Yuzuan Nagoya Hirabari - Nagoya

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yuzuan Nagoya Hirabari

住所 :

4 Chome-207 Hirabari, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 468-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 468-0011
Webサイト : https://www.shabu-yuzuan.jp/

4 Chome-207 Hirabari, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 468-0011, Japan
角田繁雄 on Google

It's good value to eat, but it takes too long for the meat to come out. There is too much time to wait in 100 minutes. I don't think we should guide customers if we don't turn around. Mostly waiting for cooking! I don't want to go again.
さちゆめ on Google

三世代の食事の際、いつも利用させていただいています。年寄でも幼児でもバラエティ豊富なので満足です!お寿司も回転寿司のような薄っぺらいものでなもなく、どれも生臭さがない新鮮さを感じます。 接客もテキパキしているのでどんどん注文しても空きザラの回収もよく、テーブルがすきっりしています。会計まで全て気持ちよくすごせます!
I always use it for meals for three generations. Whether you are an elderly person or an infant, you will be satisfied with the variety! Sushi is not as thin as conveyor belt sushi, and you can feel the freshness without any fishy odor. The customer service is also very nice, so even if you order more and more, the empty Zara can be collected well and the table is clean. You can spend everything up to accounting comfortably!
津川靖雄 on Google

名古屋市内に「ゆず庵」あったのをこの機会に初めて知ったし、久しぶりに食事できてよかった。 いろいろ食べたが、期間限定の寒ブリのお寿司が特においしかった。 チーズとお餅が練り込まれている鶏だんご見たいなのも感動的なうまさだった。 サラダの種類をもう少し増やしてもいい気がする。
I learned for the first time that there was "Yuzuan" in Nagoya city, and I'm glad I was able to eat for the first time in a long time. I ate a lot, but the limited-time cold yellowtail sushi was especially delicious. It was also impressive to see the chicken dumplings with cheese and rice cakes kneaded into them. I feel that I can increase the variety of salads a little more.
natchan mama on Google

R3.5.11 ランチ 春のゆず庵松花堂ランチ デザート&ドリンク付¥1408(税込) デザート&ドリンクに… タピオカゆずミルクといちごクリーム大福 アイスコーヒーといちご生どら焼き どちらもデザートはオマケ的な物では無くガッツリ満足のできるデザートでした! タピオカゆずミルク美味しい! 酢の物冷たく、しぐれはほんのり暖かく 天ぷら、チラシ、茶碗蒸し暖かく… 小鉢も色々頂けて十分満足できるランチでした 相方が抹茶塩に醤油を入れてしまい(^^;)交換を依頼しましたが『説明不足でしたすみませんと』快く交換して頂けました (いやいや相方が知らなさすぎです笑) 不評の口コミもありますが、時間的なものもあるのでしょうけど… 内容&丁寧な接客で◎二重丸(竹◯さん)で星5 駐車場は1階ですがエレベーターがあるので足が不自由な方や高齢者の方でも2階の入口に行けます (身内が高齢で、ゆず庵さんではないですが少しの階段に苦労&和食さ◯はエレベーターが無く断念した事があります) コロナ対策… 入口に検温、アルコールあり ひとつだけ…席は囲われているのでゆっくりできますが…もう20cmくらいの仕切りパネルが欲しいかな(苦笑)
R3.5.11 lunch Spring Yuzuan Matsukado Lunch Dessert & drink included ¥ 1408 (tax included) For desserts and drinks ... Tapioca Yuzu Milk and Strawberry Cream Daifuku Iced coffee and strawberry raw dorayaki In both cases, the dessert was not a bonus, but a dessert that was completely satisfying! Tapioca Yuzu milk is delicious! The vinegar is cold and the squeeze is slightly warm Tempura, leaflets, chawanmushi warm ... It was a very satisfying lunch with various small bowls My partner put soy sauce in matcha salt (^^;) and asked for a replacement, but he was willing to replace it, "I'm sorry I didn't explain enough." (No, I don't know my partner too much lol) There are some unpopular reviews, but there may be some time ... Contents & polite customer service ◎ Double circle (Mr. Take ◯) with 5 stars The parking lot is on the 1st floor, but there is an elevator so even people with disabilities and the elderly can go to the entrance on the 2nd floor. (My relatives are old and I'm not Yuzuan, but I had a hard time on the stairs and I had to give up on Japanese food ◯ because there was no elevator.) Corona measures ... Temperature measurement at the entrance, alcohol Only one ... The seats are surrounded so you can relax ... I wonder if you want a partition panel of about 20 cm (bitter smile)
TAJ I KAZU on Google

