
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 旬肴居食家はなぶさ

住所 :

Narimasu, Itabashi City, 〒175-0094 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : https://hanabusa-narimasu.owst.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–11PM
Sunday 5–11PM
Monday 5–11PM
Tuesday 5–11PM
Wednesday 5–11PM
Thursday 5–11PM
Friday 5–11PM
街 : Tokyo

Narimasu, Itabashi City, 〒175-0094 Tokyo,Japan
hajime kusunoki on Google

It was a nice shop with abundant sake!
新田夏々 on Google

初来店に、料理が美味しくてまた来たいと思いました。 2回目来店は、注文したチーズフライ、チキントマト鍋、三種盛りなど、最初に頼んだ注文等が来ませんでした。 『すみません、さっき注文した物がまだですが…』と、聞いたにも関わらず最後まで来ず。 『オーダー通ってます』と言われて待っても来ず。 会計には、来なかった商品も入ってたし最低 2度と行かない
I wanted to come back to the store for the first time because the food was delicious. When I visited the store for the second time, I didn't receive the first order I ordered, such as the cheese fried, chicken tomato hot pot, and three kinds of assortment. "I'm sorry, I haven't ordered the item yet ...", but I didn't come to the end. I didn't come even if I was told that I was ordering. There were some products that didn't come in the accounting, so at least Never go again
kimmy Guðmundsdóttir on Google

La comida está muy rica ? y también tienen una variedad se sakes. El sashimi estuvo muy rico ?.
The food is very tasty ? and they also have a variety of sakes. The sashimi was very tasty ?.
K Y on Google

日本酒?がおいしくいただけるお店です 料理も一品一品とてもおいしいです 何よりも店長さん フロアスタッフさん(新人さん含めて)皆さんの心遣いと笑顔がとてもステキです
It is a shop where you can enjoy sake ? Each dish is also very delicious. Above all, the manager and the floor staff (including newcomers) are very happy with everyone's care and smile.
TVXQ KYK on Google

お店に入った瞬間から雰囲気が好きです。 店員さんも優しいです。 席はオープンな感じですが、全然気にならないです。 料理は何を食べても美味しいです。 お刺身三点盛り(季節替わり)、舞茸の天婦羅、明太子入りだし巻き卵、もつ鍋が自分の中で定番です。
I like the atmosphere from the moment I enter the shop. The clerk is also kind. The seats are open, but I don't care at all. The food is delicious no matter what you eat. The sashimi three-piece plate (seasonally changed), Maitake mushroom tempura, soup rolls with mentaiko, and motsu-nabe are classic items.
高木優里香 on Google

If you think it's a chain, it's actually a private store! I've found a really good restaurant ... A little-known spot in Narimasu with all the delicious food! Is the menu expensive? Even if you think that the price is heaping up! ️ So it's really cheap! The clerk is really nice and caring, and although it is cheap, the service is like a luxury store. Friendly to children. The food may wait for a while, but it doesn't bother me. I don't want to crush it with such a good store Corona, but I want to support it, a really good store in Narimasu
康一 on Google

We had a lot of delicious motsunabe and single dishes. Motsunabe has big motsu and lots of vegetables. Single dishes are expensive, but they are generous. The customer service of the clerk is also polite and comfortable.
Ra Che on Google

掘りごたつの席とテーブル席があり、間隔も開いていて安心します。 料理は少し手を伸ばしすぎた行き過ぎの料理も出てきますが、九州料理の中から普通のものを頼めばそんなに失敗はしません。 料金は高めですが普通に呑んで〆まで食べても1人あたり一万円は超えません。 客層は落ち着いており混んでおらず騒いで飲むような人はいません。一次会で大人数で宴会をするというよりは気の合う同僚とのちょっとした二次会に使うお店として利用するのが良いかと思います。 日本酒に力を入れているようです。 喫煙室もあるので喫煙家にも優しいです。年配の方もたまに見ますので年配の方も安心して利用できると思います。
There are digging seats and table seats, and you can rest assured that there is a wide space between them. There are some dishes that go a little too far, but if you ask for ordinary Kyushu dishes, you won't fail so much. The price is high, but even if you drink it normally and eat up to the end, it will not exceed 10,000 yen per person. The customer base is calm and uncrowded, and no one drinks in a noisy manner. I think it's better to use it as a shop for a small second party with like-minded colleagues rather than having a banquet with a large number of people at the first party. It seems that they are focusing on sake. There is also a smoking room, so it is kind to smokers. Elderly people sometimes see it, so I think that elderly people can use it with confidence.

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