
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact くしやきとりびより

住所 :

Utsukushigaoka, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒225-0002 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8998
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Utsukushigaoka, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒225-0002 Kanagawa,Japan
千本久留米 on Google

いい感じに汚めで美味しい。 メニューも豊富。 ここで必ず頼むキノコ串は、キノコ好きにはたまらないb級グルメ的一品。 必ず歯にエノキが挟まる。
It is dirty and delicious. There are also plenty of menus. The mushroom chopsticks that I always ask for here are b-class gourmet items that are unbearable for mushroom lovers. Enoki is always caught in the teeth.
yk same on Google

躊躇なく星5。 メニュー全て美味しい。
Stars 5 without hesitation. All the menus are delicious.
Mayumi Okpora (あそび屋Kai) on Google

お料理が出てくるのにちょっと時間がかかるけど、焼き鳥もそれ以外のお料理も超絶品のお店! 昔ながらの呑み屋さんって感じの雰囲気のお店なので、女性一人だとちょっと入りにくい雰囲気かも。 壮年のおじさま方がお仕事帰り一杯飲みに来ている印象が強い。 特に串焼き系がオススメなので、焼き鳥好きの人はぜひトライしてみて!
It takes a while for the dishes to come out, but Yakitori and other dishes are superb! It's like a traditional grudge shop, so it might be a little difficult for a woman to enter. There is a strong impression that the uncles of the middle age came to drink a cup after work. Especially skewers are recommended, so if you like yakitori, try it!
イチノビモンジ on Google

The food and drinks are delicious and comfortable.
S Portaskaig on Google

A wide variety of skewers. It's fun to choose. If you ask for it, you can choose salt or sauce and have it baked, so you can enjoy the best taste. Other dishes are also substantial and it feels good.
中村秀一 on Google

テイクアウトで頂きました。 どれも美味しかったです。 春巻き好きの私ですが、こちらの春巻きはかなりお勧めです。 次回は是非お店で出来たてを味わいたいです。 駐車場はすく隣にコインパーキングがあります。
I got it at takeout. They are all delicious. I like spring rolls, but I highly recommend this spring roll. Next time, I definitely want to taste the freshly made food at the store. There is a coin parking lot next to the parking lot.
R H on Google

先日、ちょい呑みイベントで初めて入りました。 いつも、夜になると煙がもくもくしていて、店内はお客さんでいっぱいなので、常連さんが多いんだろうなと思いますが、これならまた行きたくなる!というお店でした。 駅から少し歩きますが、お勧めです。
The other day, I entered for the first time at a small drinking event. The smoke is always cloudy at night, and the store is full of customers, so I think there are many regulars, but this makes me want to go again! It was a shop called. It's a short walk from the station, but it's recommended.
ken tetsu on Google

予約していきました。木曜に行ったので人はそんなにいなかったですが、普段は予約しないと行けないらしいです。 美味しかったのは豚バラでえのきを巻いた串は美味しかったです。ボリュームと味付けが抜群 だし巻き卵はふっわふわで美味しかった、味は甘めだったので好みではなかったですが食感で感動 サワーやお酒の種類は小さいお店の割にとても多く満足できました
I made a reservation. Because I went on Thursday, there were not many people, but I usually do not seem to be able to go without booking. The delicious skewers with sweet potatoes were delicious. Volume and flavoring are outstanding Dashi rolled eggs were fluffy and tasty, the taste was sweet, so I did not like it but I was impressed with the texture The kind of sour and sake was very satisfying for small shops

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