Hitachi-Daigo Station - Kuji District

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hitachi-Daigo Station

住所 :

Daigo, Kuji District, Ibaraki 319-3526, Japan

Postal code : 319-3526
Webサイト :

Daigo, Kuji District, Ibaraki 319-3526, Japan
Masa Tana on Google

I came to this station for climbing Mt. The Suigori Line is a local JR line from Mito to Koriyama. (There is also a branch line at Kamisugaya Station that leads to Hitachi-Ota, and we will take this tomorrow evening.) This is a full-line diesel car. The number of trains west of Kamisugaya Station is very small, one every one to two hours, as you can see in the timetable. There is a wonderful nickname called "Okukuji Seiryu Line", but it runs along the valley of Kuji River without being ashamed of its name, so the view is just a wonderful word. In order to climb Mt. Yatsumizo, I will take a bus bound for Serpentine at Ibaraki Kotsu at 7:55 tomorrow morning, but since there are only three buses a day, it is difficult to miss the first train. The wooden station building has a taste. When you get out in front of the station, a C12 steam locomotive is displayed beside the parking lot. There was a Yamazaki shop next to the station, so I asked the clerk if he could buy a rice ball in the morning tomorrow. He gave me Walk along the shopping street in front of the station towards Kujigawa. Not many people are walking. There are cafeterias, banks, shrines and elementary schools, but beyond that there are small mountains. I thought it was a town that was rich in nature, nostalgic, and soothing.
中小路朋明 on Google

茨城県北部 ローカル線である水郡線での主要駅です。 以外にもsuicaに対応しています。 高校も近くにあり朝夕は学生の姿で賑わう姿も。 有人駅で駅舎内にはコンビニ(ヤマザキ)が入居していてちょっとした買い物はここで済ませられます。 地元の名物や土産品なども取り扱っておりました。 駅舎内では駅弁の販売はありません。 そして一番の見どころは駅前に展示されているSL 12187号 思いのほか綺麗に展示されているので必見です。 駅前にはコインパーキングがありますが30分以内は無料でした。
It is the main station on the Suigun Line, which is a local line in northern Ibaraki Prefecture. Besides, it corresponds to suica. There is also a high school nearby, and in the morning and evening there are many students. At a manned station, there is a convenience store (Yamazaki) in the station building, and you can do a little shopping here. We also handled local specialties and souvenirs. Ekiben is not sold inside the station building. And the highlight is SL 12187, which is on display in front of the station. It is a must-see as it is displayed more beautifully than expected. There is a coin parking lot in front of the station, but it was free within 30 minutes.
弘法真魚 on Google

いい雰囲気でしたね。 昭和の映画のようで。
It was a nice atmosphere. It's like a Showa movie.
山田伝太郎 on Google

駐車場に車を止めてSLのイルミネーション を楽しみました。
Park your car in the parking lot and illuminate the SL I enjoyed it.
ゆうゆう on Google

There was a convenience store in front of the station, and the parking lot was impossible for 30 minutes.
菊地敏雄 on Google

バイクで国道461号線をひた走る今回の小旅行。前の休憩地点である道の駅那須与一の郷からおよそ1時間走ったので休憩がてらこの駅に停まった。 常陸はひたちだが大子はだいごと読むのだそう。何となくたいしと読んでいたが後で写真を見て間違いに気付いた。 のどかな駅。目の前に商店はいくつかあるが特に賑わうでもなく寂れているわけでもない。 せっかくなので駅のコンビニで缶コーヒーを買い駅前ベンチでのんびり過ごす。 特に何もないが目につくのはやはり蒸気機関車。C12という型だそうだ。横を見てみるとここが拠点の機関車だったのだろう。 この機関車を使ってイルミネーションするつもりなのだろうが、機関車は機関車のまま展示していたほうがいいんじゃないかと思えた。 それにしても時刻表を見たら本数の少なさに驚いた。これでは生活路線として不便すぎないか?しかもこの本数のために高額な車両を確保しておかないといけない。 やっぱり鉄道というのは大変だなあと実感した。
This excursion on National Highway 461 by motorcycle. I ran for about an hour from the roadside station Nasu Yoichi no Sato, which was the previous break point, so I stopped at this station after a break. Hitachi is Hitachi, but Daigo reads a lot. I read it somehow, but later I saw the picture and noticed the mistake. Idyllic station. There are several shops in front of me, but they are neither particularly busy nor lonely. Since it's a big deal, I buy canned coffee at the convenience store at the station and spend a relaxing time on the bench in front of the station. There is nothing in particular, but what you can see is the steam locomotive. It seems to be a type called C12. Looking to the side, it seems that this was the locomotive of the base. I think I'm going to use this locomotive for illumination, but I thought it would be better to display the locomotive as it is. Even so, when I saw the timetable, I was surprised at the small number of trains. Isn't this too inconvenient as a living route? Moreover, it is necessary to secure expensive vehicles for this number. After all, I realized that railways are difficult.
細谷三男 on Google

2月26日 常陸大子駅商店街を 周り 雛飾りを 飾っている店舗を撮影してみました 各店舗ごとに綺麗に雛飾りが飾られていました いつもの階段 飾りとは 違いますが各店舗が独自に飾っているので 周辺を散歩するのも よろしいと思います 土曜日だけ空いている1日カフェゆらぎでは美味しいものが たくさん置いてありました 一番の おすすめは大子 産 のりんごを使った アップルパイだそうです 美味しいものを食べながら散策するのも 良いと思います 時間がありましたら土曜日にいらしてみてください
February 26 I took a picture of the stores that decorate the apple pie around the Hitachi-Daigo Station shopping street. Each store was beautifully decorated with apple pies. It's different from the usual staircase decoration, but each one. Since the store is uniquely decorated, I think it's okay to take a walk around the area. There were lots of delicious foods at the one-day cafe Fluctuation, which is open only on Saturdays. It ’s a pie. I think it ’s good to take a walk while eating delicious food. If you have time, please come on Saturday.
Taylor on Google

Very friendly and helpful staff. Thank you! Nice small station. Very clean. There is a convenient store attached.

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