3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鶏そば PAITAN × PAITAN 新橋店

住所 :

Nishishinbashi, Minato City, 〒105-0003 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–11PM
Sunday 11AM–11PM
Monday 11AM–11PM
Tuesday 11AM–11PM
Wednesday 11AM–11PM
Thursday 11AM–11PM
Friday 11AM–11PM
街 : Tokyo

Nishishinbashi, Minato City, 〒105-0003 Tokyo,Japan
劇辛の殿堂ペンギン on Google

一言で言うと。美味い。 パイタンのスープがとにかく優しい。 クリームシチューみたい チャーシューも2種類ありササミが柔らかい。 値段は普通。つけ麺大盛りで1000円でお釣りくるので仕事終わりに1杯食べたくなる。 濃い目の味がそろそろキツい年頃の新橋の大人には1度食べてほしいつけ麺。 店内はテーブル席も3席あるため複数人でも店内で食事が可能。席は広くないので2人だとちょうどいい。 文句無し。。
In a word. delicious. The paitan soup is just so gentle. Like a cream stew There are also two types of char siu, and the chicken fillet is soft. The price is normal. A large serving of tsukemen will cost you 1000 yen, so you'll want to eat a glass at the end of work. Tsukemen that I would like adults in Shinbashi to eat once when the strong taste is about to be tough. There are 3 table seats in the store, so even multiple people can eat in the store. The seats aren't large, so it's best to have two people. No complaints. ..
NOBU SAN on Google

お昼に鶏そばPAITANxPAITANへ。 表から見てガラ空きだったのでイヤな予感がしましたが、とりあえず入店。 ラーメンはまぁ、普通だったのですが。。 男女の店員の私語が耳障り。 オープンキッチンだから痴話話が丸聞こえ。 食事を楽しみたいのに。 店構えはキレイですが、オペレーションのレベルが低く残念。 もう行かない。
At noon, go to chicken soba PAITAN x PAITAN. I had a bad feeling because it was empty from the table, but I entered the store for the time being. Ramen was normal, though. .. The private language of the male and female clerk is jarring. Because it's an open kitchen, you can hear all the silly stories. I want to enjoy a meal. The store is beautiful, but the level of operation is low and unfortunate. I won't go anymore.
ぺんたろ会長 on Google

ゴリゴリ鶏白湯麺のお店? 某関西圏のお店のクオリティには遠いけど、頑張ってる感がいい。 ただ、麺、チャーシュー、メンマは、かなり気合が感じられて、新橋虎ノ門界隈のサラリーマンの味方という感じがしました。 鶏唐揚、頼めばよかったと後悔?
Gorigori chicken shirayu noodle shop ? It's far from the quality of a store in the Kansai area, but I feel like I'm doing my best. However, the noodles, char siu, and menma seemed to be quite enthusiastic, and I felt that they were allies of office workers in the Shimbashi Toranomon area. Fried chicken, I regret that I should have asked ?
ちほ on Google

濃いめ!太め!硬め!が 好きな私にはぴったり!! * カロリー多めで美味しそうな チーズ入りトマト鶏白湯ラーメンと めちゃくちゃ迷った挙句… 太麺使用の文字に惹かれ… 【超濃厚鶏濁白湯ラーメン】 をチョイスしました! 味玉をトッピングで追加しました! * スープはとろとろどころか ドロドロで超濃厚で美味しいです! スープ余ったらご飯入れたら絶対美味しい! 今回、大満腹になってご飯まで行けず断念w 次回リベンジで食べたいな。 * 器も深くなってるので 麺にたっぷりスープが絡むので 最後の最後までしっかり味を堪能出来ました! シャキシャキ食感がクセになるネギ。 つくねや、もっちりチャーシューも良き◎ 女性でもすごく食べやすい 上品な白湯ラーメンです。 * お店もとってもキレイで居心地良かった♡ 海苔や高菜、スパイシー粉など 無料サービスも充実していました。
It's dark! Thick! Hard! But Perfect for me who likes it! !! * It has a lot of calories and looks delicious With cheese-filled tomato chicken plain hot water ramen After all I was lost ... I was attracted to the characters using thick noodles ... [Ultra-rich chicken turbid plain hot water ramen] I chose! I added a taste ball as a topping! * Far from the soup It's muddy, super rich and delicious! If you have excess soup, add rice and it's absolutely delicious! This time, I was so full that I couldn't go to rice and gave up. I want to eat at revenge next time. * Because the vessel is also deep Because the noodles are entwined with plenty of soup I was able to thoroughly enjoy the taste until the very end! Green onions with a crispy texture. Tsukune and chewy char siu are also good ◎ Very easy for women to eat It is an elegant plain hot water ramen. * The shop was very beautiful and cozy ♡ Nori, mustard, spicy powder, etc. Free service was also substantial.
味噌汁大臣 on Google

