
3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact たくぞうのらーめん

住所 :

Negishi, Minami Ward, 〒336-0024 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Webサイト : http://www.takuzo-company.com/
街 : Saitama

Negishi, Minami Ward, 〒336-0024 Saitama,Japan
北川輝彦 on Google

Affordable and delicious Iekei Ramen. By default, the noodles are hardened and the soup is rich, so it is safer not to say that the noodles are hardened when you eat for the first time.
k hmg on Google

こってり系があまり好きではないのですが、近所には貴重なラーメン屋さんです。 隣のたくぞうの家で注文することもできます。 大食いユーチューバーさんがチャレンジしている動画を偶然見つけたときは驚きました!
I don't really like heavy noodles, but it's a valuable ramen shop in the neighborhood. You can also order at the neighboring Takuzo's house. I was surprised when I happened to find a video that Gluttony YouTuber is challenging!
Koichi Mase on Google

カウンター5席分、テーブルが3つほどの小さなラーメン店。 期間限定ということであるがライスが無料となっている。 チャーシューが柔らかくガーリックが効いている。個人の好みだとは思うがスープはやや塩がきつめに感じた。 長居はお勧めしないが無料WiFiが利用できて、ちょっとした息抜きにも利用できる。 支払いにPayPayにも対応している。
A small ramen shop with five counters and three tables. For a limited time, rice is free. The char siu is soft and garlic is effective. I think it was personal preference, but the soup felt somewhat salty. Long stay is not recommended, but free WiFi is available and can be used for a little break. It supports PayPay for payment.
Ryudai Saito on Google

I entered a little before 13:00 on Saturday. There were only two groups of customers waiting for takeout. I ordered soy sauce pork bones for 750 yen. Noodles, taste and oil can be selected in 3 stages. Choose hard noodles and normal noodles. Since I have mastered the skill of high blood pressure, I should choose thinner than usual, but today is my first time so I will wait and see. It takes about 10 minutes to arrive. It is a Yokohama family ramen with thick noodles. In the case of Iekei Ramen, there are many cases where even if you order hard, it will not be much different from normal, but it was firm here. The taste was normal and just right, and it didn't have to be thin. It's good. It was full in about 10 minutes waiting for the arrivaler. There were 4 seats at the counter and 2 tables, so I knew that I was just lucky. I think the location depends on the events of Saitama City Culture Center, but I want you to do your best.
さとうむつぞー on Google

出前館でおすすめにあったので注文。 数々の有名店や、裏通りにある今にも潰れそうなラーメン屋沢山回ってきましたが、家を名乗れるか?と言われればないと言います。 出前なので自分でレンチンしなくては行けないのは仕方ないです。ただそうするとかなり麺が柔くなりのびのびです。 仕方ないかもしれませんが… それにしても麺自体から匂いや旨みがありませんでした。家系だから中太ストレートでしょっていう安直そうな感じでした。 スープは確かに家系の口にまとわりつくミルキーな甘みがありました。 今回は鶏そばと辛いのを頼みましたが辛いものに限っては単純に豆板醤入れましたみたいな味でとっても残念です。逆にスープの良さを殺してます。 ミニチャーシュー丼も食べましたが何の変哲もない普通のチャーシューです。壱角家にあるホロホロ何感じでもないかと言って歯ごたえある系のチャーシューでもない。 鶏そばも特別これに拘ってると言うだしは無いです。鶏そば系(白湯も)と魚介系は特に好きなジャンルなだけにあれ?って感じです。 そして送料抜きで2400円はあまりにも高い。 2つとミニチャーシュー合わせて1800円くらいな気がしますね。
I ordered it because it was recommended at the delivery hall. I've been to many famous shops and many ramen shops on the back alley that are about to collapse. Can I call myself a house? I say no. It's a delivery service, so it's unavoidable that I have to rent it myself. However, if you do so, the noodles will become softer and more relaxed. It may be unavoidable, but ... Even so, there was no smell or umami from the noodles themselves. Because it was a family line, it seemed to be easy to say that it was a medium-thick straight. The soup certainly had a milky sweetness that clung to the mouth of the family. This time I ordered chicken soba and spicy ones, but it's a shame that the spicy ones just taste like doubanjiang. On the contrary, it kills the goodness of the soup. I ate a mini char siu bowl, but it's a normal char siu. It's not a chewy char siu, even if it doesn't feel like anything in the Ichikaku family. There is no reason to say that chicken soba is also specially concerned with this. Are chicken soba (also plain hot water) and seafood genres your favorite genres? I feel like. And 2400 yen is too expensive without shipping. I think it's about 1800 yen for the two and the mini char siu.
GM Riders (はいどん) on Google

鶏そば塩、最高です。 クリーミーなスープ‼️ 豚骨スープも極上‼️
Chicken soba salt is the best. Creamy soup! ️ The pork bone soup is also the best! ️
香取貴子 on Google

息子が好きで食べに行っています。 地元ですが、友達同士の中でも、美味しいとなっているようです。 地元にラーメン屋っていいですよね。中高生も気軽に食べに行けるようです! 過去に私が行ったとき、隣のご家族のお子さんはラーメン、大人は焼き鳥を食べながら飲んでいました。焼き鳥も頼めていいですね! これからも、頑張ってください!
I like my son and go to eat. It's local, but it seems to be delicious among my friends. It's nice to have a local ramen shop. It seems that junior and senior high school students can easily go to eat! When I went there in the past, the children of the family next door were eating ramen and the adults were eating yakitori. You can also order yakitori! Please keep doing a good job!
Kaiser Excalibur on Google

店内はカウンター5席、2人用テーブル席が1つ、4人用テーブル席が1つあります。 元気の良い店員さんの挨拶が心地良いですね。 豚骨ラーメン750円(塩、醤油、味噌、辛味噌+100円)や鶏そば800円(塩、醤油)。 麺の硬さ、スープの濃さ、脂の量が選べます。 麺は中太のストレート麺。硬さは普通でも良い感じの歯ごたえがあります。 具はやや硬めで歯ごたえのあるチャーシュー、海苔、ほうれん草。 横浜家系ラーメンの部類に入りますが、スープを攪拌してクリーミーにしているため、ほかの家系ラーメンに比べてスープがまろやかで食べやすく美味しいです。 個人的には豚骨ラーメンの塩か醤油がおすすめです♪ ごちそうさまでした。
There are 5 counter seats, 1 table seat for 2 people, and 1 table seat for 4 people. The greeting of the cheerful clerk is comfortable. Pork bone ramen 750 yen (salt, soy sauce, miso, spicy miso + 100 yen) and chicken soba 800 yen (salt, soy sauce). You can choose the hardness of the noodles, the strength of the soup, and the amount of fat. The noodles are medium-thick straight noodles. The hardness is normal but it has a nice texture. The ingredients are slightly hard and chewy char siu, seaweed, and spinach. Although it belongs to the category of Yokohama Iekei Ramen, the soup is mellow, easy to eat and delicious compared to other Iekei Ramen because the soup is agitated to make it creamy. Personally, I recommend tonkotsu ramen salt or soy sauce ♪ Thank you for the meal.

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