Rikutsu Shrine - Chiba

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Rikutsu Shrine

住所 :

8 Chome-7-3 Oyuminochuo, Midori Ward, Chiba, 266-0032, Japan

Postal code : 266-0032
Webサイト : http://www.jinja.ne.jp/ycDB/Board.cgi/001/db/ycDB-pc-jinja_detail.html%3Fmode:search%3D1%26search:method%3D1%26search:field%3Djinja_id%26search:expr%3D%5E%24%26search:word%3D1065
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

8 Chome-7-3 Oyuminochuo, Midori Ward, Chiba, 266-0032, Japan
t m on Google

山崎雅夫 on Google

Jack Amano on Google

Ayane M on Google

A quiet shrine. It is rare to meet worshipers.
ずんぺい on Google

There were many stumps on the approach, and once upon a time there would have been huge trees lined up. Something? A place that makes me want to go to that era
every everyday on Google

In the olden days, the dense and thick trees that appeared in Totoro had spread all the time around here, but now it has become a completely quiet residential area.
水品初恵 on Google

It is said that it enshrines Okuninushi, Sarutahiko, and Sugawara no Michizane. There are new houses around, but I'm grateful to be able to pray in the aura of the god of Rokutsu Shrine.
中山家範 on Google

祭神は、大国主命・猿田彦命・菅原道真 創建の年代については、当時の資料が乏しく不詳。 【現地案内板より抜粋】 住宅街にあって、かなり広い社域があり、綺麗に整備されています。
The deities are Okuninushi, Sarutahiko, and Sugawara no Michizane. The date of its foundation is unknown due to the lack of materials at that time. [Excerpt from the local information board] Located in a residential area, it has a fairly large corporate area and is in good condition.

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