新橋にある鶏そば屋へ行きました。駅からはそこそこ歩きます。だいたい8分ぐらいと予想します。ただし歩く価値ありです。今回はつけ麺を食べました。ナルトが黒いがまず思ったところです。味はとても優しい。そしてうまいです。無料トッピングも色々ありました。海苔が最高に麺とスープにマッチしていて大量に使ってしまいました。ごめんなさい笑笑笑 新橋と言ったら飲みだと勝手に思っているので、〆の優しい白湯で1発いってください。
I went to a chicken soba shop in Shimbashi. I walk from the station. I expect it to be about 8 minutes. However, it is worth walking. I ate tsukemen this time. Naruto is black, but that's where I first thought. The taste is very gentle. And it's good. There were also various free toppings. The seaweed was the best match for the noodles and soup and I used it in large quantities. I'm sorry lol lol I think that Shimbashi is a drink, so please take one shot with the gentle plain hot water.
食べスタグラマー・あんよ on Google

夏休みは高校生の息子ともご飯を食べる機会が増え、リクエストはラーメン。 普段、食べたことの無いものがいいかも?と新橋からも歩ける、内幸町すぐ近くのラーメン屋さん、Paitan×Paitanさんへ。 大通りに面した角地なので迷うことなはし◎ ここ、他ではなかなか味わえない鶏白湯で超濃厚ドロドロスープのお店。 外で食券を買って店内へ。 カウンターメインだけれど、テーブル席もいくつかある。 対面仕切りが高めのカウンター席はそれぞれのブースに味変アイテムなども完備、店の奥側までくるっと結構座席は多め。 ラーメン屋さんだけれど綺麗で明るく、女性一人でも入りやすい♡ 頼んだものは、長男が ・超濃厚鶏濁白湯ラーメン 味玉と鶏チャーシューをトッピング。 鶏チャーシューはなんと4枚っっっ 私は ・チーズ入りトマト鶏白湯ラーメン 同じく鶏チャーシューと、ねぎ大盛りをトッピング。 晩御飯で入ったので、お店のオススメの ・とりの焼き餃子 ・鶏皮串5本セット を。 待つ間に壁にある食べ方の流儀を読んだり、トッピングの種類を確認したり。 ・激辛辛子高菜、 ・スパイシー粉、 ・黒ばら海苔 の3種はなんと無料サービス。辛子高菜やパウダー系はよくあるけど、海苔は初めて☆ そんなところもヘルシー。 3~4分で2つとも着丼!! 丼もシンプルでおしゃれ。更に2色で、よりおしゃれ感マシマシ。 黒いなると、鶏チャーシュー、穂先メンマ、三葉、紫玉ねぎ、ベビーコーンは共通みたい。 彩りもとっても綺麗。 トッピングに鶏チャーシューを足したのだけど、元のとあわせてかなりゴージャスになったっ! ねぎ大盛りのねぎはいわゆるよくある青ネギではなく、笹切り。本当に大盛り。小丼にどっさり。シェアできてしまったほど。 いざ、いただきまーす♡ スープはめちゃくちゃクリーミー。麺はストレート。太めの麺にクリーミーなスープがあってる! チーズ入りトマトのほうは、トマトスープなだけでなく、なんとトマトがゴロッと入ってたΣ(゚д゚;) チーズも沢山かかっていて、ラーメンなのにイタリアンのような味わい♡ 超濃厚鶏濁白湯ラーメンも文字通り濃いのだけど、決して塩辛いとかの濃さではなく味わい深さ凄い! 途中でパウダー振ったり、黒ばら海苔を入れてみたり。 長男、ラストは「〆ご飯流儀」に基づき、ライス追加でおじや風に。 サイドのとりの焼き餃子は見た目は普通の餃子のようなのに鶏スープがギュギュッとつまっていてまるで小籠包!?のようなくらい。 鶏皮串もパリパリ皮に濃いめのタレが最高。 今まで食べてきた白湯麺とは全く違う、新感覚なラーメン、最高だった! 家族連れも、女子同士も、ちょい飲みにもおひとり様にも使い勝手良さそう♡ また来たいな? ご馳走様でした★
During the summer vacation, I have more opportunities to eat with my high school son, and the request is ramen. Maybe something you haven't eaten normally? To Paitan x Paitan, a ramen shop near Uchisaiwaicho, which you can walk from Shimbashi. It's a corner lot facing the main street, so don't get lost ◎ Here, a restaurant with a super-rich muddy soup with chicken plain hot water that you can hardly taste anywhere else. Buy a meal ticket outside and go inside. It's the main counter, but there are some table seats. The counter seats with high face-to-face partitions are equipped with taste-changing items in each booth, and there are quite a lot of seats all the way to the back of