Mendokoro Tsurumaya - Takasaki

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mendokoro Tsurumaya

住所 :

179-3 Iizukamachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0069, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 370-0069
Webサイト :

179-3 Iizukamachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0069, Japan
IGARASHI M. on Google

煮干しらーめんを食べました! 丁寧に盛りつけされていましたし、すっきりとしていて煮干しの香るスープがとっても美味しかったです( ◜‿◝ )♡
I ate Niboshi Ramen! It was served carefully, and the soup that was refreshing and had a scent of dried sardines was very delicious (◜‿◝) ♡
mo to on Google

店主のおすすめは全部というこだわりのお店。 煮干しはくさみやエグみが一切なく、するすると入ります。大山鶏の出汁でとったラーメンも香りがとてもいいです。全ておすすめです。
The shop owner recommends everything. Niboshi has no dullness or acridness, and you can enter it when you do it. The ramen made from the soup stock of Oyama chicken also has a very nice scent. All are recommended.
唐澤貴洋 on Google

Dandan noodles for a limited time. Cheese rice should be eaten in a risotto style as a finishing touch. 1000 yen as a set. The inside of the store was lively.
大谷豊彦 on Google

Taiwan mazesoba was delicious. The two operations of the shop owner and the female clerk were good at judging people, and the friendliness was also good. The 170 yen set of Ajitama and Kakuni is also the best cospa.
T Y on Google

休日昼間に来店。開店5分前から客が並び始める。店内入口入って右(歩道側)にある食券機にて「塩煮干しそば(税込800円)」を購入。店員さんから席を指定され、そこへ座り、食券を渡す。 店内は左にカウンター5席ぐらい、右奥にテーブル(2人掛け?4人掛け?)が2台ぐらい。 待合席は食券機の横に5席ぐらい。待合席が埋まっている場合は店外で待つ。 駐車場は6台ぐらい。徒歩30秒。 星5の理由 ・塩煮干しそばが美味しい。特にスープが美味しいので飲み干してしまった。 ・店内の雰囲気が良い。清潔感がある。 ・イスがふかふか。 ・荷物入れあり。 ・隣席との仕切りあり。(2席ごと?) ・個包装のヘアゴムが各座席にあり。珍しい。 ・冷水ポットの中身が麦茶らしく、美味しい。 ・接客が元気で丁寧。客への案内も正確。 煮干しそばを食べ慣れていないので良い経験になった。麺はいわゆる普通のラーメンで使われる中華麺とは全く違う。スープも魚介(煮干し)のだしが効いていてあっさりしている。チャーシューが薄いのが気になったがラーメンではないのでマイナス点にはならない。一般的なラーメン屋より客層に若い人が多め。 夏の期間限定の「冷やし昆布水蕎麦の白(税込900円)」人気のようだった。美味しいので1度は行く価値のあるお店です。
Visit the store during the daytime on holidays. Customers start lining up 5 minutes before the store opens. Purchase "Salt Niboshi Soba (800 yen including tax)" at the ticket machine on the right (sidewalk side) after entering the store entrance. A seat is assigned by the clerk, sits there, and gives a meal ticket. Inside the store, there are about 5 counter seats on the left and about 2 tables (for 2 or 4 people?) On the far right. There are about 5 waiting seats next to the ticket machine. If the waiting seats are full, wait outside the store. There are about 6 parking lots. 30 seconds on foot. Reason for 5 stars ・ The salted dried soba is delicious. Especially the soup is delicious so I drank it. ・ The atmosphere inside the store is good. There is a feeling of cleanliness. ・ The chair is fluffy. ・ There is a luggage compartment. ・ There is a partition from the next seat. (Every 2 seats?) ・ Individually wrapped hair elastic is available in each seat. rare. ・ The contents of the cold water pot are like barley tea and are delicious. ・ Customer service is energetic and polite. Guidance to customers is also accurate. It was a good experience because I was not used to eating dried soba noodles. Noodles are completely different from the Chinese noodles used in so-called ordinary ramen. The soup is also light with the soup stock of seafood (dried sardines). I was worried that the char siu was thin, but it wasn't ramen so it wouldn't be a negative point. There are more young people in the customer base than general ramen shops. "Chilled kelp water soba white (900 yen including tax)" for a limited time in summer seemed to be popular. It's delicious, so it's worth a visit.
i on Google

台湾まぜそば3辛800円。自分は辛いのが好きな方なのでもう少し辛くても良いくらいだった。中盤からスープ割にするよう、書かれていたが、スープ割にしてさほど味が変わるわけではなかったので、濃厚な感じが好きな人はそのまま食べ終えたらいいと思う。 今回まぜそばのため、スープの出汁的な味わいは感じられなかったので、次回は煮干しラーメンを食べてみたい。
Taiwan mazesoba 3 spicy 800 yen. I like spicy food, so I could have spicy food a little more. It was written to make soup split from the middle stage, but the taste did not change so much with soup split, so if you like the rich feeling, you should finish eating as it is. I couldn't feel the soup-like taste of the soup because it was mixed soba this time, so I would like to try the dried sardines next time.
dadada 8686 on Google

開店チョット前に到着。三人並んでた。 台湾まぜそば3辛、ひき肉ごはん。 ひき肉ごはんは超美味しい。 ”まぜそば“はまあまあ 店はきれいで、接客もイイです。 2度目の訪問です。塩煮干しそばをいただきました。えぐみも無く、美味しいスープです。只、チョット塩っぱい。あとスープがぬるい。麺の茹でがチョイ足りない感じでした。全体的には美味しいと思います。前に伺った時は行列でしたが、今回はすんなり入れました。次は坦々麺を食べたい。
Arrived before the opening of the store. Three people lined up. Taiwan Mazesoba 3 spicy, minced meat rice. Minced meat rice is super delicious. "Mazesoba" is ok The store is clean and the customer service is good. This is my second visit. I had dried soba noodles with salt. It's a delicious soup with no harshness. It's just salty. And the soup is lukewarm. I felt that the boiled noodles weren't enough. I think it's delicious overall. When I visited before, there was a line, but this time I entered smoothly. Next time I want to eat dandan noodles.
R Sugiura on Google

2022.3.18 煮干しラーメンをいただきました。 煮干しの風味が、優しいようでしっかりと香り、醤油ベースのスープや鶏だしとの相性が抜群! 麺は、全粒粉の香ばしさがあり、程よく腰のある中細麺。スープと絡んで香りと旨味が芳醇です! トッピングの豚肩ロースチャーシューはジューシーで柔らかく、味玉はもはや完熟。メンマも太いけどジューシーで柔らかい。 平日ランチ限定のセットBは、角煮と味玉がついてくる。角煮は味付け、肉質が最高です!
2022.3.18 I had dried sardines ramen. The flavor of dried sardines seems to be gentle and has a strong aroma, and it goes well with soy sauce-based soup and chicken stock! The noodles are medium-thin noodles that have the aroma of whole grains and are moderately chewy. The aroma and umami are mellow in connection with the soup! The toppings of boston butt roast pork are juicy and tender, and the taste balls are no longer ripe. Menma is also thick but juicy and soft. Set B, which is only available for lunch on weekdays, comes with kakuni and taste balls. Kakuni is seasoned and has the best meat quality!

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