八兵衛 静岡店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 八兵衛 静岡店

住所 :

Oguro, Suruga Ward, 〒422-8072 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.hatibee.jp/hatibee/
街 : Shizuoka

Oguro, Suruga Ward, 〒422-8072 Shizuoka,Japan
marine on Google

静岡には洗礼された美味しい蕎麦屋さんが たくさんありますね! 地元の方に連れて行って頂きました。 無垢材を使ったお店の作り等をみて これは期待でできるぞとせいろを2段注文。 蕎麦の風味はもちろん腰に特徴があり 食べ応えがあります。 つゆも雑味なくとても美味しかったです。 自分ですりおろして食べるわさびも 鮮度良くいいお店です。
There is a delicious soba restaurant baptized in Shizuoka There are many! I was taken to a local person. See how to make a shop using solid wood I ordered a two-tiered bamboo steamer that I can expect. The soba flavor is of course characteristic of the waist There is a response to eating. The soup was very delicious without any miscellaneous taste. Wasabi that you grate and eat yourself It is a good shop with good freshness.
Pchan on Google

鴨汁せいろ¥1870 ★★★☆☆ 土日は昼は行列、夜も満席な人気店。 自家製手打ちの蕎麦はコシがあって美味しかったけど、鴨汁は僕には味が強すぎて今一つな印象。ちょっと舌がピリピリする山椒の様な味。具沢山で楽しいけれど、蕎麦を楽しむチョイスではなかったな。
Duck soup steamer ¥ 1870 ★★★ ☆☆ A popular shop that is full on Saturdays and Sundays, with lines during the day and at night. The homemade handmade soba was chewy and delicious, but the duck soup tasted too strong for me, which made me feel uncomfortable. It tastes like Japanese pepper with a slightly tingling tongue. It's fun with lots of ingredients, but it wasn't the choice to enjoy soba.
hiro M on Google

食べやすくて美味しい蕎麦。 いつも混んでて開店前から並んでる店と聞いて行ってみました。 待っている間、お茶は温かいお茶か温かい蕎麦茶か聞かれました。 某グルメサイトの口コミでは、冬季限定牡蠣蕎麦が人気のようでそれを注文。 肉厚ぷりっとした牡蠣が4個乗った蕎麦。 1,700円となかなか良いお値段。 一口食べたら生臭くて驚きました。4個中2個が強烈に生臭かった。 牡蠣フライ、生牡蠣含め今まで食べた牡蠣の中で1番臭かったです。 蕎麦は食べやすくて、出汁も口に残らずちょうど良く美味しい。 店員さんの接客は口コミ通りハイレベル。 片付け中、調理中でもわざわざ手を止めて、身体を向き直して挨拶や注文対応してくれます。 家族で行きたくなるのが分かるちょっと良い蕎麦屋さん。 会計に行ったら1,700円+税を取られました。 今時、税抜表示は無いんじゃないかな。 1,870円の牡蠣蕎麦なら、生臭くないよう処理してほしい。クレジット、paypayは表記なくて現金で払いました。 また行きたいけど、次回は違う蕎麦にします。
Easy to eat and delicious soba. I heard that it was always crowded and lined up before the store opened. While I was waiting, I was asked if the tea was hot tea or hot buckwheat tea. According to the word of mouth of a certain gourman site, winter limited oyster soba seems to be popular, so I ordered it. Soba with 4 thick and plump oysters on it. Very good price of 1,700 yen. When I ate a bite, I was surprised that it smelled fishy. Two out of four had a strong fishy smell. It was the most odorous oyster I have ever eaten, including fried oysters and raw oysters. Soba is easy to eat, and the soup stock is just right and delicious. The customer service of the clerk is high level as word of mouth. They stop their hands while cleaning up and cooking, and turn around to say hello and respond to orders. A nice soba restaurant where you can see that you want to go with your family. When I went to checkout, I got 1,700 yen + tax. I think there is no tax-excluded display at this time. If it's 1,870 yen for oyster soba, please treat it so that it doesn't smell fishy. Credit and paypay were paid in cash without notation. I want to go again, but next time I will make a different soba.
Victor Cheng on Google

Yummy and comforting soba or udon
NG OH on Google

First restaurant in Japan. Taste was very good to me
Noriyuki Matsuda on Google

We can enjoy unique thick soba noodle here. Always crowded on the week ends.
Hanako M. on Google

One of my favourite soba (buckwheat noodles) restaurants in Shizuoka.
Kensuke Kaitani on Google

When I got here, there were many ppl waiting in a list. The taste of Soba and soup was great, no question. However, the price was a little bit beyond my budget for Soba, a quick lunch, to be honest.

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