Ochikawa Heritage - Hino

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Contact Ochikawa Heritage

住所 :

865-3 Ochikawa, Hino, Tokyo 191-0034, Japan

Postal code : 191-0034

865-3 Ochikawa, Hino, Tokyo 191-0034, Japan
hayanyan Hayasaki.Tetsuhiro on Google

Ruins with only a signboard. It was a park style, but it was a mysterious place that no one can see.
安藤正志 on Google

It is a place where you can feel the ruins of an old house ❗️
戸田ヨシヒサ on Google

It is very difficult to read the letters on the explanation board because of the sunburn. I don't think there's anybody here on weekdays during the daytime, or even on Sundays and holidays (no one was actually there). I can't see the seriousness of Hino City.
Takayuki Iijima on Google

There are no playground equipment as it is a ruin. There are no people.
イッツ・ア・コブ締めワールド on Google

It is a site with ruins from the 7th to 9th centuries, but it is not managed at all. On the asphalt laid on top to preserve the archeological site, it seems that the position of the archeological site was shown in different colors with paint for each age, but it has almost been peeled off due to aging. It was hard to read the explanation version and the faded letters, and the wooden bench did not sit down. It is dead as both a ruin and a park. Although telling the history of the region is a business that does not directly benefit, it is too bad.
HOSHI KA77 on Google

団地の隙間の小さな公園に遺構があったようですが、埋め戻されていて何も見れませんし、説明の看板なども色あせて保全されておらず酷いありさまです。公園として備わっているベンチなども腐ってしまっており、何のための遺跡公園なのか目を疑います。お金をかけずとももう少し市政がメンテナンスしたほうがいいんじゃないかな? 以下は看板にあった説明文を示します 東京都指定史跡 落川遺跡 所在地 日野市落川八一九 指定 昭和六十二年二月二十四日 本遺跡は多摩地区に多く存在する台地、丘陵上の遺跡と異なり沖積微高地上に立地する稀有な遺跡 である。その沖積微高地上に四世紀末~五世紀初頭に集落形成が開始され、以降、十四世紀初頭にいたるまで連続的に集落が営まれている。  東方約三〇〇メートルに鎮座する武蔵一の宮、小野神社を中心とする小野郷に比定される地域に該当すると考えられる。また、『日本紀略』、延喜十七年に見える「小野牧」と関係する遺跡と推定されている。 発掘された遺構は竪穴建物跡、掘立柱建物跡、井戸跡、鍛冶炉、祭祀跡等である。 遺物では鎌、鍬、鋤などの農耕具、鉄鏃刀装具、短刀などの武器類、馬具などが多量に出土しており、これらの遺構、遺物は武士集団の住居関係を解明する上で貴重な手がかりになるものと考えられる。 平成十八年三月一日 東京都教育委員会
It seems that there was a remains in a small park in the gap of the housing complex, but it is backfilled and nothing can be seen, and the signboards for explanations are faded and not preserved, which is a terrible situation. The benches that are provided as a park are also rotten, and I doubt what the archaeological park is for. Shouldn't the city administration maintain it a little more without spending money? The following shows the explanation that was on the signboard Ochikawa Ruins, a historic site designated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Location: 819 Ochikawa, Hino City Designated February 24, 1987 Unlike the plateaus and hills that are abundant in the Tama area, this site is a rare site located on the alluvial plain. Settlement began on the alluvial plain from the end of the 4th century to the beginning of the 5th century, and since then, settlements have been continuously carried out until the beginning of the 14th century. It is considered to correspond to the area designated as Onogo centered on Ono Shrine, Musashi Ichinomiya, which is located about 300 meters east. In addition, it is presumed to be a site related to "Onomaki", which can be seen in the 17th year of Enki, in "Nihon Kiryaku". The excavated remains are the remains of a pit building, the remains of an excavated pillar building, the remains of a well, a blacksmith's furnace, the remains of a ritual, etc. A large amount of agricultural tools such as sickles, hoe and plow, weapons such as iron swords and daggers, and horses have been excavated as relics, and these relics and relics are valuable for clarifying the dwelling relationship of samurai groups. It is thought to be a clue. March 1, 2006 Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education
石川阿公 on Google

