Nishiki - Kamo District

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nishiki

住所 :

971-35 Naramoto, Higashiizu, Kamo District, Shizuoka 413-0302, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Postal code : 413-0302
Webサイト :

971-35 Naramoto, Higashiizu, Kamo District, Shizuoka 413-0302, Japan
のりのり on Google

鯵たたき丼を食べたかったけど 入荷が無くて残念 この日は海鮮納豆丼 イカメンチは絶品 女将さん?も板前さんも 感じの良い素敵なお店
I wanted to eat a horse mackerel tataki bowl Sorry for the lack of stock This day is a seafood natto bowl Squid menchi is exquisite Landlady? Itamae-san is also a nice and nice shop
こーたろうのソロ旅(こーたろう) on Google

伊豆熱川温泉で鯵のたたき丼 今日は伊豆熱川温泉にある伊豆の味処 錦さんにおじゃましました。 一番人気っぽい鯵のたたき丼をオーダー。 アジのたたきをマウンテンに盛り付けるのが東伊豆スタイルらしい。アジにはネギ・ショウガ・しょうゆなどで味がついているのでこちらとしてはただかきこむのみ。あっという間に完食しました。 ごちそうさまでした。
Tataki bowl of horse mackerel at Izu Atagawa Onsen Today, I visited Mr. Nishiki, a taste shop of Izu in Izu Atagawa Onsen. I ordered the most popular horse mackerel tataki bowl. It seems to be Higashiizu style to serve horse mackerel tataki on the mountain. The horse mackerel is flavored with green onions, ginger, soy sauce, etc. I finished eating in no time. Thank you for the meal.
Ms. Kanou on Google

お湯かけ弁財天に行く前に寄りました。12時半で既に生もの系のどんぶりもんが殆ど完売とかで 食べたかった 金目鯛のカツレツもかけるソースが無くなったとかで 食べれず 出るにも出られないので 違うものを頼む事に 『明日葉の天婦羅』 は元々たべるつもりはしていたので注文 『猪コロッケ』を注文 油っこいのばかりなので 『赤かぶの甘酢漬け』を注文しました。 明日葉の天婦羅は初めて食べたけどなかなかイケました⤴️ ただお塩がアカンかった (ヾノ・ω・`) 猪コロッケは 熱々で中は意外とクリーミーな感じで 猪と言われないと解らないぐらいです? ソースかけずに食べました その方が旨味消さないので 美味しかったです。
I stopped by before going to Benzaiten. At 12:30, the raw rice bowls are almost sold out. I wanted to eat The sauce for splendid alfonsino katsuretsu is gone Can't eat I can't even get out To ask for something different "Ashitaba Tempura" Originally intended to eat, so I ordered Order "Boar Croquette" Because it's just greasy I ordered "Sweet and sour sauce of red turnip". I ate the tempura of Ashitaba for the first time, but it was pretty cool ⤴️ The salt was just crazy (ヾ ・ ω ・ `) Wild boar croquette It's hot and the inside is surprisingly creamy I don't know unless I'm called a wild boar ? I ate it without sauce Because that doesn't erase the umami It was delicious.
W on Google

味が良いだけでなく、板前さんも女将さんも気さくな良い人でした。 コロナ対策もバッチリです。 1時過ぎに入店したら鯵と穴子天ぷらは売り切れでした。残念。 猪肉ステーキが思ったより柔らかく美味しかった。
Not only did it taste good, but both Itamae and the landlady were friendly and good people. Corona measures are also perfect. When I entered the store after 1 o'clock, the horse mackerel and conger eel tempura were sold out. disappointing. The wild boar steak was softer and tastier than I expected.
Gourmet Aomori on Google

コロナ前に後輩とツーリング中に来訪。 高磯の湯で冷えた身体をじっくり暖めてからいざランチへ。 車が複数台止まっており、待つかと思えばたまたま2人分の空きがあり並ばず着席。 口コミ通りの江戸っ子気質?な女将さんと元気な店員。 幸いにも怒鳴ってる姿はなく、注文可能でした。 鯵ののめろう丼、天使の海老は絶品でした。 また高磯の湯が再開した時には是非、足を運びたいお店です。 帰り際はお昼時で複数名待っている方がいました。 人気店なんですね。
Visited while touring with juniors before Corona. After warming up your cold body with Takaiso's hot water, it's time to go for lunch. There were multiple cars parked, and when I thought about waiting, there was a vacancy for two people and I was seated without lining up. Edokko temperament according to word of mouth? A landlady and a cheerful clerk. Fortunately, I didn't see him yelling and I was able to order. The horse mackerel rice bowl and the angel shrimp were excellent. Also, when Takaiso-no-Yu is reopened, this is a shop you definitely want to visit. On the way back, there were people waiting for more than one person at noon. It's a popular store.
pui ting Lee on Google

Yummy tempura
John Bouma on Google

Nice different kind of dishes, friendly staff
Kenji sugita on Google

When I visited here, unfortunately some of the dishes which I wanted were already out-of-stock. however, grilled Alfonsino with miso was really good(^o^)

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