Isotei - Kamo District

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Isotei

住所 :

553-15 Katase, Higashiizu, Kamo District, Shizuoka 413-0303, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 413-0303
Webサイト :

553-15 Katase, Higashiizu, Kamo District, Shizuoka 413-0303, Japan
茶葉 on Google

I had a seafood bowl. delicious!
きまぐれ旅人 on Google

この辺りを散策してる時にふらりと寄らせていただきました。コロナ対策で2階のみで営業してました。テーブル席と座敷があり、広々としています。 今回は海老天が5本乗っているのが目を引いた海老天重(2,310円)をチョイスしました。揚げ物類は揚げられる量が決まっているそうで結構時間がかかると注意書きがあり、実際に20分くらい待ちました。時間に余裕が無かったり、せっかちな方はご注意下さい。 待たされますが、出てきた物はボリューム満点でふきのとう、しいたけ、さつまいも、なすの野菜類で彩られ、その中央に主役の海老天が5本乗っており、存在感は抜群です。天ぷら類も程よくカラッとしていながらタレが染みていて相性は最高でした。渡り蟹の味噌汁も香りが良く美味しかったです。 多少値が張るのと、待ち時間がかかる以外は最高でした。天丼類は試してみる価値ありな一品だと思います。他にも店がオススメしている海鮮丼やアジフライ定食などを試してみたいです。ごちそうさまでした!また行きます!
When I was taking a walk around here, I dropped by. It was open only on the 2nd floor as a measure against corona. It is spacious with table seats and tatami mats. This time, I chose Ebiten Tenju (2,310 yen), which caught my eye with 5 shrimp tempura. It seems that the amount of fried foods to be fried is fixed, and there is a note that it will take a long time, so I actually waited for about 20 minutes. Please be careful if you do not have enough time or are impatient. You'll have to wait, but the ones that came out are full of volume and are colored with butterbur sprout, shiitake mushrooms, sweet potatoes, and eggplant vegetables, and the five protagonists, Ebiten, are in the center, and their presence is outstanding. The tempura was also moderately crispy, but the sauce was soaked and the compatibility was the best. The miso soup of the migratory crab was also fragrant and delicious. It was great except that it was a little pricey and it took a long time to wait. I think Tendon is a dish worth trying. I would also like to try other seafood bowls and fried chicken set meals recommended by the restaurant. Thank you for the meal! I will go again!
綱川晶礼 on Google

Both the local fish tempura bowl and the soup were delicious. Tuna's Kama set meal seems to be recommended, so next I will ask for it
俊毅安村 on Google

気まぐれによってみましたが、 あたりでした!! 煮魚定食のコスパが 尋常ではなく良いです。
I tried it on a whim, It was around! !! The cospa of the boiled fish set meal It's not normal and good.
You key Core on Google

三連休まっさかりで近くの魚料理のお店が激混みだったためこちらに訪問しました。ランチは14時までとこのと。ランチタイム以降は同じメニューが200円増しで食べられます。 ランチタイムは過ぎておりアジフライ定食1480円を注文。ややお高めですがボリュームもあり美味しかったです。
We visited here because the fish restaurant nearby was very crowded after three consecutive holidays. Lunch is until 14:00. After lunchtime, you can eat the same menu for 200 yen more. Lunch time has passed and I ordered the Aji Fry set meal for 1480 yen. It was a little expensive, but it was delicious because it had a lot of volume.
Carたっちー(たっちーCar) on Google

