Okukujiringo Orchards - Kuji District

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Okukujiringo Orchards

住所 :

1580-5 Morigane, Daigo, Kuji District, Ibaraki 319-3364, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89799
Postal code : 319-3364
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

1580-5 Morigane, Daigo, Kuji District, Ibaraki 319-3364, Japan
みなみ on Google

アップルパイ美味しかったです! 毎回袋田の滝近くの小屋で販売されてるアップルパイを購入しますが、あいにく売り切れ… りんご購入目的にたまたま寄ったりんご園で1個250円のアップルパイを試しに購入。 その場で食べたら美味しい✨追加購入しました。 スタッフも親切だし、高徳りんご?蜜入りで美味しいし… 来シーズンもまたここに来よう!と思いました‼︎ 一杯100円の生りんごジュース?もあったなぁ。 気になったが飲み忘れたー!
The apple pie was delicious! I buy an apple pie sold at a hut near Fukuroda Falls every time, but unfortunately it's sold out ... I bought an apple pie for 250 yen each at an apple garden that I happened to visit for the purpose of purchasing apples. It's delicious if you eat it on the spot ✨ I bought an additional one. The staff are kind and delicious with Kotoku apples ? honey ... Let's come here again next season! I thought! ︎ A glass of 100 yen raw apple juice? There was also. I was curious, but I forgot to drink!
Jジェニファ- on Google

毎年 りんご刈りでお邪魔します。御家族総出でにより作業されていて りんご愛を感じます(^.^) 今年は猪が日中も出るようです。以前台風で被害があった河川敷のりんご園が再生され今回はこちらのりんごを頂きました♡ 年内 もう一度 お邪魔したいと思います。
I will bother you by cutting apples every year. I feel the love of apples as I am working with the whole family (^. ^) It seems that wild boars will appear during the day this year. The apple orchard on the riverbed that was damaged by the typhoon was regenerated, and this time I got this apple ♡ I would like to visit you again within the year.
よく柿食う客 on Google

特に、ここのアップルパイが大好きです。 パイ生地はサクッとしてるのにパサついてなくて程よいしっとり感、中のりんごのコンポートは程よい甘さと食感、絶妙にマッチしていて美味しいです。 リンゴを買いに行った際は必ずアップルパイも購入します。 たぶん、常時置いてあるわけではないと思うので、要確認です。 奥久慈の道の駅にて、地元のアップルパイを何種類か購入してみましたが、ピンと来るものがありませんでした。 しかし、こちらのお店のアップルパイは、私にベストマッチしました。
I especially love the apple pie here. Although the pie dough is crunchy, it doesn't feel dry and is moderately moist, and the apple compote inside is moderately sweet and textured. Whenever you go to buy an apple, you also buy an apple pie. Perhaps it is necessary to confirm because it is not always placed. I bought several kinds of local apple pie at Okukuji Road Station, but there was nothing to come with. However, this shop's apple pie was the best match for me.
宝塚記念宝塚記念 on Google

Correspondence is God. It is a direct sales place when I was looking for [Apple of Mizufu]. I was told that I didn't understand [Apple of Suifu], and when I was about to go home, I was given Kotoku and Hokoku as [Apple of Ibaraki]. I didn't know at that time because I didn't know Kotoku or Hokoku, but when I went home and looked it up, it was an apple that was only sold by reservation at this direct sales office. It was seriously dealt with by God. Moreover, it was delicious.
りょうまにあ on Google

In addition to picking apples, you can also buy apples in a harvested basket by weight. Apple juice and apple pie are very delicious and recommended!
Ssss Chan on Google

It is a recommended apple garden where you can pick apples. I was very kindly guided and had a delicious stomach. You can sample without hunting apples. It was too delicious and I bought a lot of different types. Apple juice made with sweet apples is also excellent.
やまざきまさかず on Google

11月半ばに行きました。幻と言われる こうとく と言われるりんごを買いました。今年最後の収穫らしく、買えて良かったです。スタッフさんも忙しいさなか、親切に対応いただきました。
I went in mid-November. It is said to be a phantom I bought an apple called Kotoku. It seems to be the last harvest of this year, so it was good to buy it. While the staff was busy, they kindly responded.
ミケ on Google

11月20日 夕方になりましたがりんご狩りに伺いました。 もう終わりに近い時期で 閉園時間も迫っていましたが とても丁寧な対応でした。 リンゴも甘くて美味しかったです。 アップルパイやジャム等の加工品も購入可能。 また来年も伺いたいと思います。
It was evening on November 20th, but I went to pick apples. The closing time was approaching near the end, but it was a very polite response. The apples were also sweet and delicious. Processed products such as apple pie and jam can also be purchased. I would like to ask you again next year.

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