultation, but I was worried that the counselor would look at my watch during the conversation, and after that I only had a consultation. Due to various reasons, the period was vacant, and I started going again almost two years ago. For those who continue to attend, the problems they encounter at that time will change. For example School is hard, but I can go smoothly after work It's hard work, but I feel that my relationship with my family has improved. And so on, the standard of "this is hard" is different for each person. I trusted the doctor and confessed everything, but despite having been in contact with him for such a long time, I was very disappointed this time. I knew that my physical condition was coming from my heart, and I thought that I was the last bastion because I was still in poor physical condition. So what do you want to do? It's the same to think about taking medicine etc… If you say that, then what happened to me so far? And what medicines were prescribed in the past? ?? Doesn't it mean anything? I wasn't the type who just wanted to hear the story and talked lazily, and this time it was so painful that I went to see him again after a long time. I didn't cry during the examination, but I was almost crying because of my regret. On the way back, I tore the medical examination ticket. I will never come again. Even though I went to the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, I was so frustrated that I felt even more depressed. I'm very sorry.
染谷裕子 on Google

予約通りの時間でカウンセリングして頂けます。 受付の方も先生方も親切ですよ。
You can get counseling at the reserved time. The receptionist and the teachers are kind.
青木風凱 on Google

私は、社会不安障害を疑い人生で初めて心療内科に受診しました。20歳男性です。 クチコミの評価はやや低めな評価が多かったですが、先生はとても聡明で、腰も低く、当たり前かもしれませんがきちんと聞く耳立てて私の話を親身に紙に書き出しながら対処法や今後どうするべきかなどを語ってくれた為、個人的には5をつけさせてもらいました。 受付の方の対応は、全く不快感などはありませんでした。一般的な事務といった印象です。 今本気で悩んでる人がいるならば、一度受診してみるのはありかと思います。電話の時も緊張しましたが、優しく対応してくれました。 まとまらない文章失礼しました。
I suspected social anxiety disorder and went to the psychosomatic medicine department for the first time in my life. I'm a 20 year old man. Most of the reviews were rather low, but the teacher was very intelligent, low-profile, and although it may be obvious, he listened properly and wrote down my story on paper, and what to do and what to do in the future. I personally gave it a 5 because he told me if it should be done. There was no discomfort at all in the response of the receptionist. The impression is that it is a general office work. If there are people who are seriously worried now, I think it would be a good idea to have a medical examination once. I was nervous when I was on the phone, but he kindly responded. Excuse me for the disorganized text.

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