選択するコースは3種類ありますが、私のお勧めは上級寿司と黒毛和牛のしゃぶしゃぶ食べ放題コースです。 寿司ネタはいくら、うに、ホタテ、中トロなどなど胆泥ネタが充実しています。 しゃぶしゃぶは、店長お勧めの黒毛和牛が最高に美味です。 豚肉や鶏肉も十分楽しめる味になっています。 さらに、甘党には堪らない各種ソフトクリーム、杏仁豆腐やどら焼きなどなどがラインナップされています。 はたまた、締めにはマストのアイテムである、担々麺、ラ−メン等々正に食べ放題なのです。 時間は100分以内ですが、よく選びながら、楽しみながらオーダーしても、Tabletでオーダーすれば速攻で運ばれてくるので、焦らずに食しても何時も20分は時間が余ってしまいます。 限界まで食べても100分では食べ切れないほどのメニューが存在するのです。 私は何時もコスパが最高だと感じて、月に2回は訪れてしまいます。 少しだけお財布に頑張ってもらって上級寿司と黒毛和牛しゃぶしゃぶコースを是非一度だけでもお試しになられては如何でしょうか? 65歳以上の方は500円オフとなりますし、何時も無条件で5 %オフクーポンがゲットできます。 さらにさらに、17:00迄に入店すば無条件で10%オフになるので満足度はマックスに到達してしまいます。 正に神食べ放題のお店なのです!
There are three types of courses to choose from, but my recommendation is the all-you-can-eat shabu-shabu course of high-grade sushi and Japanese black beef. There are plenty of biliary sludge ingredients such as salmon roe, sea urchin, scallops, and fatty tuna. For shabu-shabu, the Japanese black beef recommended by the manager is the best. The taste is such that you can fully enjoy pork and chicken. In addition, we have a lineup of various soft serve ice cream that is unbearable for sweets, such as almond tofu and dorayaki. In addition, you can eat all-you-can-eat dandan noodles, ramen, etc., which are must-have items at the end. The time is less than 100 minutes, but even if you order while having fun while choosing carefully, if you order on the Tablet, it will be delivered in haste, so even if you eat without rushing, you will always have 20 minutes left. There are menus that cannot be eaten in 100 minutes even if you eat to the limit. I always feel that cospa is the best and I visit twice a month. Why don't you try the high-class sushi and Japanese black beef shabu-shabu course even once with a little effort in your wallet? If you are 65 years old or older, you will get 500 yen off, and you can always get a 5% off coupon unconditionally. Furthermore, if you enter the store by 17:00, you will get 10% off unconditionally, so your satisfaction will reach the maximum. It's an all-you-can-eat god shop!
Mike Chen on Google

Nicola Skoulding on Google

Shabu Shabu all you can eat time limited. Food is good quality and there are things other than meat such as sushi or fried foods and deserts.Gets busy but you can book a table if you call up. About 3000 yen per person depending on which course if you do the buffet. Very near to Hirabari subway station (Tsurumai line)
michelle wong on Google

This place provides so many varieties that it can be hard to choose what to eat. They have shabu shabu, sushi, desserts, salads, etc. Also the price for all the different choices is really reasonable. The atmosphere is really clean, and enjoyable. I would definitely recommend this for families, because it is a family friendly restaurant with plenty of space for kids and groups.

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