Ramen Taichi - Nagaoka

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ramen Taichi

住所 :

50 Sakaihigashimachi, Nagaoka, Niigata 940-2026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Postal code : 940-2026
Webサイト : https://ramentaichi.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–9PM
Description : Snug, industrial restaurant serving dumplings & pork ramen with custom noodles & housemade broth.

50 Sakaihigashimachi, Nagaoka, Niigata 940-2026, Japan
Y M on Google

平日の19時前に行き、並ぶこともなくすぐ席につくことができました。 正油ラーメンと自家製ギョーザを注文。 ラーメンは、生姜の風味はキツくなく醤油の味も色ほどしょっぱくはなかったです。中太ちぢれ麺(越後製菓製)ももっちりつるつるで、チャーシューは柔らかく美味しかったです。食べやすいラーメンでした。ギョーザはもっちりカリッとした皮と、ジューシー具材であっさりして美味しいです。餃子のテイクアウトもあります。
I went before 19:00 on weekdays and was able to take a seat immediately without lining up. I ordered pure oil ramen and homemade gyoza. The flavor of ginger was not so strong and the taste of soy sauce was not as salty as the color of ramen. The medium-thick chijire noodles (made by Echigo Seika) were also smooth and smooth, and the char siu was soft and delicious. It was an easy-to-eat ramen. Gyoza is light and delicious with its crispy skin and juicy ingredients. There is also a gyoza takeaway.
U-Co. on Google

まず入り口にディスプレイされている大盛・特盛の器のでかさにびっくり!! 餃子は野菜たっぷり大きい餃子で食べごたえありでなおかつ美味しぃ! トッピングのメンマはビールにぴったりの味ですが、テイクアウトできるのはチャーシュー(要予約)と餃子だけのようです。 ラーメンは生姜醤油ですが生姜の主張は強くなく、するする食べれちゃう感じでした。
First of all, I was surprised at the size of the large and special vessels displayed at the entrance! !! The dumplings are big dumplings with plenty of vegetables, and they are delicious and delicious! Menma toppings are a perfect taste for beer, but it seems that only char siu (reservation required) and dumplings can be taken out. Ramen is ginger soy sauce, but ginger's claim is not strong, and I felt like I could eat it.
masamasa ban on Google

久々に長岡しょうが醤油ラーメンが食べたくなり、数年?ぶりにお邪魔しました。 以前来た時はまだドーム形の建物だった時ですので何年前でしょうか?長岡のしょうが醤油ラーメンと言えば〝青島〟ですが此方もすっかり人気店になりましたね。 以前食べた時の印象は忘れてしまいましたが、今回改めて頂いた感想は、青島に比べると生姜の風味が少し弱くワイルドさにかけるかな?という印象です。チャーシューも少し厚く硬めかな?と思いました。
It's been a few years since I wanted to eat Nagaoka ginger soy sauce ramen for the first time in a while. I visited you for the first time. When I came here before, it was still a dome-shaped building, so how many years ago? Speaking of Nagaoka ginger soy sauce ramen, "Qingdao" has become a very popular restaurant. I forgot the impression I had when I ate it before, but the impression I received this time is that the flavor of ginger is a little weaker than that of Qingdao, and I wonder if it will be wild. It is an impression. Is the char siu a little thick and stiff? I thought.
小竹しの on Google

平日13時半過ぎに来店、3人ほど待ってましたがすぐに入店できました。 醤油ラーメン大盛 850円 焼豚は5枚、気持ちほうれん草が入ってました。 麺は柔らかめでしたが、生姜醤油がしみ込んでしっかり味でした。少し塩っけ多めです 器は大きいですが、大盛でもそんなに大量という感じはありませんでした。 普段トッピングはしないけれど、味がマイルドになりそうなので、ほうれん草くらいはしてもよかったかなと思いました。 お支払は現金のみ。 席数がある割に駐車場は小さいように感じました。 席間に仕切りを設けたりと感染対策は問題なさそうでした。
I came to the store after 13:30 on weekdays and waited for about 3 people, but I was able to enter the store immediately. Soy sauce ramen large serving 850 yen There were 5 pieces of roast pork and spinach. The noodles were soft, but the ginger soy sauce soaked in and the taste was firm. It ’s a little salty. The vessel is big, but I didn't feel that it was so large even in a large serving. I don't usually use toppings, but the taste seems to be mild, so I thought I should have used spinach. Payment is cash only. I felt that the parking lot was small for the number of seats. Infection control seemed to be no problem, such as setting up a partition between the seats.
ひさっぴー on Google

