
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact くろ麦

住所 :

Satsukicho, Suruga Ward, 〒422-8078 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88789
街 : Shizuoka

Satsukicho, Suruga Ward, 〒422-8078 Shizuoka,Japan
みっちゃん on Google

少しコロナも落ち着いてきたので久しぶりにお邪魔しました。 つけとろと天せいろ。 天ぷらの粉っぽさとカラッと揚がってないのが気になり星3つとなりました。
Corona has calmed down a little, so I visited him for the first time in a while. Bamboo steamer and bamboo steamer. I was worried that the tempura was powdery and not crispy, so it became 3 stars.
ramune 8989 on Google

There is no doubt that it is delicious soba, but is it a little expensive?
Y on Google

静岡市で蕎麦ならココは外せない。 おせいろ、田舎そば、どちらも旨い(私は蕎麦屋ではその2品しか注文しないので、天麩羅や酒の肴については不知)。そば湯もまろやかで旨い。 そばつゆの甘さが少々気になったものの、☆を減らす程ではない。
If you're looking for soba in Shizuoka, you can't miss this. Both the bamboo steamer and the countryside soba are delicious (I only order those two items at the soba restaurant, so I don't know about tempura and sake). Soba hot water is also mellow and delicious. I was a little worried about the sweetness of the soba soup, but it was not enough to reduce the ☆.
鈴木杏那 on Google

鴨なべ美味しかったです。臭みが少ないし、お肉やわらかいし、なによりお出汁が美味しくて、ぺろっとさっぱりたぺられます。根菜も薄くスライスしてあって味が染みやすいように工夫されてて、大満足です。 大切な人といかれるのがおすすめです(笑) 薩摩揚げもたべてみてください。 あと、お客さんひっきりなしなので、予約されるといいかもしれません。
The duck pan was delicious. It has little odor, the meat is tender, and above all, the soup stock is delicious, and it is refreshing and refreshing. The root vegetables are also sliced ​​thinly and devised so that the taste is easy to stain, which is very satisfying. It is recommended to go out with your loved ones (laughs) Please try Satsuma-age. Also, since there are no customers, it may be good to make a reservation.
信之介 on Google

I ate a bamboo steamer (1540 yen including tax). The thickness of the buckwheat noodles is standard, and it is tightened with cold water to make it firm. Although the amount of tempura was small, it had two shrimp, and it was freshly fried and had a good texture and was delicious. If possible, I thought it would be good if you could provide the tempura soup separately from the soba soup. The menu at night seems to be good.
古谷淳彦 on Google

カーナビで住所を調べると、店舗裏(3台駐車スペース)を表示。東海道線沿いの真裏だと5台は駐車可能。表の駐車場見取図が最悪。『この裏、駐車場5台』と大きく書けば良いのに。 せいろと、かけそばを注文。ニハだが香りもあり、細麺・腰あり、蕎麦は美味しい。辛汁は、中庸の辛さ。鰹節の風味が、前面に出たもの。ほとんどの客は、大ざるを注文している。値段が非常に安くて、盛りも良い。店も新しく、いかにも繁盛しそうな店。昔は、長い行列が出来た店だと、常連客が言っているのが聞こえた。
When you look up the address with the car navigation system, the back of the store (3 parking spaces) is displayed. Five cars can be parked directly behind the Tokaido Line. The parking lot sketch on the table is the worst. I wish I could write "5 parking lots behind this". I ordered bamboo steamer and kake soba. Although it is niha, it has a fragrance, thin noodles and waist, and the soba is delicious. The spicy juice is moderately spicy. The flavor of dried bonito comes out to the front. Most customers order a large colander. The price is very cheap and the serving is good. The store is new and seems to be very prosperous. In the old days, I heard regular customers saying that it was a store with long lines.
えむ5 on Google