9月の4連休。やっと東京が県外移動解禁。 今シーズン最初で最後のシュノーケリングで伊豆ヒリゾ浜。 ところが、昼、どこも駐車場いっぱい、店には列が出来てる。 で、お目当ての店がことごとくダメ。 そして入ったのが、このお店。 いやー見ての通り、アジが凄い肉厚。 新鮮で美味しいアジフライの店をまた見つけた。 熱川の食いしん坊錦がダントツ一番だったんだけど、もうやってないらしい。 このお店なら納得の味のアジ。
4 consecutive holidays in September. Finally, Tokyo has lifted the ban on moving outside the prefecture. Izu Hirizo Beach for the first and last snorkeling of this season. However, at noon, there are lots of parking lots and there are lines in the store. So, all the shops you are looking for are useless. And I entered this shop. As you can see, the horse mackerel is very thick. I found another fresh and delicious Ajifuri restaurant. Atagawa's gluttonous Nishiki was by far the best, but it seems he hasn't done it anymore. This shop has a convincing taste of horse mackerel.
もんもママ on Google

食べきれなかった分はテイクアウト用に持ち帰り可能です。 写真は金目鯛の煮付け。税込1980円!とても安い!おひとり様用サイズの金目で大満足です。 片瀬白田駅から近くのセブンイレブンやガソリンスタンド、戸田保養所の近くにあります。現在は20時まで営業しているそうです。 電車で行かれる際は熱川駅からは隣の駅になり、片瀬白田駅は無人駅となります。現在、20時台に熱川方面へ帰路される際の電車発車時刻は20時56分くらいだったと思います。(2021年4月時点)熱川駅も17時頃には駅員さんがいなくなるので往復切符を予め購入しておくか、時間帯によって切符購入ができない場合、乗車した車内で精算が可能です。車掌さんに声かければOKです♪ 徒歩でも熱川の海岸沿いから15分ほどで片瀬白田に着く為、道も平坦で歩きやすいですし 海の景色を見ながら歩いても来れるので行きやすいです。
If you can't eat it, you can take it home for takeout. The photo is a boiled sea bream. 1980 yen including tax! Very cheap! I am very satisfied with the size of gold for one person. It is near Seven-Eleven, gas stations, and Toda Recreation Center near Katase-Shirata Station. It seems that it is currently open until 20:00. When going by train, it will be the next station from Atagawa Station, and Katase-Shirata Station will be an unmanned station. Currently, I think the train departure time when returning to Atagawa at around 20:00 was around 20:56. (As of April 2021) Atagawa Station will also have no station staff around 17:00, so you can purchase a round-trip ticket in advance, or if you cannot purchase a ticket depending on the time of day, you can pay in the train you boarded. It's OK if you talk to the conductor ♪ It takes about 15 minutes on foot from the coast of Atagawa to reach Katase Shirada, so the road is flat and easy to walk. It is easy to go because you can come by walking while looking at the sea view.
馬鹿正直ポン太郎 on Google

片瀬白田という土地柄観光地で温泉を楽しみながら夏場は海水浴も可能なのでしょうか? 仕事での夕食に仕事仲間と訪れたのですが、そんなに遅い時間ではなかったのにありとあらゆるメニューが売り切れで残念な結果になってしまいました。 ご家族で経営されているのか?ちょっととぼけたおばちゃん店員がまるでドリフのコントのように注文を取りに来ます(笑) 何が売り切れかは把握しておらずその都度厨房まで聞きにいったり注文したはいいものの魚は違うものだったりなにせ忙しいやり取りが続きました。 ランチで食材がかなりなくなってしまったのかな?まぁ選べないのは残念でしたがそれなりに海の幸をいただき、おばちゃんとのコントもつまみとなり楽しいひと時でした。
Is it possible to swim in the sea in the summer while enjoying the hot springs at Katase Shirada, a local tourist destination? I visited with my colleagues for dinner at work, but it wasn't too late, but all the menus were sold out, which was a disappointing result. Is it run by a family? A slightly blurred auntie clerk comes to pick up an order like a Drifters Tale (laughs) I didn't know what was sold out, and every time I went to the kitchen to ask or ordered, the fish were different, but the exchanges continued to be busy. Did I run out of food at lunch? Well, it was a pity that I couldn't choose it, but I received some seafood, and it was a fun time as a control with my aunt.

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