Rikyu - Sendai

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Rikyu

住所 :

1 Chome-1-1 Tomizawaminami, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0036, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 982-0036
Webサイト : https://rikyu-tomizawa.gorp.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM

1 Chome-1-1 Tomizawaminami, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0036, Japan
River Willow on Google

休日の17時過ぎに予約無しで伺いました 座敷をご用意いただき、落ち着いて食事することができました
I visited without reservation after 17:00 on a holiday I had you prepare a tatami room and was able to eat calmly
パジェぷぎゃぁ on Google

Miyagi prefecture visited for beef tongue. Come and be surprised! ! There is such a beef tongue shop! ! But I hit a good shop. The clerk's reception was very kind and the long-awaited beef tongue was so delicious and very satisfying.
H T on Google

お店はちょっと狭いけど、駐車場はあるし、食べた料理はどれもおいしかった??? どれも肉が柔らかくてコクがあって奥深い味わい。ついていたテールスープもあっさりした中に牛のうまみがとけていて美味しかった。
The shop is a bit small, but there is a parking lot and all the food I ate was delicious ??? The meat is tender, rich and has a deep taste. The tail soup that was attached was also light and the taste of the beef melted and it was delicious.
天の邪鬼 on Google

牛タンハラミ定食頂きました。 牛タン足りないと思い2枚ほど増しに ハラミは思ったより固かった タンだけのほうが良かったかも。 次はタンだけにしようと思いました。
I had a beef tanharami set meal. I thought that the beef tongue was not enough, so I added about 2 more Harami was harder than I expected Maybe only Tan was better. Next time I decided to use only Tan.
まも on Google

牛タンは安定の味で美味しかったが、ガタイのいい中年男性の店員の態度が非常に悪く不快でした。(本当は晒したいですが、名前は伏せときます)隣の家族連れの客には愛想もよく対応がいい女性の店員が接客しており、対応の差に更に気分が悪くなりました。 アルバイトでも社員でも関係なく、会社で働いている以上は、お店の看板を背負っている認識を持ってほしいです。ほかの人の対応が良くても一人の対応が悪ければここはそういう対応をするお店なんだなとレッテルが貼られますよ。 美味しかったのに非常に残念です。もう二度と利用したくないです。
The beef tongue had a stable taste and was delicious, but the attitude of a good middle-aged male clerk was very bad and unpleasant. (Actually, I want to expose it, but my name is hidden.) A female clerk who is friendly and responsive to the customer with the family next door is serving customers, and the difference in correspondence made me even more sick. Regardless of whether you are a part-time job or an employee, as long as you work for a company, I want you to be aware that you are carrying the signboard of the store. Even if other people's response is good, if one person's response is bad, it will be labeled as a shop that handles such a response. It was delicious but very disappointing. I don't want to use it again.
砂藤 on Google

海鮮丼定食はボリュームもたっぷりでお得な感じでした! 牛タン値上げとニュースで耳にしていたので値上げも納得? 富沢店オープンと同時だったからか混んでおらず、密にならなくて良かったです。
The seafood bowl set meal was generous and a great deal! I heard about the beef tongue price increase and the news, so I understand the price increase ? It wasn't crowded because it was the same time as the Tomizawa store opened, so I'm glad it didn't get crowded.
山本カエル on Google

やはり利久さんの牛タン定食は美味しいです。年に1度の仙台出張の楽しみ有り難うございます。 定食の格安感謝してます。
After all Toshihisa's beef tongue set meal is delicious. Thank you for enjoying your annual business trip to Sendai. Thank you for the cheap set meal.
Satomi Acefeel on Google

限定のサガリ定食にしました。サガリはうちで焼いたようなちょっとかたい感じで、ふつうの牛タンの方がぎゅぎゅっと牛タンで 美味しかったです。テールスープも熱々で美味しい。駐車場もあり車で行きやすいので良いです。犬連れで行ける牛タン利久があるといいな。
I made a limited sagari set meal. The sagari was a little hard like grilled at home, and the normal beef tongue was more delicious with the beef tongue. The tail soup is also hot and delicious. There is a parking lot and it is easy to reach by car, so it is good. I hope there is Toshihisa Ushitan who can go with a dog.

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