
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 磯ふじ

住所 :

Shimoimaizumi, Ebina, 〒243-0435 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Shimoimaizumi, Ebina, 〒243-0435 Kanagawa,Japan
マクベイン on Google

配達もやってるそうで…量にびっくりしました笑 味も最高です(^^)
It seems that they are also delivering ... I was surprised at the amount lol The taste is also the best (^^)
HORO on Google

日替わりランチセットを頼みました 天とじ丼+もり蕎麦860円、蕎麦も丼も単品と同じ量なので、お腹いっぱいになりました。味も美味しいですね。ただ、量が多いので自分の胃袋に自信のない方は単品で注文をお勧めします。
I ordered a daily lunch set Tentoji bowl + Mori soba noodles 860 yen, the amount of soba noodles and rice bowl is the same as a single item, so I was full. The taste is also delicious. However, because of the large amount, we recommend ordering as a single item if you are not confident in your stomach.
takenori izumi on Google

Reasonable for those who want to eat full. We recommend a set of rice bowl and noodles for less than 1,000 yen. However, to be clear, there are 2 servings, that is, 2 servings, so if you can't eat it, you should ask to reduce it from the beginning so as not to waste it. The taste is home-style at the father's and mother's shop. I really like it.
裕基大塚 on Google

家族で初めて行きました。 口コミ見ないで失敗 子供は食べきれませんでした 私も大盛りを注文してしまい、 食べるのに苦労しました。 味は美味しいので、ぜひチャレンジしてみて下さい
I went there for the first time with my family. Failure without seeing word of mouth The child couldn't eat I also ordered a large serving I had a hard time eating. The taste is delicious, so please try it.
Yukitaka Shuge on Google

Cospa was outstanding because of the large amount. Soba soup is a place where tastes are divided.
Mika K on Google

I went by car, but there is a space for about 3 cars in front of the store. It is narrow enough to make it a little difficult when you return. The amount of soba is large! Neither my husband nor I could eat.
civiccustom on Google

定番と思われるカツ丼とおそばのセットを注文しました。 そばもカツ丼も中々ボリュームがあり、そのわりにお値段も安くて美味しいという 最高のお店でした。また行きたいです。
I ordered a set of katsudon and soba, which seems to be a classic. Both soba and katsudon have a lot of volume, and the price is cheap and delicious. It was the best shop. I want to go again.
星野賢次郎 on Google

安くてボリュームがあります。 かつ丼や海老天丼のお味はちょっと甘めの濃い目の味付けでご飯が進みます。盛りそばは歯応え良て旨い❗️がっつり食べたい方は丼とそばのセットがオススメです。店内は二人席と四人席が合わせて4席程のこぢんまりとした席数でおかみさんと大将のお二人で切り盛りされています。駐車場はお店前に2台止められます。
It is cheap and has a lot of volume. The taste of katsudon and shrimp tendon is slightly sweet and deep, and the rice goes on. Morisoba is crunchy and delicious ❗️ If you want to eat a lot, the bowl and soba set is recommended. The inside of the store has a small number of seats, about 4 seats including 2 seats and 4 seats, and is divided by two people, a mother and a general. Two parking lots can be parked in front of the store.

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