
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 上田市観光会館

住所 :

Ote, Ueda, 〒386-0024 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://www.city.ueda.nagano.jp/site/kankojoho/14383.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–6PM
Sunday 8:30AM–6PM
Monday 8:30AM–6PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–6PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–6PM
Thursday 8:30AM–6PM
Friday 8:30AM–6PM
街 : Nagano

Ote, Ueda, 〒386-0024 Nagano,Japan
るら on Google

大河ドラマ『真田丸』と映画『サマーウォーズ』の関連したものが多く展示されております。 特段、声をかけられることのなくゆっくりと鑑賞することができました。
Many related items of the taiga drama "Sanada Maru" and the movie "Summer Wars" are exhibited. In particular, I was able to appreciate it slowly without being called out.
長岡雅彦 on Google

上田市に入り2回目となる上田城に到着~(^^)。先ずは"上田市観光会館"で勇ましい真田幸村公像にご挨拶~m(_ _)m。2階では、大河ドラマ"真田丸"で使用した刀や鎧、昌幸、信繁、幸隆の鎧を鑑賞~\(^^)/。そして、上田城へ。
Entered Ueda City and arrived at Ueda Castle for the second time ~ (^^). First of all, a greeting to the brave statue of Yukimura Sanada at the "Ueda City Tourist Hall" ~ m (_ _) m. On the 2nd floor, you can see the swords and armor used in the taiga drama "Sanada Maru", and the armor of Masayuki, Yukimura, and Yukimura ~ \ (^^) /. And then to Ueda Castle.
さと on Google

1階、お土産と御食事処でした。 2階、上田市観光協会。
It was a souvenir and a restaurant on the first floor. 2nd floor, Ueda City Tourism Association.
ムラタケンヂ on Google

上田市の観光で困ったことがあったらここに行きます。 単に観光のことだけでなく、スタジオ地図の様々なグッズやパネルが展示されています。
If you have any problems with sightseeing in Ueda, I will go here. It's not just about sightseeing, but various goods and panels of Studio Chizu are on display.
Akira Nakazato on Google

上田城見学の際に立ち寄りました。 一階はお土産屋さん、2階にお城関係の資料があり職員の方も沢山いました。 フイルムコミッション関係の展示や芸能人のサインもありました。 長野付近のお城の資料やパンフレットはとても助かりました。
I stopped by when I visited Ueda Castle. There was a souvenir shop on the first floor, and there were many staff members on the second floor with materials related to the castle. There were also exhibitions related to film commissions and autographs of entertainers. The materials and pamphlets of the castle near Nagano were very helpful.
田― on Google

Souvenirs were sold on the 1st floor, and the armor used for shooting the taiga drama was displayed on the 2nd floor. In addition, there are pamphlets showing tourist spots in Ueda City and panels of characters from the movie Summer Wars, so if you are visiting Ueda City for the first time, this is a must-visit spot.
はしもとだいすけ on Google

上田城址公園を散策したあとにちょっと休憩しに利用。 ちょうど上田周辺のお土産菓子を個別包装で一つづつ買うことが出来るフェアがやっていたので、興味あるお菓子を数点買って休憩できるスペースで食べならが休憩させてもらいました。 試食じゃなくても色々お土産を買う前に試せるこの試みとても良かったので星5つです。 コロナ禍もあってコーヒー等は販売していませんが自動販売機なども設置してあるのでそこでお茶を買うと良いと思います。
Used for a short break after strolling around Ueda Castle Ruins Park. There was a fair where you could buy souvenir sweets around Ueda one by one in individual wrapping, so I bought a few sweets of interest and took a break in the space where I could take a break. Even if it's not a tasting, you can try various souvenirs before buying. This attempt was so good that it has 5 stars. We don't sell coffee because of the corona, but we also have vending machines, so it's a good idea to buy tea there.
Rogner Cheung on Google

Come too early, no sakura bloomed at Early April, it is an empty park

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