【くろ麦】 静岡市内では人気のお蕎麦屋さんです。 店内に入ると満席で待ちが1組。 「新そば打ち始めました」との表記。 そっか。もうそんな時期ですね~。 今年初めての新そばです♪ 10分くらい待って 店内奥の広めの座敷に案内されました。 思ったより席数は少なく、こじんまりとした雰囲気ですが、 店内はまだ新しくキレイです。 メニューの中から、 おせいろと、田舎そばをお願いしました。 しばらくして薬味とつゆが。 最初に2セット出て来ました。 その後にせいろがやってきました。 器がお洒落な感じ。 まず、お蕎麦だけで頂きますが、 気持ち細めで綺麗に揃ったお蕎麦は長さもあります。 香りもなかなか良く喉越しがいいです。 清涼感があって美味しいお蕎麦です。 うん。なかなかいいですね♪ つゆは出汁の香りが強め。 とても良く香ってきます。 かえしは強くなく、若干甘みがあり、 バランスのいいタイプです。 このお蕎麦には合いますね。 薬味はネギと山葵と大根おろし。 山葵は本山葵で、キレのある辛さ。 蕎麦に山葵だけ付けて頂いても美味しいです。 ネギは薄切りで食感が良かった。 大根も適度な辛さがありました。どちらも使いませんでしたけど… そして食べ終わってすぐに田舎そばがやってきます。 黒っぽいお蕎麦はしっかり太いけど 粗さはなく見た目はなめらか。 食べるととても弾力がありモッチリしたお蕎麦でした。 こうゆうお蕎麦は久しぶりに食べたけど、 このモッチリ感はいいですね。 噛むと甘みを感じる美味しい田舎そばでした。 こちらは太い分、このつゆに勝っちゃう感じはしましたけど。 蕎麦湯は少し粉を溶いたもの。 適度なトロミがありました。 出汁の強いつゆを、少なめの蕎麦湯で割ると美味しく頂けました。 蕎麦湯自体も美味しくて、全部飲んじゃいました。 うん。なかなか良かったです♪ 静岡市内で人気なのもわかります。 次は変わり蕎麦とか、天ぷらとか 違うのも食べてみたいなと思います。
[Kuromugi] It is a popular soba restaurant in Shizuoka city. When you enter the store, it is full and there is one group waiting. The notation "I started making new soba noodles". I see. It's about that time. This is the first new soba this year ♪ Wait about 10 minutes I was guided to a large tatami room in the back of the store. The number of seats is smaller than I expected, and the atmosphere is small, but The inside of the store is still new and beautiful. From the menu I asked for a bamboo steamer and countryside soba. After a while, the condiments and soup. First two sets came out. After that, the bamboo steamer came. The vessel feels fashionable. First of all, I will only have soba, The soba noodles are thin and neatly arranged, and they are also long. The scent is also quite good and it feels good in the throat. It is a delicious soba with a refreshing feeling. Yes. It's pretty good ♪ The soup stock has a strong scent of soup stock. It smells very good. The barb is not strong, it has a little sweetness, It is a well-balanced type. It goes well with this soba. The condiments are green onion, wasabi and grated radish. Wasabi is Motoyama Aoi, which has a sharp spiciness. It is delicious even if you add only wasabi to the soba. The green onions were sliced ​​and had a good texture. The radish also had moderate spiciness. I didn't use either ... And soon after eating, the countryside soba comes. The dark soba is thick, but There is no roughness and the appearance is smooth. It was a very elastic and chewy soba noodle when eaten. I ate this soba for the first time in a long time, This feeling of fluffiness is good. It was a delicious countryside soba that felt sweet when chewed. This is thick, so I felt like I could beat this soup. Soba-to is a slightly melted powder. There was a moderate tromi. It was delicious when the soup stock with strong soup stock was divided with a little soba hot water. The soba hot water itself was delicious and I drank it all. Yes. It was pretty good ♪ You can also see that it is popular in Shizuoka city. Next is soba noodles, tempura, etc. I would like to try something different.
Noriyuki Matsuda on Google

A authentic homemade soba noodle restaurant.Its soba taste and flavor were awesome! Duck soup also tastes great.

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