本遺跡は多摩地区に多く存在する台地、丘陵上の遺跡と異なり沖積微高地上に立地する稀有な遺跡 である。その沖積微高地上に四世紀末~五世紀初頭に集落形成が開始され、以降、十四世紀初頭にいたるまで連続的に集落が営まれている。 東方約300メートルに鎮座する武蔵一の宮、小野神社を中心とする小野郷に比定される地域に該当すると考えられる。また、『日本紀略』、延喜十七年に見える「小野牧」と関係する遺跡と推定されている。 発掘された遺構は竪穴建物跡、掘立柱建物跡、井戸跡、鍛冶炉、祭祀跡等である。 遺物では鎌、鍬、鋤などの農耕具、鉄鏃、刀装具、短刀などの武器類、馬具などが多量に出土しており、これらの遺構、遺物は武士集団の住居関係を解明する上で貴重な手がかりになるものと考えられる。 平成十八年三月一日 (東京都教育委員会)
This archeological site is a rare archaeological site located on the alluvial surface, unlike the terraces and hills that often exist in the Tama area. Village formation started on the alluvial surface at the end of the 4th century to the beginning of the 5th century. It is considered to correspond to the area that is comparable to Onogo, centered on Ono Shrine and Musashi Ichinomiya, which is about 300 meters east. In addition, it is presumed to be a site related to "Onomaki," which was found in the 17th year of Enki, in the Nihon Kikan. The remains excavated are traces of pit buildings, traces of pillars, wells, blacksmith furnaces and rituals. In the relics, a large amount of agricultural implements such as sickles, hoe and plows, iron barbs, sword equipment, weapons such as short swords, harnesses, etc. have been excavated. It is thought to be a valuable clue. March 1, 1996 (Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education)
信楽焼のタヌキ on Google

落川遺跡は、1977年(昭和52年)12月、都営落川住宅の建設工事中に発見さ れました。遺跡の範囲は、 隣接する多摩市にまで広がっており、その面積は約 750,000m以上と考えられます。多摩市側は、一の宮遺跡といい、両市にまたがっ た場合、落川一の宮遺跡と呼んでいます。 落川遺跡の周辺は、多摩川や浅川により形成された自然堤防や沖積微高地が発 達しています。ここに住んだ人々は、たびたび起こる洪水や冠水に対しその地形 を生かし、高度な治水技術を駆使し、居住地・農地を確保して暮らしてきました。 都営住宅地内で発見された遺構には、竪穴建物約 500軒、掘立柱建物約100軒を 始め、井戸跡、鍛治炉跡、 溝跡、 畑跡などがあります。それらは、古墳時代から平安 時代にかけて営まれ、その変遷の過程は大変興味深いものです。 出土遺物には、たくさんの土師器や須恵器、灰釉陶器、中国製の磁器などの土器 のほか、農具や武具、日常品をはじめとする豊富な鉄製品、木製品、石製品などさ まざまなものがあります。 このように、落川遺跡は東国を代表する古代の大規模で貴重な集落遺跡です。 落川遺跡公園
The Ochikawa site was discovered in December 1977 (Showa 52) during the construction of a Toei Ochikawa house. The area of ​​the ruins extends to the neighboring city of Tama, and the area is thought to be more than 750,000 m. The Tama City side is called the Ichinomiya Ruins, and when it straddles both cities, it is called the Ochikawa Ichinomiya Ruins. Around the Ochikawa site, natural levee formed by the Tama and Asa rivers and alluvial highlands have reached. The people who lived here have secured their place of residence and farmland by making full use of their terrain against frequent floods and floods and making full use of advanced hydraulic technology. The remains found in the metropolitan residential area include about 500 pit buildings and about 100 digging pillar buildings, as well as wells, blacksmith furnaces, ditches, and fields. They were run from the Kofun period to the Heian period, and the process of their transition is very interesting. The excavated relics include many earthenware such as earthenware, Sue pottery, ash glaze pottery, and Chinese porcelain, as well as farm tools, armor, and abundant iron products such as everyday items, wood products, and stone products. There are various things. In this way, the Ochikawa site is an ancient large-scale and valuable settlement site that represents the eastern country. Ochikawa Heritage Park

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