Aoki Second - Takasaki

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aoki Second

住所 :

244-1 Takasagocho, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0047, Japan

Postal code : 370-0047
Webサイト :

244-1 Takasagocho, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0047, Japan
ごごご on Google

Noodles made with whole grain flour and kelp water have a delicious taste. The clear taste of the soup stock. I eat it and taste it seriously.
こむろり(こむろり) on Google

初めて訪問しました。 コロナの緊急事態が解けて、たまにはラーメンでもとググって評価が良かったコチラに。 季節限定なのかな?今年最後と書いてあったので『すだち蕎麦』をオーダーしました。 スープは冷やしてあり昆布のお出しだと思いますが、まろやかで尖ってない塩味で飲みきる事が出来そうなほど美味しい。 麺も冷やしているので歯ごたえがあって、すだちと一緒に食べると風味も格別で。 別添えの薬味の茗荷もベストマッチでチャーシューも大変おいしく頂きました。 また違うメニューも食べてみたくなるようなラーメン屋さんでした。
I visited for the first time. After the emergency situation of Corona was solved, I sometimes googled ramen and it was evaluated well here. Is it seasonal? It was written that it was the last of this year, so I ordered "Sudachi Soba". I think the soup is chilled and served with kelp, but it's delicious enough to be drunk with a mellow, blunt salty taste. The noodles are also chilled so they are chewy, and when eaten with sudachi, the flavor is exceptional. The attached condiment Japanese ginger was also the best match, and the char siu was very delicious. It was a ramen shop that made me want to try a different menu.
Yasuhiko Kenmochi on Google

煮干しと和え玉をチョイス 素材の風味を感じるスッキリした仕上がりのスープにのど越しのいいストレート麺 ビジュアルも美しく、美味しゅうございました。
Choice of dried sardines and mixed balls Straight noodles with a refreshing finish that feels the flavor of the ingredients The visuals were beautiful and delicious.
on Google

I didn't notice the parking lot behind the hotel opposite without looking at the reviews. Tweets that fear unwilling parking are a convincing location. For ramen, I got salt that I couldn't put anything on. The thickness and smoothness of the noodles match well with salt. I think it would be nice to have some advice because I feel that the taste will be tighter if I put something on it. The inside of the store is a beautiful environment. When I hear a rough conversation between regulars and staff, I realize that it's a ramen shop. I wonder if I felt a slight gap between the preparation and the customer service temperature.
dadada 8686 on Google

I had a whole grain of Tanrei Niboshi Ramen and a mixed ball. It was delicious. It was a refreshing and deep taste. It was a treat.
strong on Google

Niboshi soy sauce ramen. It was a very elegant taste of dried sardines. It was light and delicious. The dried sardines were also solid.
Tomoki Kawasaki on Google

あっさりしてるけど、食べた後の満足感があります。 和え玉なるものを初めて食べたけど、美味かったです。
It's light, but I'm satisfied after eating. The first time I ate the tamare tamare, it was delicious.
Flag Special on Google

土曜日11時過ぎ訪問。 駐車場は、アンダーパスを挟んだ北にあるホテルの更に北側に線路際から進入。 店内、カウンターのみ、満席&待ち2名。ジャズBGM。 Twitterで確認した限定品と和え麺を食券購入。待ちのうちに食券渡します。 食券購入後待ち5~10分でカウンターへ。カウンター上には、胡椒など皆無。券を渡してあるので、ほどなく着丼。 限定品 スープの煮干し主張は、改であっても食しやすい。 麺、所謂アルデンテ。芯が残るくらいの茹で具合。途中に彩りの紫を入れたタマネギや海苔で味変しながら麺をいただく。 食べている調子に合わせて、着丼。 和え麺、アルデンテ。酢が添えられる。これは、麺同士が着くのを防ぐものと理解し、少し入れて混ぜる。食べながら、先のスープを口の中で混ぜ合わせたりして調整。最後に先の丼に入れて替え玉としていただいた。 コスパで☆1減らしたが、雰囲気や味は好み。再訪予定です。
Visited after 11:00 on Saturday. The parking lot enters from the railroad track to the north side of the hotel on the north side of the underpass. Inside the store, only at the counter, full & waiting 2 people. Jazz BGM. Purchase a meal ticket for the limited edition and mixed noodles confirmed on Twitter. I will give you a meal ticket while waiting. Wait 5-10 minutes after purchasing a meal ticket to the counter. There is no pepper on the counter. I've given you a ticket, so I'll be wearing a bowl soon. Limited edition The claim that the soup is dried is easy to eat even if it is modified. Noodles, so-called al dente. Boiled to the extent that the core remains. Enjoy the noodles while changing the taste with onions and seaweed with colorful purple on the way. Donburi according to how you are eating. Seasoned noodles, al dente. Served with vinegar. Understand that this prevents the noodles from sticking to each other, so add a little and mix. Adjust by mixing the previous soup in your mouth while eating. Finally, I put it in the bowl and had it as a replacement ball. I reduced it by 1 at COSPA, but I like the atmosphere and taste. I plan to visit again.

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