Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital - Tsukuba

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Contact Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital

住所 :

1 Chome-3-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8558, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 305-8558
Webサイト : http://www.tmch.or.jp/hosp/index.html

1 Chome-3-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8558, Japan
しんぼひろみ on Google

他院に通院しており、此処整形外科でレントゲンを胸椎から腰椎の部分を正面と横の2枚をとこの様にとレントゲン画像を持っていき頼んだら、 断りも無く10枚もレントゲンを撮られた! ベッドに奥まで手を伸ばさせられて両脇のリンパも撮られた。被爆の方が心配になるわ? 医師からの説明もなく、こんなに撮られるなんて不安しかなくどうなってるんでしょう? 交通事故で行ったのに、その後 無かった喉痛みや、口の中の経験の無い苦味、胸が痛い、両脇が痛い等が発生し、寝るにも態勢を考えないと痛い毎日の状態になり、被爆もしてるんだろうと不安と心配の毎日。 二重の苦しみとなってしまっている! 依頼した脛椎~腰椎の横向きの画像も、短くて足りていず結局役不足に。 結果、県外病院で胸椎8番の圧迫骨折等発覚!信頼無し!
I went to another hospital, and if I asked for an X-ray from the thoracic spine to the lumbar spine in front and side, I would like to bring an X-ray image in this way. Ten X-rays were taken without notice! The bed reached all the way to the back and the lymph on both sides was also taken. I'm more worried about the bombing ? I'm just worried that I'll be able to take such a picture without any explanation from the doctor. I had a throat pain that I hadn't had since then, a bitter taste that I hadn't experienced in my mouth, a chest pain, a pain in both sides, etc. Every day I was worried and worried that I might have been exposed to the atomic bomb. It has become a double suffering! The sideways image of the shin to lumbar spine that I requested was too short and not enough, so I ended up with a shortage of roles. As a result, a compression fracture of the thoracic vertebra No. 8 was discovered at a hospital outside the prefecture! No trust!
まめちょこ on Google

6年ほど前に顔面神経麻痺でかかりました。画像診断等なく首の付け根が痛く鼻の奥がおかしいと言ったのに流されて治療終了。2年後舌の感覚がなくなり再度受診。その際も画像診断等なし。鼻の横が痛いと伝えると歯医者に行ってきてと言われて歯科受診するが異常なし。メディカルに何度か通院しているうちに鼻の奥から首を大きな塊が通る感覚があり伝えると副鼻腔炎じゃないの?耳鼻科紹介状書いてあげるから行ってきてと言われ紹介されたのは内視鏡もないカタコトの中国人の個人病院を紹介されて終わり。その後も顔の痺れや、鼻の奥の違和感などなど沢山の症状があり自分で病院を探してみたものの時すでに遅し…おおもとの原因は首を流れてしまっていた為分からず。更に2年後、薬服用で高熱や低血圧などを起こし某総合病院を受診するがメディカルに行って下さいと言われる。再度薬疹が出て某総合病院では受け入れてもらえないので救急外来でこちらに行くとアナフィラキシー として入院。状態は敗血症ショックと思われるが病院からの説明は無くアナフィラキシー ?他の病院で全て説明して相談した結果、縦隔嚢胞がある事がわかった。今も後遺症がある。早めに自分で別の病院へ移ればよかったと悔やまれる。画像診断が無いのはどうかと思う。
I had facial nerve paralysis about 6 years ago. I said that the base of my neck hurts and the back of my nose is strange without any diagnostic imaging, but I was swept away and the treatment ended. Two years later, the sensation of the tongue disappeared and she visited the clinic again. Even in that case, there is no diagnostic imaging. When I told him that the side of my nose hurts, I was told to go to a dentist and went to a dental clinic, but there was no abnormality. While I went to the hospital several times, I felt a big lump passing through my nose from the back of my nose, and when I told it, wasn't it sinusitis? I was told that I would go because I would write an otolaryngology referral letter, and I was introduced to a Chinese private hospital in Katakoto, which has no endoscope. After that, I had many symptoms such as numbness in my face and discomfort in the back of my nose. Two years later, taking medicine caused high fever and low blood pressure, and he went to a general hospital, but he was told to go medically. I got a drug eruption again and it was not accepted at a certain general hospital, so when I went here in the emergency outpatient department, I was hospitalized as anaphylaxis. The condition seems to be septic shock, but there is no explanation from the hospital and is it anaphylaxis? After explaining everything at other hospitals and consulting, it was found that there was a mediastinal cyst. I still have sequelae. I regret that I should have moved to another hospital as soon as possible. I wonder if there is no diagnostic imaging.
平塚知真子 on Google

父が緩和ケアセンターで5年間の長きに渡って、お世話になりました。 主治医はもちろんのこと、看護師さん、病棟のスタッフの皆様、本当に献身的に心とからだのケアをしてくださり、故人に代わって、心から感謝申し上げます。 地域医療との連携もスムーズで在宅での看護、介護を支えていただきました。 本当にありがとうございました。
My father has been indebted to me for five years at the palliative care center. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the doctors, nurses, and ward staff for their devoted care of the body and mind on behalf of the deceased. The cooperation with regional medical care was smooth, and they supported nursing and long-term care at home. I'm really thankful to you.

ここの小児科医には子供の命は預けられない。 子供に特殊なアレルギーがあり、複数の個人病院(小児科・耳鼻科)で薬等の処方を断られてメディカルの紹介状を渡され来院。 他の個人病院で断られた旨説明したにも関わらず、他の個人病院で受けられないのか? 担当医が「そんなアレルギー知らない」と言い放ち、他の個人病院の先生もどうせ知らないでしょ、だからもっかい個人病院行ってきたら?と言う始末。 アレルギー証明書を持つにも関わらず、そもそもアレルギーの前提を覆そうとしたり、もう話が通じず、めちゃくちゃ。 大企業病じゃないが、とりあえずの仕事してればお金貰える程度の診察しかしてくれない(できない)。 なにか起きたとき、環境が整ってるので個人病院がここを勧めるのは分かるが、少しでも違和感を覚えたら他の病院を探すべき。 命に危険が及んでからでは遅い。
The pediatrician here cannot entrust the life of the child. My child has a special allergy, so I was refused prescriptions for medicines at multiple private hospitals (pediatrics and otolaryngology) and was given a medical referral letter and visited the hospital. Can I not receive it at another private hospital even though I explained that it was refused at another private hospital? The doctor in charge said, "I don't know about such allergies," and the teachers at other private hospitals don't even know, so why not go to a big private hospital? The disposition to say. Despite having an allergy certificate, I tried to overturn the premise of allergies in the first place, and I couldn't understand the story anymore, so I messed up. It's not a big company illness, but if I work for the time being, I can only get a medical examination that will earn me money (I can't). When something happens, I understand that a private hospital recommends this place because the environment is in place, but if you feel any discomfort, you should look for another hospital. It's too late after the danger to life.
Gabu Kun on Google

i was here for emergency in midnight. overall maybe this is worst hospital in tsukuba. never think to come again.
Alma Arias on Google

My experience was excellent, everyone treat me kindly and respectfully. I only wait for 30 minutes for a doctor.
Krishna Khatri on Google

i was here for emergency . Looking not so busy but waiting time took its about 5 hours at midnight..
deepaxx07 on Google

Good thing is the hospital working on holidays also , and the doctors here are young and intelligent-and do proper treatment, bad thing is they charge ¥5400 and the medical fee and even then the waiting time is too long almost 1~2 hours .

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