
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 海老民

住所 :

Ryosei, Ayase, 〒252-1126 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87787
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Ryosei, Ayase, 〒252-1126 Kanagawa,Japan
太田明宏 on Google

You can think of it as a set restaurant where you can eat soba noodles at noon, and a bar where you can eat soba noodles at night. If you are in the neighborhood of your house, you will enter at least once every three days.
松本勉 on Google

It is a soba shop. Will deliver it. The taste changes each time. I remember the price wasn't too high.
ハナゲ紳士 on Google

近所の食事処開拓的な感じで行きましたが、うーん。いわゆる居酒屋。家族向けではないです。 チェーン店に慣れた人には常連さんがマスクレスでテーブル越しでしゃべってきたり、店員さん同士愚痴言ってたりと、駐車場が近くにない、料金も割と高値など感じましたのでこれはまあお好みで。 後日持ち帰りも頼んでみましたが金額のわりにはあ…な内容でしたのでおすすめ度は低いですね。 力うどんのお餅がサトウの切り餅一個を半分にし ただけを提供ってきついすわ
I went to a restaurant in the neighborhood with a pioneering feeling, but hmm. So-called izakaya. Not for families. For those who are accustomed to chain stores, regulars talked over the table without masks, and the clerk complained, and I felt that there was no parking lot nearby and the price was relatively high, so this is okay. as you like. I asked him to take it home at a later date, but it wasn't recommended for the amount of money, so it's not recommended. Power udon rice cake halves one cutted rice cake of sugar I'm just offering you
ふんちゃん on Google

おかみさんが良い❗ アルバイトさんも良い❗ 味が美味しく低料金❗最高です‼️
Mom is good ❗ Part-time job is also good ❗ The taste is delicious and the price is low ❗ The best‼ ️
ちゃっくばす on Google

It's a retro shop. I felt that there were many regulars. Katsudon was delicious. The soba soup was light. Is it just a coincidence?
伊藤真悟 on Google

Lunch is also available during the day, so it is cheap and voluminous. It's good. The large serving is amazing.
takumi fukuroda on Google

昔ながらの定食屋さん 安くてボリュームもあって 美味しいです❗️
Old-fashioned set meal shop Cheap and voluminous It's delicious ❗️
Angmallen on Google

Very good food, small place but friendly atmosphere

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