株式会社ひだまりハウス つくば店|つくば市の不動産屋

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社ひだまりハウス つくば店|つくば市の不動産屋

住所 :

Saiki, Tsukuba, 〒305-0028 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987
Webサイト : https://www.hidamarihouse-tsukuba.com/
街 : Ibaraki

Saiki, Tsukuba, 〒305-0028 Ibaraki,Japan
結城花穂梨 on Google

住宅の条件等もありますが、大きな買い物だからこそ、購入後もしっかりとサポートしてくれる不動産屋さんがいいと思い、ひだまりハウスさんにお願いすることにしました! 私たち夫婦に寄り添って物件を選んでくれましたし、周辺環境や学校区などの相談にも丁寧に相談に乗ってくださり、本当に感謝しています。 ありがとうございました!
There are some housing conditions, but I thought it would be nice to have a real estate agent who would support me even after the purchase because it was a big purchase, so I decided to ask Hidamari House! I am really grateful to our husband and wife for choosing the property and for taking the time to consult with us about the surrounding environment and school district. Thank you very much!
yuiki isaka on Google

I had lived a lot of transfers, but I had the prospect of finally settling down, so I decided to consult with a real estate agent about the housing. The atmosphere of the shop and the staff in charge were very good, and I had a good impression, so I signed up here without hesitation. I am looking forward to living in a new house. Thank you for your support.
高橋舞 on Google

I was very anxious when I was looking for a house for the first time, but I was able to find a house with peace of mind because I was a soft-mannered sales person.
フレディイースターブルック on Google

When I was considering buying my own home, I consulted with this real estate agent. I am only grateful for the very polite response. Once again, thank you very much for this time.
なーな on Google

他の不動産屋さんで物件を探す前にローン審査をすることを進められたのですが、そこの不動産屋さんでうまく対応してもらえず、、困っていたところ、クチコミがよかったひだまりさんにローン審査をお願いできないか相談したところ、とても親身になってくれ、ローン審査もスムーズに対応していただき本当に助かりました??? 担当していただいたサクライさん、気さくで熱心な方で安心して相談することができました。 ありがとうございました。?✨
I was able to proceed with a loan examination before searching for a property at another real estate agent, but the real estate agent there did not respond well, and when I was in trouble, I got a loan to Mr. Hidamari who had good reviews. When I consulted if I could ask for an examination, he became very friendly and the loan examination was handled smoothly, which was really helpful ??? Mr. Sakurai, who was in charge, was a friendly and enthusiastic person, and I was able to consult with confidence. Thank you very much. ?✨
松野義一 on Google

Thank you for your kindness and consultation! Thank you for your continued support.
アームストロング少佐 on Google

I'm glad that the company has a good reputation. I learned a lot about real estate that amateurs can't understand.
川辺風海子 on Google

結婚を機に地元である上尾市に帰ってくることになり、どうせならマイホームをと思ってこちらの不動産屋さんに相談しました! 私の両親もこの際一緒に住めると色々便利だと思い、なるべく大きくて部屋数も多い物件を探していたのですが最初はなかなか見つかりませんでした。 担当の方とも話し合いを重ねて複数の物件も見て回り、ついに理想通りの物件と出会うことが出来ました! 周辺の生活環境も整っていて、私たち夫婦も両親も大喜びです!! 担当の方のいつも明るく丁寧な対応には本当に好感を持てましたし、安心して話を進めることが出来ました! この度は本当にありがとうございました!
When I got married, I decided to return to my hometown of Ageo City, so I consulted with this real estate agent thinking of my own home anyway! My parents also thought that it would be convenient to live with them at this time, so I was looking for a property that was as large as possible and had as many rooms as possible, but I couldn't find it at first. After many discussions with the person in charge and looking around multiple properties, I was finally able to meet the ideal property! The living environment around us is in place, and we, the couple, and our parents are delighted! !! I really liked the cheerful and polite response of the person in charge, and I was able to proceed with the talk with confidence! This time, thank you very much!

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