Yoshino - Shizuoka

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yoshino

住所 :

1 Chome-7-10 Takajo, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0839, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 420-0839

1 Chome-7-10 Takajo, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0839, Japan
Ryuichi Hayashi on Google

日本酒とお蕎麦を楽しめるお店です。 十割蕎麦を注文しました。 個人的には蕎麦の香りが存分にするタイプが好きなのですが、こちらの蕎麦はわりとさっぱりした蕎麦の味わいでした。 日本酒は日替わりで楽しめるようで、各県の日本酒を楽しめるようです。
It is a shop where you can enjoy sake and soba. I ordered 100% buckwheat noodles. Personally, I like the type that makes the aroma of soba full, but this soba had a rather refreshing taste of soba. It seems that you can enjoy sake on a daily basis, and you can enjoy sake from each prefecture.
hiro M on Google

A store that seems to have many regular customers. At first glance, it's a rare restaurant where you can eat freshly made soba noodles. Drinking sake with soba is more expensive than the market price. The rich soba hot water is worth tasting.
まるき on Google

美味しいそば、セロリのピクルス? ******************************** 新静岡の周りは、10年前かな、セノバができて、変わってしまったけど、こちらは、古くからやってます。美味しいそば、食べられますよ!店の雰囲気がいいね。広さも大きすぎず、温かい感じで好きだな。なぜか寛げるのは、私だけだろうか? ******************************** コロナ禍で行ってないな。明けたら、行きますよ! <おまけ>セロリのピクルス?美味しい。
Delicious soba, pickled celery? ******************************** Around Shin-Shizuoka, maybe 10 years ago, Senova was created and changed, but I've been doing this for a long time. You can eat delicious soba! The atmosphere of the store is nice. It's not too big and I like it because it's warm. Am I the only one to relax for some reason? ******************************** I didn't go because of the corona. I'll go when it's over! Celery pickles? delicious.
古谷淳彦 on Google

I ordered a bamboo steamer and a bamboo steamer. The noodles are medium-thick, chewy and chewy. Kake soba has soba that doesn't crumble and the soup is very delicious. The bamboo steamer is well soaked in cold water and has a good texture. The spicy juice is moderately seasoned. The condiment green onions that stick to both are wonderful. It is rare that it was sliced ​​so thinly. It is a long-established store that is faithful to the basics.
えむ5 on Google

【吉野】 こちらは2回目の訪問です。 新静岡に行く用事があったので行ってきました。 この日の目当ては、以前に連れが食べた季節限定の「せりそば」です。 静岡県内でもせりそばを出すお店は何件かあるけど、 基本的には湯がいたせりがお蕎麦に乗ったもの。 でもここは、生のせりをたっぷり乗せてるんですよね。 そんなにせりが好きな訳じゃないけど、 それが食べてみたくて行ってみました。 もちろんせりそば1150円を+300円で大盛りでお願いしました。 こちらはお蕎麦はすべて二八か十割か選べますが、 十割は大盛りの設定が無いので、この日は二八です。 前回と同じくまず漬物が来ました。 セロリと大根です。 こうゆうのって嬉しいですね。 お茶を飲みながらしばらく待っていると、 薬味と、せりがたっぷり乗った蕎麦がやってきました。 せりが豪快に乗っていて、どうやって食べようか考えちゃいました。 根っこの部分もたっぷりありますね。 根っこも生なのか、さすがに少しゆがいてるのかわかりません。 まずせりだけ頂くと、生なのでシャキシャキな食感。 根っこの部分もボリボリ噛んで頂きますが、泥臭さは全くありません。 爽やかな香りが口中に広がる感じ。 湯がいたものとはまた違う、せり本来の香りをしっかり堪能できました。 濃いめのつゆに少し付けて食べてもいいですね♪ お蕎麦は前回と同じ感想ですが、 若干平打ち気味で、蕎麦の香りが良かったです。 太さも食感もちょうど良く、喉越しのいいお蕎麦です。 ただこの日はせりと一緒に食べたので、 良く噛んで食べた感じかな? せりの香りと蕎麦の甘み。 そして、ここの少し辛めのつゆのバランスが最高でした♪ つゆは出汁もしっかりしてて、かえし強めで辛め。 好きなタイプです。 薬味はネギと大根と山葵。 大根は辛みがないもの。 せりを味わいたかったので、山葵しか使いませんでした。 途中でお蕎麦が足りなくなり、せいろをおかわりしました。 蕎麦湯は最初はサラッとしてましたが、 下の方はかなりトロミがありました。 蕎麦と同時に提供されたので、 美味しかったですがちょっと温くなっていました。 もう少し後で出して頂ければ更に良かったですね。 この、生のせりなら 温そばに乗ってても美味しいんでしょうね♪ ここはくろ麦出身のようですね。 外観は町のお蕎麦屋さん的な雰囲気だけど、 お蕎麦も美味しいしなかなかいいお店ですね♪ また季節が来たら食べてみたいです。
[Yoshino] This is my second visit. I went there because I had a business to go to Shin-Shizuoka. The aim of this day is the seasonal "Seri Soba" that my companion had eaten before. There are several shops in Shizuoka that serve auction soba, Basically, hot water auction is on soba noodles. But here, you have plenty of raw auctions on it. I don't like auction so much, I went there because I wanted to eat it. Of course, I asked for a large serving of 1150 yen for auction soba for +300 yen. You can choose 28 or 100% for all soba here, There is no large setting for 100%, so this day is 28. Like last time, pickles came first. Celery and radish. I'm happy about this. After waiting for a while while drinking tea, Soba with plenty of condiments and auction has arrived. The auction was daring and I thought about how to eat it. There are plenty of roots too. I don't know if the roots are also raw or if they are a little distorted. First of all, when you get only the auction, it has a crispy texture because it is raw. You will also chew the root part, but there is no muddy smell at all. Feeling that a refreshing scent spreads in the mouth. I was able to fully enjoy the original scent of auction, which is different from the one with hot water. You can add a little to the thick soup and eat it ♪ Soba has the same impression as last time, It was a little flat and had a nice soba scent. The soba noodles are just right in thickness and texture, and have a nice throat. However, I ate it with auction on this day, so I think I chewed it well and ate it. The aroma of auction and the sweetness of buckwheat noodles. And the balance of the slightly spicy soup here was the best ♪ The soup stock is also solid, and it is rather strong and spicy. This is my favorite type. The condiments are green onion, radish and wasabi. Radish is not spicy. I only used wasabi because I wanted to taste the auction. On the way, I ran out of soba and replaced the bamboo steamer. Soba hot water was smooth at first, but The lower one had a lot of tromi. Since it was served at the same time as soba, It was delicious, but it was a little warm. It would have been even better if you could put it out a little later. If this is a raw auction It's delicious even if you ride on hot soba ♪ It seems that you are from Kuromagi here. The appearance is like a soba restaurant in the town, Soba is also delicious and it's a pretty good shop ♪ I want to eat it again when the season comes.
Chou Miranda on Google

Nice service and good quality of soba.
robert-gilles martineau on Google

サービス:大人しけれども親切 設備: 一寸古いけれども綺麗。伝統的 値段: リーズナブル 得意:十割蕎麦。静岡地酒 Excellent traditional soba restaurant with extra dishes (great tamagoyaki) and a very good sake list!A bit shy but very kind owner and staff. Reasonable. good value for your money.
Noriyuki Matsuda on Google

A traditional soba restaurant. Good taste with friendly service.

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