the store. It's a ramen shop, but it's beautiful and bright, and it's easy for a woman to enter ♡ What I asked was my eldest son ・ Ultra-rich chicken turbid plain hot water ramen Topped with taste balls and chicken char siu. There are 4 chicken char siu I am ・ Tomato chicken plain hot water ramen with cheese Also topped with chicken char siu and a large serving of green onions. I went in for dinner, so I recommend the restaurant ・ Tori no grilled dumplings ・ Set of 5 chicken skin skewers of. While waiting, read the eating style on the wall and check the types of toppings. ・ Spicy mustard Takana, ・ Spicy powder, ・ Black rose seaweed The three types are free services. There are many mustard and powder types, but this is the first time for seaweed ☆ Such a place is also healthy. Donburi for both in 3-4 minutes! !! The bowl is also simple and fashionable. Two more colors make it more fashionable. When it comes to black, chicken char siu, tip menma, three leaves, purple onions, and baby corn seem to be common. The colors are very beautiful. I added chicken char siu to the toppings, but it became quite gorgeous with the original! A large amount of green onions is not the so-called common green onions, but bamboo cuts. Really large. A lot of rice bowls. I was able to share it. Let's have it ♡ The soup is insanely creamy. The noodles are straight. There is a creamy soup on the thick noodles! The tomatoes with cheese are not only tomato soup, but also Σ (゚ д ゚ ;) with tomatoes in it. It has a lot of cheese and it tastes like Italian even though it's ramen ♡ The ultra-rich chicken turbid plain hot water ramen is literally thick, but it's not salty or salty, but the taste is amazing! Shake the powder on the way or add black rose seaweed. The eldest son, the last, is based on the "rice style", and rice is added to make it uncle and wind. The grilled dumplings on the side look like ordinary dumplings, but the chicken soup is tightly packed and it looks like a dumpling !? The chicken skin skewers are also crispy and the thick sauce is the best. The ramen with a new sensation, which is completely different from the white hot noodles I have eaten so far, was the best! It seems to be easy to use for families, girls, a little drink and one person ♡ I want to come again ? It was a treat ★
Masahiro Shimura on Google

Ramen is tasty. But employees are very rude.
Benedict Penawin on Google

The best chicken ramen! Delicious! ?? The soup is so creamy and tasty. The presentation is perfect!

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