Ramen Yamaokaya - Annaka

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ramen Yamaokaya

住所 :

80-1 Itahana, Annaka, Gunma 379-0111, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 379-0111
Webサイト : https://www.yamaokaya.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

80-1 Itahana, Annaka, Gunma 379-0111, Japan
ジャイアントセコイア on Google

フランチャイズにしては美味しかった。 上出来だと思います。
It was delicious for a franchise. I think it's done well.
青木文子 on Google

山岡家は私の趣向に合う数少ないチェーン店。 スープは無化調、そして水と豚骨100パーセントだけの超ストイックなスープ。 そして店内仕込み。 私的な印象としては、家系を彷彿させる雰囲気があります。 家系は仕上げに鶏油を使用しますが、こちらはラードでしょうか。 スープには深みはありませんが、私はこちらのスッキリ豚骨ラーメンが好みです。 麺は低加水の中太ストレート麺。 モチモチの麺で、個人的には世の中にある麺では一番好きなタイプです♬ (弱点は茹で時間を要する厄介なタイプの麺) 実はこの茹で時間を要するタイプが私の好み♬ *1 筆頭は龍上海のグダグダ麺。(20分は茹でます) *2 白龍のじゃじゃ麺、(20〜30分茹でます) *3 山岡家の麺(結構な茹で時間) 脂は多分ラードでしょうが、これもナイス。 脂をこれだけ使ってもあっさりイケる山岡家のラーメン。 深みはありませんが、この無化調ラーメンは正直感慨深いものがあります。 今回は試しませんでしたが、この脂を吸った海苔でライスをくるんで頂くのが通の食べ方。 ご馳走様でした♬
The Yamaoka family is one of the few chain stores that suits my taste. The soup is neutral and super stoic with only 100% water and pork bones. And in-store preparation. My personal impression is that it has an atmosphere reminiscent of a family line. The family uses chicken oil for finishing, but is this lard? The soup doesn't have any depth, but I like this refreshing tonkotsu ramen. The noodles are medium-thick straight noodles with low water content. It's a chewy noodle, and I personally like it the most among the noodles in the world ♬ (The weak point is the troublesome type of noodles that take time to boil) Actually, this type that takes time to boil is my favorite ♬ * 1 The first is Gudaguda noodles from Ryu Shanghai. (Boil for 20 minutes) * 2 Hakuryu no Jajamen, (boil for 20 to 30 minutes) * 3 Yamaoka family noodles (good boiling time) The fat is probably lard, but this is also nice. The Yamaoka family's ramen is cool even if you use this much fat. There is no depth, but this non-genuine ramen has a deep sense of intuition. I didn't try it this time, but the usual way to eat it is to wrap the rice in this fat-sucked seaweed. It was a treat ♬
丸っす on Google

毎回「全部ふつう」で注文してます。たまたまここ2回連続で、薄く感じたので、今回は「少し濃いめ」と言って注文しました。「少し」と言うことによって、通常より注意深く計量してくれるような気もしますが、思い過ごしかも。 結果、自分に丁度よい濃さでしたが、油の量が普段「ふつう」で注文するときより多く、表面にまんべんなく厚い幕をはっていました。油の量、何が「ふつう」?
I order "all normal" every time. I happened to feel light for the last two times in a row, so this time I ordered it by saying "a little darker". By saying "a little", I feel that it will weigh more carefully than usual, but it may be overlooked. As a result, the thickness was just right for me, but the amount of oil was larger than when I usually ordered "normally", and the surface was evenly thick. Amount of oil, what is "normal"?
ひろし on Google

ラジオCMでよく聞く名前のラーメン屋だったので、機会があれば行ってみたいと思っていた山岡家で食事する機会を得ました。 期間限定メニューの豚骨醤油ラーメンは想像以上に自分の味覚にフィットして、身体に良くないと思いつつ完まくしてしまいました? 個人的にはチェーン店系のラーメン屋さんの中では上位の存在だと思います。ごちそうさまでした。
It was a ramen shop whose name I often hear on radio commercials, so I had the opportunity to eat at the Yamaoka family, which I wanted to visit if I had the chance. The tonkotsu soy sauce ramen, which is a limited-time menu, fits my taste better than I imagined, and I thought it was not good for my body, but I completed it ? Personally, I think that it is a high-ranking ramen shop among chain stores. Thank you for the meal.
忠太郎1965 on Google

仕事柄、色々な所の山岡家さん食べてますが、トップ3に入ります。 よく山岡家は臭いと言われますが、美味しいお店は臭くないです。 因みに、先日埼玉県でトップ1の店に3年ぶりに行ったのですが、不味くなってました。美味しさは従業員さんの努力の賜物だと思います。 社宅からは、10㎞有りますがこの味を楽しみに通いたいと思います。
I'm eating the Yamaoka family in various places because of my work, but I'm in the top three. It is often said that the Yamaoka family smells, but delicious shops do not. By the way, the other day I went to the top 1 store in Saitama prefecture for the first time in 3 years, but it became unpleasant. I think the deliciousness is the result of the efforts of the employees. It is 10km from the company house, but I would like to enjoy this taste.
F 30 on Google

When I was hungry on a business trip to Annaka, I stopped by because there was a familiar sign. Since it was before 11 o'clock, I got a black rose glue with a morning ramen 470 yen + coupon. Compared to the local Sayama store that I always eat, the amount of kneaded plums is large. Also, the char siu is thick and I thought it would be better to season it. Others did not change in particular. It was a beautiful woman who made it and served it. I was instructing the male staff in various ways. It was delicious. Thank you for the meal.
IGしん on Google

約20年ぶりに食べました。 やっぱり獸臭のあるスープは、ニンニク多めにいれないと苦手な感じでしたが、しっかりと豚骨を煮込んで作ったスープだと解ります! それでいて、ランチセットでチャーシュー丼付けても税込790円は安い!! 女性三人で回されてましたが、連携も良く、接客も気持ち良い感じでした。
I ate it for the first time in about 20 years. After all, I didn't like the soup with a savory odor unless I added a lot of garlic, but I understand that it is a soup made by boiling pork bones firmly! Even so, 790 yen including tax is cheap even if you add a char siu bowl with a lunch set! !! It was turned around by three women, but the cooperation was good and the customer service was pleasant.
神威Gackt on Google

山岡家の中でも、スタッフさんの対応がダントツに良い!土曜日の朝に働いていた女性&若い男の子さんありがとうございましたm(_ _)m。美味しかったです。ご馳走様でした。
Even in the Yamaoka family, the staff's response is by far the best! Thank you to the woman & young boy who worked on Saturday morning m (_ _) m. It was delicious. It was a treat.

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