ラーメンたいちさん。 こちらは、生姜の効いた一杯が食べれるお店? 土日祝日は、午前10時から営業。 人気のラーメン店さんで、駐車場は埋まってて並んで待ってるの見ますね。 麺の量が大盛や特盛にすると、丼が半端なく大きいのです。 2022年1月に訪問した時は、正油チャーシュー特盛1200円+ネギ (別皿)・味玉120円とギョーザ3ヶ350円を頂きました。 ラーメンは醤油のパンチが強めで、生姜パワーが効いて身体がじんわりと温まります。 餃子は肉より野菜の旨味が半端なく、やみつきになる味わい?? 塩ラーメンもオススメ?
Ramen Taichi. This is a restaurant where you can eat a glass of ginger ? Open from 10 am on weekends and holidays. At a popular ramen shop, you can see that the parking lot is full and waiting in line. If the amount of noodles is large or special, the bowl will be huge. When I visited in January 2022, I received a special soy sauce char siu 1200 yen + green onion (separate plate), a taste ball 120 yen, and 3 gyoza 350 yen. Ramen has a strong soy sauce punch, and the ginger power works to warm the body slowly. Gyoza has more vegetables than meat and is addictive ?? Shio ramen is also recommended ?
貴ヒレステーキ on Google

塩チャーシュー大盛を注文、程よい塩加減でとても美味しい!チャーシューも薄く小さく切ってあるので食べやすいです。 生姜醤油ラーメンで有名な青○より断然旨いと思いますが… 訪問時は前に3組ほどいらっしゃいましたが、店内は狭いですが、回転が早いのでさほど待たずに席へ案内されました。 また訪れたいお店です。
I ordered a large serving of salted char siu, and it is very delicious with just the right amount of salt! The char siu is also thinly cut into small pieces, so it's easy to eat. I think it's definitely better than Ao ○, which is famous for ginger and soy sauce ramen ... At the time of the visit, there were about 3 groups before, but the inside of the store is small, but the rotation is fast, so I was guided to the seat without waiting too much. This is the shop I want to visit again.
Kaoru on Google

ラーメン屋であるが餃子専門店。気になったので中途半端な時間だったが、餃子だけの注文で入店。餃子は大きく、中身もしっかり入っており食べ応えがある。タレをつけなくてもいいくらい味がしっかりしていて、それは味付けが濃いのではなく、野菜や肉の味が感じられるのだ。素材の引き出し方が上手いと思った。 ラーメンは食べていないので餃子だけの評価となる。餃子だけ食べに行ってもいいくらい美味しい。だがしかし!非常に残念ながらご飯の用意がない。ここまで美味しい餃子があって、なぜご飯がないのか…用意できないなら持ち込みを許可していただきたい! そんなことを思いながら食べていた。店主様、是非ご検討ください。
Although it is a ramen shop, it is a dumpling specialty store. It was a halfway time because I was curious, but I entered the store by ordering only dumplings. The dumplings are big and the contents are solid, so they are satisfying to eat. The taste is so strong that you don't have to add sauce, and you can feel the taste of vegetables and meat, not the strong seasoning. I thought I was good at pulling out the material. Since I haven't eaten ramen, only dumplings are evaluated. It's delicious enough to go eat only dumplings. But! Very unfortunately there is no rice available. Why are there so many delicious dumplings and no rice ... If you can't prepare them, please allow them to bring them in! I was eating while thinking about that. Shopkeeper, please consider it.
S satoshi on Google

駐車場は店舗敷地内に10台。 周辺には大型店舗が多数ある地域だ。 人気店なのでランチタイムは行列必至。 席待ちの名前表はなく、玄関の風除室に並ぶルールが書いてあるので順番に並んで待つ。 そこに券売機が新旧2台あり、先に券を購入しておくと、席に呼ばれる際に券を店員さんに渡す。寒い時期は9名ほど入れるのでありがたい。 並盛は175g、大盛は250g、特盛は350gと、券売機の上に見本が飾ってあるので量を選びやすくてとても良い。 注文時には「味濃いめ」などのオーダーも可能な様子。 カウンターは7席、4人がけテーブル席が2つ、6人がけのテーブルが1つ。 生姜ラーメンの特徴でもあるチャーシューはうで、肩、ももなど異なる部位mixで提供のたびに切られているのに好感。 麺は今どきは珍しくなった平ざるでの茹であげ。これも技術のあらわれ好感! 味のレビューは他の方に譲るが、またリピートしたいお店だ。
There are 10 parking lots on the premises of the store. There are many large stores in the area. It's a popular restaurant, so it's inevitable to have a line at lunch time. There is no name list for waiting for seats, and the rules for lining up in the windbreak room at the entrance are written, so wait in order. There are two ticket vending machines, old and new, and if you purchase the ticket first, the ticket will be given to the clerk when you are called to your seat. It's nice to have about 9 people in the cold season. The average size is 175g, the large size is 250g, and the special size is 350g. The sample is displayed on the ticket vending machine, so it is very easy to choose the amount. At the time of ordering, it seems that it is possible to order such as "tasteful". The counter has 7 seats, 2 table seats for 4 people, and 1 table for 6 people. The char siu, which is also a characteristic of ginger ramen, is good because it is cut every time it is served in different parts such as shoulders and thighs. The noodles are boiled in a flat colander, which is rare nowadays. This is also a sign of technology and I like it! I will give the taste review to other people, but I want to repeat it again.

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