みのや さくら亭

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact みのや さくら亭

住所 :

Nishiminowa, Ina, 〒399-4501 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://minoyasakuratei.com/shop/help/about
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–8:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–8:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–8:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–8:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–8:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–8:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–8:30PM
街 : Nagano

Nishiminowa, Ina, 〒399-4501 Nagano,Japan
ちろちゃん on Google

提供時間が少し遅めです。 ホール1人厨房1人ですので たまに怒鳴り声が店に響きます。(^_^;) ミニソースカツ丼セットを注文しました。1500円くらいでしたかね?カツ丼旨かったです。
The offer time is a little late. Because there is one person in the hall and one person in the kitchen Occasionally yells echo in the store. (^ _ ^;) I ordered a mini sauce cutlet bowl set. Was it about 1500 yen? The katsudon was delicious.
宮島幸博 on Google

I like the attitude of the master who listens to the opinions of customers sincerely. Of course, the soba was also delicious! ️
智慧 on Google

メニューがいろいろ✨ お食事も、デザートも、そば粉つかったものもたくさん✨ パンケーキやアイス ガレットはお食事系とデザート系とある。 パンケーキは……ちょっとイメージとちがったけど…? ガレットはパリパリでおいしい♪ かつがちょい衣薄すぎてビミョーだけど おいしかった。ソースは甘めかな。 で、お蕎麦はめちゃおいしい✨ 細くてひんやりで、バランスいいおつゆで スルスル入っちゃう✨ 舌に残る香りや風味…後味… かなり好きなタイプのお蕎麦だったよ?
Various menus A lot of meals, desserts, soba flour Pancakes and ice Garret has a meal type and a dessert type. Pancake is a little different from the image ... Garrett is delicious in crispy ♪ Katsugai is too thin for Bimyoo it was delicious. The sauce is sweet. So, soba is really delicious Thin, cool and well-balanced hot pot A bowl that goes through Fragrance and flavor remaining on the tongue ... aftertaste ... It was a really favorite type of soba noodles
Kazuki Matsui on Google

蕎麦を食べたくて立ち寄り♪ 名物メニュー?の蕎麦とソースカツ丼のセットを注文。 蕎麦はコシがあって美味しかった。 ソースカツ丼は優しいソースで美味♪
Stop by to eat soba ♪ Specialty menu? I ordered a set of soba and sauce cutlet bowl. The buckwheat was chewy and delicious. Sauce cutlet bowl is delicious with a gentle sauce ♪
ひろ on Google

平日の午後1時15分頃 昼どきを逃して、ランチ探しの時間もなく、開いているお店に飛び込んだ! 飛び込んだのは良いが、明らかな失敗だ。広い店内にお客さんは 昼からビールで盛り上がる1組3人だけ。 その対応で、厨房もフロアも一人でこなす兄さん。テンパってる。 かなりの時間待たされた。 昼時はさぞかし提供待ちで混雑だろう。 一人営業では仕方ないかぁ。 肝心の蕎麦は少しボソボソ 残念ながら風味はない。 山葵も作り置きか?風味の無い山葵ほど味気ないものはない。 ツユは出汁が効き、少し濃いめで良い が このクオリティでこの価格は 高いと、思う。 たいして多く無い大盛りと、、野菜のぶつ切りかき揚げで1,730円だ。。。 蕎麦だけで集客はできそうも無い 2度目は考える気にならない
Around 1:15 pm on weekdays I missed lunch and jumped into an open shop without having time to look for lunch! It's good to jump in, but it's an obvious failure. Customers in the large store Only 3 people in a group who get excited with beer from noon. In response to that, my brother who handles both the kitchen and the floor alone. It's tempered. I've been waiting for quite some time. It will be crowded at noon waiting for the offer. Isn't it unavoidable to open alone? The essential soba is a little lumpy Unfortunately there is no flavor. Is wasabi also made? Nothing is as bland as wasabi without flavor. Tuyu has a good soup stock and should be a little thicker. But This price with this quality I think it's expensive. It costs 1,730 yen for a large serving, which is not very large, and for fried vegetables. .. .. It seems unlikely that you can attract customers with soba alone I don't feel like thinking the second time
precious M on Google

あまりやる気がないのでしょうかね。メニューも減りましたし、相変わらず食事の提供には時間がかかりますし、入店順番なんてまるで無視な配膳。 再訪でしたがもう行く事はないかな。
I wonder if I'm not very motivated. The menu has decreased, it still takes time to serve meals, and the order of entry is totally ignored. It was a revisit, but I wonder if I will go there anymore.
冒険野郎 on Google

The sauce katsudon was a soy sauce katsudon. The sauce wasn't bad, but I wanted to eat the sauce. It's like the difference between takoyaki sauce and soy sauce. You're using soba soup. I wanted you to specify the taste of soy sauce. I was appealing that no chemical seasonings were used, but it doesn't matter. The soba was usually delicious, but the soup was too little, so I asked for grated daikon radish, but all of it was sucked up and there was no soba hot water left. I wanted you to think a little more. I wonder if the shop staff has never eaten with grated daikon radish. Tonkatsu first ate fat and thought it was unpleasant and dangerous, but the meat was usually delicious. Why is the fat so hard and unpleasant?
Ahmad Ath on Google

I think this restaurant serves one of best soba in Nagano (the home of soba), staff are also so friendly to forigners. ?

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