Ikkenme-Sakaba - Itabashi City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ikkenme-Sakaba

住所 :

2 Chome-17-33 Narimasu, Itabashi City, Tokyo 175-0094, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Postal code : 175-0094
Webサイト : https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1322/A132204/13214003/dtlmenu/
Opening hours :
Saturday 12PM–1AM
Sunday 12–10PM
Monday 12PM–12AM
Tuesday 12PM–12AM
Wednesday 12PM–12AM
Thursday 12PM–12AM
Friday 12PM–1AM

2 Chome-17-33 Narimasu, Itabashi City, Tokyo 175-0094, Japan
sasakidesky on Google

角のメガハイボールを2杯とつまみ3品で¥1,900にはいかなかった〜 おやじなんとかのたまごサラダ?と前書きがなんかあったけど…忘れたハムカツはお勧め〜
I couldn't go to ¥ 1,900 with 2 horn mega highballs and 3 knobs ~ Father somehow egg salad? There was a foreword, but ... I recommend the forgotten hamukatsu ~
BOICE 0015 on Google

I smoke iQOS, so I'm grateful that the second floor seats can smoke. You can enjoy it when the menu changes frequently.
M Taroh on Google

とにかく、酒もつまみも安い。 もつ煮、串カツ、揚げたての厚揚げは絶品、日本酒も超辛口白鶴が、美味い?✨✨?
Anyway, sake snacks are also cheap. The motsuni, kushikatsu, and freshly fried tofu are excellent, and the sake is also super dry, and the white crane is delicious ?✨✨?
Ryo on Google

店員のおばちゃんがかなり良いキャラしてます。 個人経営なのかって思う位頑張ってるので、また行きます!
The clerk's aunt is a pretty good character. I'm doing my best as if it's a private business, so I'll go again!
oo Wooo on Google

Cheap, delicious, fast and delicious. You can feel free to go to one or a large number of bars in Osaka (o ^ ^ o), so it's on the 1st floor and the 2nd floor so good ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
山内高志 on Google

It's not very friendly. It was good to be able to smoke for those who smoke. Also, the types of knobs are not enough.
We We on Google

養老乃瀧グループなんですね。 ずっと知らなかった。 店名がちょっと直球で敬遠していましたw 知ったら安心。 養老牛丼は懐かしい。
It's the Yoronotaki group. I didn't know it for a long time. The store name was a little straight and I was shy It's safe to know. I miss the Yoro beef bowl.
maki-K Squadron on Google

二軒目でした…ワラ 飲み物食べ物種類が豊富デス。 ちなみに2階席が喫煙デス。 大衆居酒屋って感じデス。 にごりやマッコリが好きなのでオーダーしてしまいます。
It was the second house ... Straw A wide variety of drinks and foods. By the way, the second floor seats are smoking deaths. It feels like a popular izakaya. I like makgeolli and makgeolli, so I order it.

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