
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼とり炭小屋

住所 :

Saginuma, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0004 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Saginuma, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0004 Kanagawa,Japan
Teru Shu on Google

It is a traditional yakitori shop. Although the owner seems to have changed on the way, it is still as delicious as in the past. Chicken crackers are very good for beer. I think it is relatively reasonable.
m t on Google

全ての料理が美味しい!コワモテの店員さんですが、実はシャイでやさしいです。テーブル席は、仕切りらずにオープンスタイルにした方が嬉しい。テーブル席同士が近いので、隣に気を使ってしまい、落ち着いて飲み食いしづらいので。あと、クレジットカード使えるけど、レジの故障との事で明細が出ません(ー ー;)
All dishes are delicious! I'm a clerk at Kowamote, but she's actually shy and kind. It would be nice if the table seats were open and open. Because the table seats are close to each other, they tend to pay attention to the neighbors, making it difficult to eat and drink. Also, I can use a credit card, but I can't get a statement because the cashier is out of order.
東谷紳一 on Google

行きつけの焼き鳥屋が休みだったので、試しに行きましたが、接客については非常に残念でした。素人レベルです。 歓迎されている感じが全くしませんでした。 お金をはらう意味を感じませんでした。もう2度と行きません。
My favorite yakitori restaurant was closed, so I went to try it, but I was very disappointed with the customer service. It is an amateur level. I didn't feel welcome at all. I didn't feel the meaning of paying money. I will never go again.
クロスボーンズ on Google

It used to be delicious and used to go a lot, but has the owner changed? It was different from the past. When you tell a clerk the old menu, you can see the face "???". I liked the fried tofu made on the spot, but what I came up with was a lightly-baked commercial fried fried fried broth...
真流譚蜻蜒 on Google

「焼き鳥には黒ビールだよね!」「わかってるよね!」って感じで黒ビールが置いてあります。黒がちょっと苦手の人でも「黒ビールのハーフ&ハーフ」とお願いすれば普通のビールと割ってくれますので、黒ビールの味わいに慣れて楽しんで欲しいと思っています。 焼き鳥はハツ元、セセリなんかの希少部位が限定でありまして、早めに入らないとすぐ無くなります。 大きな店では無いので、19:00ぐらいになるとカウンターまでいっぱいになりがちなので注意です!お気に入りの店に入れないと結構がっかりしますよね。
"It is a black beer for Yakitori!" "I know it!" There is a black beer in the feeling. Even people who are not very good at black can divide it with ordinary beer if they ask "Half and half of black beer", so I hope that you get used to the taste of black beer and enjoy it. Yakitori is limited to rare parts of the original source of Hatsu and Seseri, and will soon disappear if it does not enter early. It's not a big store, so be careful when it's around 19:00, as it tends to fill the counter! If you don't put it in your favorite store, you will be quite disappointed.
ken tetsu on Google

行きつけの店です。なんこつ、砂肝、はつ、しろは絶品です。これらは値段も110-130くらいで食べられるので永遠と食べられます。ただ、砂肝は毎回早く品切れになってしまうので早めに注文することを勧めます。 鶏鍋も美味しいので冬の時期にはぴったり。丼は焼き鳥丼がおすすめ。でてくるまで時間がかかるが、タレの焦げた匂いとシシトウ、皮、もも肉がちょうどいい塩梅です。
It is a shop for me. Tonkotsu, sand liver, hats, mullets are exquisite. These can be eaten forever because it can be eaten at around 110-130. However, we recommend that you order as soon as the sand liquor becomes out of stock every time. Chicken hot pot is also delicious so it is perfect for the winter season. For bowls, Yakitori-don is recommended. It takes time to come by, but the burnt smell of sauce and shishitou, leather, thigh meat is just right.
sepia 720 on Google

料理は1級で素晴らしいコスパで大好きなお店でしたが、最近入ったのか若いバイトの対応が稀に見るレベルで最低。 目を瞑れないほど不愉快でとても悲しい。 新人教育ちゃんとしてほしい。大好きなお店だったのに…。
The food was first-class and I loved it because of its wonderful cospa, but it's the lowest level that I rarely see the correspondence of young part-timers, probably because I recently entered. It's so unpleasant and so sad that I can't close my eyes. I want you to be a newcomer education. It was my favorite shop ...
Koichi on Google

友人とお疲れ会での利用。 店は行って直ぐの席だったが、煙臭さや外気の影響はなかった。 店内は「小屋」らしい内装でしかもいい具合に鄙びてるので雰囲気はある。 ウリの焼き鳥は、素材はよいと思う。ただ、焼き台の制限か何かかでガス臭い焼き物があった。 価格は高くも安くもない。 店員さんの動きはテキパキしており、コールボタンを押して待たせることは少なかった。(雨天の金曜日21時頃)
Use at a meeting with friends. The store was seated right away, but there was no influence of smoke or outside air. The inside of the store is decorated like a “hut”, and it has a nice atmosphere. I think the materials are good for cucumber yakitori. However, there was a gas-smelling pottery due to the limitations of the grill. The price is neither high nor cheap. The movement of the store clerk was crazy, and it was rare that the call button was pushed and kept waiting. (Around 21:00 on a rainy Friday)

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