お蕎麦 増田屋 寺尾台店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact お蕎麦 増田屋 寺尾台店

住所 :

Teraodai, Ayase, 〒252-1137 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Teraodai, Ayase, 〒252-1137 Kanagawa,Japan
大和ネコ左衛門 on Google

It has a handmade feeling and is delicious.
山野宏次 on Google

We recommend curry, grilled rice and ramen with a nostalgic taste.
泉隆之 on Google

暖簾わけで有名な店名 素朴で地元に親しまれるお店ですね
The name of the store, which is famous for its warmth It's a simple and local shop
Takahashi Seiji on Google

There are many menus posted, so let's look around the wall. There is also Chinese food. There is also a parking lot across the city road.
コハル on Google

ふらっと車で行けるおいしいお店です。 いつも行こうと思っていて この前ようやくいけました。GOOD!!
It is a delicious shop that can be visited by a flash. I was thinking of going all the time Finally I finally got through. GOOD! !
YU SE on Google

5台程度停められそうな駐車場が近くにあります。 禁煙や分煙は実施されていません。 支払いは現金のみです。 美味しい蕎麦が食べられます。 フラッと寄ってサッと食べるには便利なお店かと思います。
There is a parking lot near where you can park about 5 cars. No smoking or smoking. Payment is cash only. You can eat delicious soba. I think it's a convenient place to go for a quick meal.
Fumuka Fumie on Google

小さな交差点角地で車だとちょいと入り難いですが店舗左手に車2台駐車可能!裏側からもはいれます。 大通り面から見た店舗外観より中は広く4人テーブル5席と小上がりに4人座卓3席あります。 そばうどん他に中華系もありサンマーメンや炒飯、ラーメンもあります。 写真のはランチ定食のかき揚げ丼、そば付きです。 キャッシュレス決済可能!
It's a little difficult to get in by car at a small intersection corner, but you can park two cars on the left side of the store! You can also insert it from the back side. The inside of the store is wider than the exterior of the store as seen from the main street, and there are 5 seats for a 4-person table and 3 seats for a 4-person table. In addition to soba udon, there are also Chinese foods such as sun mamen, fried rice, and ramen. The one in the photo is a lunch set meal with kakiage bowl and soba noodles. Cashless payment is possible!
Eisen “Eisenheim” Heim on Google

A language barrier, but they had English translated menues and were extremely hospitable. A hole in the wall type of place that is exceptionally priced and full of flavor. 10/10

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