Iigaokahachimangu - Ichihara

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Iigaokahachimangu

住所 :

1057-1 Yawata, Ichihara, Chiba 290-0062, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 290-0062
Webサイト : https://ja-jp.facebook.com/iigaokahatimangu
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

1057-1 Yawata, Ichihara, Chiba 290-0062, Japan
中山家範 on Google

JR八幡宿駅前 653年 創建の神輿でも有名なお社 夫婦銀杏や、源頼朝が源氏再興を祈願した倒公孫樹など、市街地にあっても、樹木に囲まれた一帯だけは静かな時間が流れています。
In front of JR Yawatajuku Station A company famous for its portable shrine, which was founded in 653 Even in urban areas, such as the couple Ginkgo and Minamoto no Yoritomo praying for the revival of the Genji, quiet time is flowing only in the area surrounded by trees.
kazu K. on Google

ご祭神は誉田別尊・息長帯姫尊・玉依姫尊ほか7柱 創建は白鳳年間(675年)それ以前は六所御影神社と称し、 日本武尊が東征の折、休息したといわれる。 白鳳年間(675年)に勅使桜町季満・奉幣使菅原時春が下向、神殿を飯香岡に創建して誉田別尊以下三神を奉斎する。天平宝字3年(759年) - 勅命により一国一社の八幡宮となり、国府総社と称せられました。 駐車場は参道の右側にあり、八幡公民館の看板が見えたら曲がって入ります、入って最初の左側は公民館の駐車場でそのまま進むと飯香岡八幡宮の駐車場に行けます。境内は広く、綺麗に管理されています。御朱印、頒布品は境内左奥の社務所にて対応していただけます。 電車で来られる方はJR内房線、八幡宿駅から徒歩10分~15分で参拝できます。
The gods of the festival are Empress Jingu, Himeson Tamayori, and 7 other pillars It was founded before the Hakuho era (675) and was called Rokusho Mikage Shrine, and it is said that Takeru Nihon took a rest during the eastern expedition. During the Hakuho era (675), the messenger Sakuramachi Kiman and the messenger Tokiharu Sugawara went down, and the temple was built in Iigaoka to enshrine the three gods under Houda Betsuson. Tenpyo Houji 3rd year (759) --By order, it became the Hachiman shrine of one company in each country, and was called the Kokufu Sosha. The parking lot is on the right side of the approach, and when you see the signboard of Yawata Public Hall, you can turn in. The first left side of the entrance is the parking lot of the public hall, and you can go to the parking lot of Iigaoka Hachimangu. The precincts are large and well managed. Goshuin and distributed items can be handled at the office on the far left of the precincts. Those who come by train can worship in 10 to 15 minutes on foot from Yawatajuku Station on the JR Uchibo Line.
シュナシュシュ on Google

Is the route to the parking lot good for a moment? I was at a loss, but if you follow the guide, you will arrive at the parking lot. As soon as you enter from the torii gate on the Shirokane-dori side, there is a large stone lantern with a dragon wrapped around it, and a lion at the top. Just below that, the zodiac was carved. The guardian dog is engraved with the name of the sculptor, but the age was unknown. The worship hall is vermilion and the nose is pure white. It looked like a mixture of baku nose and elephant nose.
はさき on Google

昨日境内の鶏が亡くなったことを知ってとても残念です。 いつも鶏には癒されてきたので寂しいです。 急すぎてまだそこにいるような気がしてならないです、、 ご冥福をお祈りします。
I am very sorry to know that the chicken in the precincts died yesterday. I'm lonely because I've always been healed by chickens. I don't feel like I'm still there because it's too urgent ... I pray for your soul.
白川里司 on Google

It is a large precinct. It was a 1/4 worship, but many people were lined up. It was also a motorcycle shrine.
山川海 on Google

創建は飛鳥時代、大化改新直後の653年頃と歴史のある神社です。 本殿は、室町時代中期の建物と考えられています。千葉県内の神社建築で国の重要文化財の指定を受けているのは、香取神宮本殿と飯香岡八幡宮本殿の二社のみです。 商売繁盛、海上守護、安産子育等幅広いご利益があるとされています。 境内では二股に分かれた巨大なイチョウ「夫婦銀杏」や源頼朝が源氏再建を祈願して逆さに植えたとされる「逆公孫樹」、捕獲した魚や鳥獣を放し、殺生を戒める宗教儀式を行う「法生池」等を見ることができます。 八幡宮は誉田別命(ほんだわけのみこと)=応神天皇を祀る神社です。応神天皇は弓術の達人とされており、武の神や出世開運の神として武家からの信仰を集めました。もともとは大分県の宇佐氏が崇敬した地方神でしたが、現在では全国に4万4千社もあるといいます。
The shrine was built in the Asuka period, around 653 immediately after the Taika Reform, and has a long history. The main shrine is considered to be a building in the middle of the Muromachi period. Only two shrines in Chiba Prefecture have been designated as national important cultural properties, Katori Jingu Main Hall and Iigaoka Hachimangu Main Hall. It is said to have a wide range of benefits such as prosperous business, maritime protection, and easy childbirth. In the precincts, the giant ginkgo biloba "Minamoto no Yoritomo", which is said to have been planted upside down to pray for the reconstruction of Genji, and the "Law", which releases captured fish and birds and beasts and warns of killing. You can see "Ichouya" etc. Hachimangu is a shrine that enshrines Emperor Ojin. Emperor Ojin is considered to be a master of archery, and has gained faith from the samurai family as a god of war and a god of good luck in his career. Originally it was a local god revered by Mr. Usa in Oita prefecture, but now it is said that there are 44,000 companies nationwide.
minami takahashi on Google

I visited Iigaoka Hachimangu on the New Year on the 2nd of 2022. It's not a large shrine, it's usually small, but during the New Year, worshipers lined up. I knew that I had been harassed here. Here you can go through the ring of Kaya, worship, amulets, and fortune-telling. It is a sacred place that is also registered as a heritage site in Chiba prefecture. I was rushed by my child and couldn't go through the ring of Kaya properly, so I will go again this month!
a a on Google


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