Saigane Station - Kuji District

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Saigane Station

住所 :

Saigane, Daigo, Kuji District, Ibaraki 319-3362, Japan

Postal code : 319-3362

Saigane, Daigo, Kuji District, Ibaraki 319-3362, Japan
Abrujuhamid Bayasit on Google

The facilities are devised for unmanned stations, such as the train coming to the station in front of Maebamae. It has a different atmosphere from Shimo-Ogawa Station.
伊集院忍 on Google

単式ホーム1面1線を有する地上駅である。常陸大子駅管理の無人駅で、駅舎には公民館が併設されている。 旅客駅だが、構内に砂利(砕石)採集のための側線がある。 1983年(昭和58年)の水郡線CTC導入により、主要駅以外の直営駅は無人化・簡易委託化されたが、当駅は旅客利用は少ないものの砂利積み出し駅として長らく駅員を配置してきた。しかし2007年(平成19年)に無人化されて、砂利積み出しの作業時のみ信号操作の係員が出向くのみとなった。無人化に際し、出札窓口は板で覆われ、代わりに乗車駅証明書発行機が設置された。 砂利輸送の工事用臨時列車が水戸駅 - 当駅間に1往復設定されている。このため、水戸駅から当駅までの行き違い可能駅においては、ホキ800形貨車10両編成に対応した線路有効長がとられている。
This is a ground station with a single platform and one line per side. It is an unmanned station managed by Hitachi Daiko Station. A public hall is attached to the station building. Although it is a passenger station, there is a side line on the premises for collecting gravel (crushed stone). With the introduction of the CTC in Suigun Line in 1983, directly managed stations other than the main stations were unmanned and simplified outsourcing. . However, it was unmanned in 2007 (2007), and only signal handling staff came to work when loading gravel. When unmanned, the ticket counter was covered with a board and a boarding station certificate issuing machine was installed instead. One temporary train for construction of gravel transport is set up between Mito Station and this station. For this reason, at stations that can cross from Mito Station to this station, the effective track length is set to correspond to the Hoki 800-type 10-car wagon.
たまよし on Google

It became beautiful.
Help me! on Google

砕石運搬のホキが常備されており、構内に留置されています。 駅頭には西金駅開業記念碑が建立されています。
A hoki for transporting crushed stones is always available and is detained on the premises. A monument to the opening of Nishikin Station is erected at the station.
青柳美枝子 on Google

I was able to take a picture of the earth and sand and the earth and sand carrier!
apr on Google

いろいろ歴史ある駅です。特に西金駅設置の為の住民の激しい運動があったそうです。 駅を出て正面の 右と左 および 駅舎の左脇にも 合計3箇所 の記念碑があります。 駅の東側の久慈川の上の方の山から掘った砕石を(線路のバラスト)を貨車に積み込んでいます。昔は山から空中ケーブルで石を運んでました。 またこの山は雨が降ると滝が現れます。
It is a station with various history. In particular, there seemed to be intense movement of residents for the establishment of Nishigane Station. Exit the station on the right and left in front and on the left side of the station building There are a total of three monuments. The crushed stone dug from the mountain above Kuji River on the east side of the station is loaded onto the wagons. In the old days, stones were carried from the mountains by air cables. This mountain also has waterfalls when it rains.
イッコーインバーター on Google

An unmanned station that opened in 1918. The reading is "Saigane". The hoki is parked because it also serves as a gravel shipping station. There is a public hall in the station building. Volunteers clean the toilet. The apple orchard is also nearby.
コロネ310 on Google

昔から男体山、籠岩山などの山歩きをする人々が起点にしてきた駅でもあります。 砕石を運ぶ車両が目につきました。
It is also a station that has been the starting point for people walking around Mt. Nantai and Mt. Kagoiwa since ancient times. I saw a vehicle carrying crushed stone.

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