レクモバ on Google

It's cheap and good shop ❗
並木雅枝 on Google

When you enter the entrance, the back is long and narrow, so it feels like you're going around.
kazu masa on Google

It is vacant from the north exit store. And although it is differentiated because it has different items, the number of items is small, and the number of vegetables, meat, fruits, etc. is also small.
まつたく on Google

前にアボカドを買って腐っていて今回も新玉ねぎを買ったら腐ってました。それについて電話で伝えたところ交換するとは伝えられたもののさっさと電話を切ろうとする感じが出ていて残念。 できたばかりなのに生野菜の商品管理の雑さが伺える。駅近にスーパーがここしかないが正直使いたくない。
I bought an avocado before and it was rotten, and this time I bought a new onion and it was rotten. When I told him about it over the phone, he said he would exchange it, but I was disappointed that he was trying to hang up. You can see the complexity of product management of raw vegetables even though it has just been completed. There is only a supermarket near the station, but honestly I don't want to use it.
mogu mogu on Google

コンビニとスーパーの合いの子みたいなお店。 若めの店員がちょっとだるそうに接客してるのが鼻に付く。
A store that looks like a child of a convenience store and a supermarket. I can't help but notice that a young clerk is serving customers a little sloppyly.
泉水シン・イチ on Google

早急にセルフレジの設置を希望。 めんどくさそうに、やりたくなさそうにレジを打つ店員さんたち。 マイバック提示してんのに、入れてくれないし、かごいっぱいの商品バックに入れる姿を知らん顔で見ている店員さん。効率悪いからレジ行列できてるでしょ? セルフのがましですよ。人件費浮くし。 嫌な思いしなくて済むでしょ? お た が い にさ。 あなたたちも、もう来なくて済みますしね。 自動販売機ですら「ありがとうございました」て言ってくれるよ? ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ★追記:日中11:46再度来店、若い女性店員無言対応。 だまってトレーにレシート置いてソッコーどこか行く、その間無言!すごい!あんなの初めて見た!黙って商品受け取り、黙って去っていく(笑)。 何か私が悪いことをしたのだろうか?レジに商品持って行っただけなのに、、、。 中年の女性の店員は親切な人もいる。若い店員は男女昼夜問わず無言対応多し。 早急にセルフレジ対応求む。現状有人のメリットなし。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ★再追記:日中10:00頃 女性店員 ペットボトル手で受け取ろうとしたら、ポイっと放り投げるように渡してきて、びっくりして落としそうになった。 ↓↓↓↓ 諦めましたもう行きません、少し面倒だけど離れた店に行くことにしました。近寄りません。
I would like to set up a self-checkout as soon as possible. The clerk who hits the cash register seems to be annoying and unwilling to do it. A clerk who doesn't know how to put it in a basket full of merchandise bags, even though he is presenting my bag. You have a cashier line because it's inefficient, right? It's a selfish thing. Labor costs are floating. You don't have to feel bad, right? It's a good idea. You guys don't have to come anymore. Even vending machines will say "Thank you", right? ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ★ Addition: 11:46 during the day, the young female clerk responded silently. Stop and put the receipt on the tray and go somewhere, while silent! Wow! I saw that for the first time! I silently receive the product and silently leave (laughs). Did I do something wrong? I just brought the product to the cash register, but ... Some middle-aged female clerk are kind. Many young clerk respond silently regardless of gender day or night. Immediately seek self-checkout support. Currently there is no manned merit. ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ★ Re-addition: Female clerk around 10:00 during the day When I tried to pick it up by hand, I gave it to him as if to throw it, and I was surprised to drop it. ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ I gave up, I won't go anymore, I decided to go to a store that is a little troublesome but far away. I won't approach you.
夢咲翔 on Google

同地域にある沼袋駅北店に比べて狭いが陳列棚は綺麗に整理整頓されており狭いながらに買い物はしやすい雰囲気。 店内は長方形に細長く入口にはレジが2レーンあるので時間帯によっては人が滞留するかもしれません。 2回目で滅多に行かないので毎日の状況は認知してませんが店員の接客は格段に良い、中年のオバサンだけど全員、自然な笑顔で『待たせない』『お客様に対する気遣い』は感じる。 仕事関連や用事がないと利用しないが沼袋駅北店の方は少し広いが従業員(男女同様)は無愛想、人が並んでる時もレジが空いてるのに中々、開けないしのんびりマイペースにやっているので端的にもう少し周りの状況を臨機応変に読んで対応するべき。 【沼袋1丁目店】 ・接客/★★★★★ ・店内/★★★☆☆ ・商品の種類/★★★☆☆ 【沼袋駅北店】 ・接客/★☆☆☆☆ ・店内/★★★☆☆ ・商品の種類/★★★★☆ 感覚&感性は人それぞれ、賛否両論ありますが個人的な感想です。
Although it is smaller than the Numabukuro Station North store in the same area, the display shelves are neatly organized and the atmosphere is small but easy to shop. The inside of the store is rectangular and elongated, and there are two lanes of cash registers at the entrance, so people may stay depending on the time of day. I don't know the daily situation because I rarely go there the second time, but the customer service of the clerk is much better, and although they are middle-aged obasan, all of them have a natural smile and feel "I can't wait" and "care for customers". I don't use it unless I have work-related or errands, but the Numabukuro station north store is a little wider, but the employees (similar to men and women) are unfriendly, and even when people are lined up, the cash register is open, but I can't open it at my own pace. Therefore, you should simply read the situation around you a little more flexibly and respond accordingly. [Numabukuro 1-chome store] ・ Customer service / ★★★★★ ・ Inside the store / ★★★ ☆☆ ・ Product type / ★★★ ☆☆ [Numabukuro Station North Store] ・ Customer service / ★ ☆☆☆☆ ・ Inside the store / ★★★ ☆☆ ・ Product type / ★★★★ ☆ There are pros and cons to each person's senses and sensibilities, but they are personal impressions.
on Google

スタッフの対応よろしくない。 並んでるし人出があってもレジはひとつしか開けないの? マイバッグに言わないと入れてくれないし、言うと露骨に嫌な顔。 こちらが入れるの黙って見てるだけ。 北口?は言わなくても入れてくれますよ。 スタッフの教育を疑うレベル。 ホスピタリティゼロです。 これじゃ少し遠くてもあちらに行きます。
The staff is not good at responding. Can I open only one cash register even if there are people in line? If you don't tell my bag, you won't be able to put it in. I'm just watching it silently. North exit? You can put it in without saying. A level that doubts the education of staff. Hospitality is zero. This will go over there even if it's a little far away.

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