Rakuzanso - Kanoashi District

4.3/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact Rakuzanso

住所 :

Muraki, Tsuwano, Kanoashi District, Shimane 699-5622, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 699-5622
Webサイト : http://tsuwano-bunka.net/horiteien/

Muraki, Tsuwano, Kanoashi District, Shimane 699-5622, Japan
綿部清子 on Google

斎藤正視 on Google

橋本進 on Google

Visited by lighting up on 2021/11/7.
のぶお on Google

Autumn leaves seen from the second floor ? It was beautiful ?
Akichan Akichan on Google

I felt that the garden of Rakusanso was different from the Mori Garden and the temples in Kyoto. I was impressed with the landscaping on the outskirts between Tsuwano and Hagi.
からし on Google

紅葉の季節に訪れました。 庭も素晴らしいのですが、 保存会の方々の応対が とても素晴らしい! 気持ちよく観覧させていただきました。
I visited during the autumn leaves season. The garden is great, but The reception of the people of the preservation society Very great! I was able to see it comfortably.
Eiji Kondou on Google

楽山荘庭園は掘庭園の中心となる庭園です。背面の自然の岩山の斜面を利用した池泉廻遊式庭園で、山の斜面を人工的に削って滝を落とし、池を掘り、木を植えて、飛び石や石段を置き散策できるようにした庭です。この庭は、山の斜面に沿って盛土をして石垣を築いて作った平場に屋敷とともに作られており、大正時代の庭としてはやや古風なスタイルで、これは古い時代の山岳仏教寺院や、室町時代の雪舟の庭などでよく見られるものです。この堀庭園がある津和野や隣接する益田は、雪舟が活動拠点としていた地域の一つで雪舟作庭の伝承をもつ庭園が残されています。よってこの楽山荘の庭園も伝統的にその影響を受けているのではないでしょうか。庭内には、池の中に据えられた大型の雪見灯籠やその背後の山の斜面に十三重の石塔をはじめ大小17の石灯籠や石の祠などが所狭しと置かれ、主木である樹齢百年以上と思われる紅葉の大樹やツツジ、サツキなどの植栽が美しい景観を構成しています。背面の岩山の斜面は急角度ですが石段がかなり高いところまで続いており滝の前にかかる石橋を渡ることもできます(現在は通行止め)。このように滝の上部に小さな石の反り橋が架かるスタイルは玉澗式と呼ばれる安土桃山時代などに流行した様式です。玉澗式は基本的に縮景による表現がほとんどですが、実際に人が渡れるサイズのものは珍しいかもしれません。滝の上部のあたりまで石段をあがっていくと、庭はもちろん、道を挟んだ反対側の山の斜面に築かれた「和楽園」まで一望することが出来、この掘家の屋敷の周囲の環境すべてが庭園として整備されている事がとてもよくわかります。楽山荘一階の「なつめ型」縁先手水鉢は大変大きく立派で「水琴窟」も作られており、竹筒に耳をあて神秘的で美しい音色を聴くことが出来ます。また、楽山荘の建物や庭などの敷地を支えている石垣は主屋の裏山から採掘した緑色の石(輝緑石)を加工して造られたもので、寸分の隙間もなく積まれ、端正で美しい曲線を描き目を奪われます。蟻も通わぬ石垣と呼ばれているそうです。石を薄くスライスしてコンクリートに貼り付けている?と誤解しそうですが、立体的な石を組んだ本物の石垣で、明治時代の石工の高い技術を今につたえる貴重なものとなっています。 (令和元年11月13日)
Rakuzanso Garden is the main garden of the dig garden. A pond spring recreational garden on the back of a natural rocky mountain slope, where the mountain slope was artificially cut to drop a waterfall, dig a pond, plant trees, and set footsteps and stone steps for strolling. It is a garden. This garden is built with a mansion on a flat ground made by embankment along the slope of the mountain and building a stone wall, and it is a somewhat old-fashioned style for a garden in the Taisho era, this is an old-fashioned mountain Buddhist temple, It is often seen in the garden of Sesshu in the Muromachi period. Tsuwano, where this moat garden is located, and Masuda, which is adjacent to the moat garden, are one of the areas where Sesshu used to be active. Therefore, I wonder if the garden of this Rakusanso has been influenced by this traditionally. In the garden, there is a large snowy lantern installed in the pond, and on the slope of the mountain behind it there are thirteen stone towers, 17 large and small stone lanterns, stone shrines, etc. Trees, azaleas, and azaleas, which are considered to be over 100 years old, make up a beautiful landscape. The slope of the rocky mountain on the back is steep, but the stone steps continue to a very high place, so you can cross the stone bridge in front of the waterfall (now closed). The style in which a small stone warp bridge is built over the waterfall in this way is a style that was popular in the Azuchi-Momoyama period, such as the Yujin style. The Yugan ceremony is basically expressed in a reduced view, but it may be rare that it can actually be crossed by people. If you go up the stone steps to the top of the waterfall, you can see not only the garden, but also the "Warakuen" built on the mountain slope on the opposite side of the road, and the surrounding environment of this digger's mansion You can see very well that everything is maintained as a garden. The “Natsume-type” edged water bowl on the first floor of Rakuzanso is very large and has a “Suikin cave”, so you can listen to the mysterious and beautiful sound by listening to the bamboo tube. In addition, the stone walls that support the grounds of the buildings and gardens of Rakuzanso are made by processing green stone (diorite) mined from the mountain behind the main building. Draws a beautiful curve and is deprived of eyes. It is said that the ants cannot pass through the stone wall. Is the stone sliced ​​thin and pasted on concrete? Although it seems to be misunderstood, it is a real stone wall made of three-dimensional stones, and it is a valuable thing that continues the high technology of masonry from the Meiji era. (November 13, 1980)

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