Ariyoshihie Shrine - Chiba

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ariyoshihie Shrine

住所 :

5 Chome-2-3 Oyuminochuo, Midori Ward, Chiba, 266-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 266-0032
Webサイト :

5 Chome-2-3 Oyuminochuo, Midori Ward, Chiba, 266-0032, Japan
J N on Google

During the development of Oyumino, there was a back road connecting raw fruits and Kamatori on this street. An old shrine.
Sadakazu Kihara on Google

貝塚跡の小高い丘の上にある神社です。 住宅街の中なのにここだけ別世界のような雰囲気です。 丘からの眺めも良く、散歩にもおすすめです。
It is a shrine on a small hill with a shell mound. Although it is in a residential area, it feels like a different world. The view from the hill is good and recommended for a walk.
T. Kurihara on Google

特に何も無いのだが、高台に在り目の前の広場からの眺めはとても良い。 夏は風通しがよいので木陰の昼寝も気持ち良い。 空が開けているので、飛行機が列を成して飛んでいるのも見られる。 ここには貝塚が在ったらしい。今は建物がたくさん建っているが、何千年か昔 森だらけの風景が広がり ここから海まで漁に出かけた人たちの生活や気持ちを想像するのも楽しい。 特に何も無いが、のんびり遠くを眺めるには良い場所だ。
There is nothing in particular, but the view from the open space on the hill is very good. In summer, it's airy so it's nice to take a nap in the shade. Since the sky is open, you can see airplanes flying in a row. It seems that there was a shell mound here. There are many buildings now, but the scenery full of forest spreads thousands of years ago. It is also fun to imagine the lives and feelings of people who went fishing from here to the sea. There is nothing in particular, but it is a good place to take a leisurely look at the distance.
Yoko Tanaka-kaitsu on Google

It's wide. A kite flying a kite may get caught in a tree. The shrine is well managed. There is no resident priest.
k61 m35 on Google

The closest shrine to my house. I come to Hatsumode every year. There were a lot of people this year
福戸山和幸 on Google

住宅街中にある神社です。 有吉貝塚に建てられてます。節分際は今年は2月1日だった用で、毎年御札が配られると近所の方が教えて下さいました。
It is a shrine located in a residential area. It is built in Arikichi shell mound. For Setsubutsu this year was for February 1st, so when neighborhood handouts are dealt every year the neighbors taught.
尾崎幸春 on Google

有吉貝塚の上にある神社です。高台の公園の一角となりたいへん眺めが良いです。のんびり、おゆみ野を眺望するには、おすすめです。 駐車場は、2台ぐらいは停められます。
A shrine located above Ariyoshi Kaizuka. It is a corner of a park on a hill and the view is very good. It is recommended to take a leisurely view of Oyumino. About two parking lots can be stopped.
中山家範 on Google

祭神は、大己貴命(大国主命) 創建の年代に関しては、当時の資料がなく不詳。 【現地案内板より抜粋】 有吉貝塚の一部に社域はあり、末社摂社も幾つかあります。 初詣の準備が進んでいました。
The god of worship is Okuninushi (Okuninushi) Regarding the date of construction, there is no data at that time and it is unknown. [Excerpt from the local information board] There is a company area in a part of Ariyoshi shell mound, and there are also some Setsumatsusha. Preparations for the first visit were in progress.

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