Yamagi Shrine - Ichihara

4/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact Yamagi Shrine

住所 :

Yawata, Ichihara, Chiba 290-0062, Japan

Postal code : 290-0062

Yawata, Ichihara, Chiba 290-0062, Japan
山下修生(わらべこ) on Google

的場秀美 on Google

白川里司 on Google

yasukichisan x on Google

The cluster amaryllis is beautiful.

覆屋の中には石尊大権現とあるが、飯香岡八幡宮で聞いたところ山祇神社であるとのことであった。大山阿夫利神社と同じ山岳信仰なのでしょう。 大山阿夫利神社は本来は「石尊大権現」を祀っていたが、明治期の神仏分離令を機に現在の形に落ち着いた。 ここも状況からすると同様の流れなのであろうと思われる。 こういうのを見ると、いかに明治維新によって日本の宗教観が壊されたのかというのがよくわかる。
There is Ishison Daigongen in the cloakhouse, but when I heard about it at Iikaoka Hachimangu, it was said that it was a Yamagrine shrine. It must be the same mountain worship as Oyama Auri Shrine. Originally, Oyama Akuri Shrine was dedicated to "Ishison Daigongen," but it settled in its present form after the Meiji era separation of Buddhism and Buddhism. It seems that the situation here is similar. Looking at this, it is easy to see how the Meiji Restoration destroyed the Japanese view of religion.
えみこ on Google

幼い頃は遊び場でした。 今でも静かな優しい空気が漂う場所です。 お彼岸時期は沢山の彼岸花が咲いて、より雰囲気が良いです。
It was a playground when I was little. It is still a place with a quiet and gentle atmosphere. Many cluster amaryllis bloom during the equinoctial week, and the atmosphere is better.
Murasha Captain on Google

It is a quiet shrine that is different from Iigaoka Hachimangu. Behind the mound where the shrine is located, there was a building that seems to be the shrine office.

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