
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 龍馬

住所 :

Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-8017 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.kyoto-ryoma.jp/
街 : Kyoto

Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-8017 Kyoto,Japan
命守る on Google

カラオケバー 龍馬
Karaoke bar Ryoma
小坂薫 on Google

This is where Ryoma lovers gather.
保 木明 on Google

今日 高知からの旧友とおじゃましました。楽しかった‼️
Today, I was in love with an old friend from Kochi. was fun! ️
烏賊咲直結 on Google

The shop of Mr. and Mrs. Akao, the president of Kyoto Ryomakai. People who want to talk about history and people who are not interested in it can get together and have a good time.
おうぎしょういち on Google

I visited outside of business hours, but he was kind enough to enter the store. One of the purposes of going to Kyoto was to go to this store. It was very disappointing that Oryo was absent.
いないなな on Google

マスターの人柄の良さが滲み出てますね。 楽しい時間をありがとうございました。
The goodness of the master's personality is exuding. Thank you for a good time.
sige naga on Google

龍馬が過ごした地でもある木屋町にあるお店。 龍馬好きも、そうで無い人も夜な夜な集まります。 この日はコロンビア所属のプロの歌手の方が龍馬の歌を唄ってくれました。
A shop in Kiyamachi, where Ryoma spent. Ryoma enthusiasts and those who don't are gathered at night. On this day, a professional singer from Colombia sang Ryoma's song.
kimi o on Google

Don't remember

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