
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 行者そば梅庵

住所 :

Araiuchinokaya, Ina, 〒396-0028 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.sobayabaiann.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Nagano

Araiuchinokaya, Ina, 〒396-0028 Nagano,Japan
文鳥 on Google

It was the soba that competed for the highest rank ever. It is still delicious to have only salt. It seems to be popular and the waiting time is long.
Sonoko Ito on Google

9月の連休で行きました。旦那曰く、長野県で口コミナンバーワンのお店だそうです。 写真は、行者そば、田舎そば、写真に無いけど子供用のそば。付け合せに卵焼きと鴨肉盛り合わせ。 途中の道のりは、県道から離れてグーグル通りに行ったら酷道でした。川の左を沿う道がオススメです。ちょうど周りはそば畑の花盛りでした。 お店は古民家を改修した創りです。 お座敷なので、膝が悪い方には厳しいかも。 子供用のメニューや絵本があって親切です。待っている間絵本を読んで静かにできます。
I went there during the consecutive holidays in September. According to her husband, it is the number one restaurant in Nagano prefecture. The photos are soba noodles, soba noodles in the countryside, and soba noodles for children that are not in the photo. Assorted omelet and duck meat as a side dish. The road on the way was a terrible road when I went to Google Street away from the prefectural road. The road along the left side of the river is recommended. The surrounding area was in full bloom in the buckwheat field. The shop is a renovated old folk house. It's a tatami room, so it may be tough for people with bad knees. There are children's menus and picture books, so it's kind. You can read a picture book quietly while you wait.
Hok O on Google

行者そば美味しい! つゆは「辛い」という感じではないので辛味NGの人でも食べられそう。焼き味噌を溶くと味が変わるので、途中から入れたほうが楽しめると思います。 蕎麦は固め。 これは好き嫌いがハッキリ別れそうです。私は麺類は固めが好きなので大ヒット! 連休中で激混み。 食べる迄2時間かかりました。 鴨が売切れだったので鴨の鍬焼きが食べられ無かったのは無念。次回は必ず!
Goza soba delicious! The soup is not "hot", so it can be eaten even by people with hot taste. The taste changes when you melt baked miso, so I think you can enjoy putting it along the way. Soba is hardened. This is like love and hate, but it seems to break up clearly. I like noodles, so I made a big hit! It is intensely crowded during the consecutive holidays. It took me 2 hours to eat. It was a pity that I could not eat the grilled salmon because the salmon was sold out. Next time always!
miu miu on Google

k 1120 on Google

行者蕎麦は、太麺なので私の好みではないのですが、盛りそばなどは細打ちでとっても美味しいです。 県外からも多くの人が訪れているので、オープン前から軽〜く並んでます。 オープン前は名前を書くようになっていて、順番を取ることも出来ます。 現在は電話予約もしているみたいです。
Gyosha soba is thick noodles, so I don't like it, but Morisoba is finely chopped and very delicious. Many people come from outside the prefecture, so they line up lightly before the opening. Before opening, you can write your name and take turns. It seems that he is also making a phone reservation now.
石井啓子 on Google

十割蕎麦でとても美味しかったです。今迄食べた十割蕎麦のなかでも1 2位でした。 鴨南汁も頼みましたが3人で飲んで充分です。これも美味しかったです。 太めな蕎麦と細めの蕎麦とありましたが喉越しを楽しむなら細めが良いような気がします。太麺も余り無いので珍しかったです。
It was 100% buckwheat noodles and it was very delicious. It was the 1st and 2nd place among the 100% buckwheat noodles I had ever eaten. I also ordered Kamo Nanban, but it's enough for three people to drink. This was also delicious. There were thick soba and thin soba, but I feel that thin soba is better if you enjoy the throat. It was rare because there weren't many thick noodles.
み―ちゃ on Google

行者そばと鴨のくわ焼きをいただきました。つゆに入れた辛味大根がずーっと爽やかな感じで、より一層蕎麦が美味しく感じました。 鴨のくわ焼きも甘めのたれがしっかりと効いていて、鴨肉もさることながら、舞茸が美味しかったです。 運がよければ可愛いワンちゃんのお出迎えがあります?
I had soba noodles and duck roasted. The spicy radish in the soup was refreshing all the time, and the soba was even more delicious. The sweet sauce of the duck roasted well worked well, and the Maitake mushrooms were delicious as well as the duck meat. If you are lucky, you will be greeted by a cute dog ?
Y's Studio on Google

グリーンファームの帰りに、評価が高いので立ち寄り。 蕎麦の発祥は、伊那の行者とも聞くので期待してうかがう。 太麺、十割の行者が人気。塩で頂くが美味くてうっかり、つゆでいただくのを忘れる。山奥の自然の中で生まれてきた蕎麦の源泉を感じた。 お店の方も奥さん?、娘さん? の接客は誠に良いのですが、複数調理に慣れてないのか11時13分に着席注文、出てきたのが11時53分と蕎麦一人前に40分かかるのと、他の方も指摘あるように、厨房の親方に美味しかった!と声がけして、目があっても、何も帰ってこない(お母さん、娘さんはありがとうといただきました)のが惜しいです。 あと、入口の建物に、どデカいスズメバチの巣があります。何にもしなければ大丈夫なんでしょうが、お店の中が混んでて庭でのお蕎麦を勧められるのであれば、ちょっと怖いです。
On the way back from the green farm, we stopped by because it was highly evaluated. I hear that the origin of soba is from Ina, so please look forward to it. Thick noodles and 100% of the people are popular. It's delicious with salt, but I forget to boil it. I felt the source of soba that was born in the nature of the mountains. Is the shop also your wife? ,Daughter? The customer service is really good, but other people have pointed out that I was not accustomed to multiple cooking, I ordered a seat at 11:13, and it took 40 minutes for soba to come out at 11:53. It was delicious to the master of the kitchen! It is regrettable that nothing comes back (thanks to my mom and daughter) even if I have eyes. Also, there is a huge wasp nest in the entrance building. It's okay if you don't do anything, but it's a little scary if the shop is crowded and you can recommend soba in the garden.

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