MyBasket - Nakano City

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact MyBasket

住所 :

3 Chome-28-10 Numabukuro, Nakano City, Tokyo 165-0025, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 165-0025
Webサイト :

3 Chome-28-10 Numabukuro, Nakano City, Tokyo 165-0025, Japan
宮輝美 on Google

昨日、久しぶりに行ってポイントカードを出して、クレジットカード払いをしようとしたら「現金でお支払いでなければポイントは付きません。現金は無いんですか?」と。以前は、クレジットカード払いでもポイント付いたのに。イオンのお店でしょ?今のご時世に変なの。 もう、行かない。
Yesterday, I went to the store for the first time in a long time, issued a point card, and when I tried to pay by credit card, I said, "If you don't pay with cash, you won't get points. Do you have cash?" I used to get points even if I paid by credit card. Aeon's shop, right? It's weird at this time. I won't go anymore.
石川きぃちゃん on Google

それほど広くはないのですが 品揃えバツグン‼️
It ’s not that wide, Assortment preeminent! ️
mmグランマ on Google

西武新宿線の工事に伴い駅前にあったスーパー、銀行、パン屋 弁当屋かなりのお店が撤退し 生活必需品の買い物が不便になりました。代わりに重宝させてもらっています。夕方は行列必死。 しかし、レジがたくさんあり助かります。品物は他のまいばすの店より量、品数共に豊富で店員さんはキビキビとスムーズてす。
Supermarket, bank, bakery in front of the station due to the construction of Seibu Shinjuku Line A lot of bento shops have withdrawn Shopping for daily necessities has become inconvenient. I am grateful for it instead. Desperate procession in the evening. However, there are many cash registers, which is helpful. The quantity and number of items are more abundant than other Maibasu stores, and the clerk is smooth and smooth.
ハートアルト on Google

Around 17:30 on March 9, 2022, a thin-eyed male clerk told me to go out.
吉野明弘 on Google

It's really convenient because SEIYU has disappeared from Numabukuro. Thank you for your hard work from 7 am to 12 pm. It's like a big convenience store? There are more things than convenience stores, but ne. I wish I could make a smartphone payment if possible. I thought.
Satoshi Shibasaki on Google

日常的にこちらで食料品を買ってます。 まいばすけっとは、イオン系列ですがコンビニのような広さのお店なので、物を買うのに迷ったり、余計な時間がかかることがないので個人的には好きです。 大きなスーパーは商品を探すのが大変なのと、その分人が多くごちゃごちゃしていて苦手です。 ただ、まいばすけっとは広くない分、商品のレパートリーは少なめ。 お客さんの通る導線も狭いため、コロナ禍で他人とくっつくようにすれ違うのは抵抗があるのと、混んでいる時間帯はレジレジ待ちの行列がぐるっと外側の通路を回るように伸びてしまい、商品を選ぶ人が通りづらくなってしまうのが欠点でしょうか。 リーズナブルな商品も多く、プライベートブランドは特にお値打ちだと思います。 WAONポイントカードで、お会計の時の端数などはポイント精算できるのは便利です。 チャージタイプやクレカ払いは好きではないので使っていません。 小規模スーパーですが、普段使いには必要十分だと思います。
I buy groceries here on a daily basis. My Basket is an AEON store, but it's a store that's as big as a convenience store, so I personally like it because I don't get lost or take extra time to buy things. Large supermarkets have a hard time finding products, and many people are confused, so I'm not good at it. However, the product repertoire is small because My Basket is not wide. Since the conductors that customers pass through are narrow, there is resistance to passing each other as if they were sticking to each other due to the corona virus, and during busy hours, the queue waiting for the cashier stretches around the outer aisle, and the product Is it a drawback that it becomes difficult for people to choose? There are many reasonable products, and I think private brands are especially good value. With a WAON point card, it is convenient to be able to settle points for fractions at the time of payment. I don't like charge type or credit card payment, so I don't use it. It's a small supermarket, but I think it's necessary and sufficient for everyday use.
none name on Google

It's better to get rid of the cash register on the corner ... I feel like an accident will occur if that flow line continues all the time, I thought that sometimes skirmishes were happening and I didn't like it, but I was scared of the same thing. .. I don't want to be a victim or a perpetrator. → Isn't there a rare collision between a customer who has finished checkout at the corner cash register and a customer who is trying to pass through the narrow aisle behind? Should I take measures? I bumped into it.
mk on Google

コンビニ並みに狭く、自炊させる気のないスーパー。野菜、魚、肉など生鮮食品の品揃えがとにかく悪い。 お弁当は夕方行くと30%オフで300円でしたが、特に美味しくもないです。 QRコード決済にも対応しておらず、駅から近いという立地の良さだけが取り柄だと思います。
A supermarket that is as small as a convenience store and does not want to cook for itself. The assortment of fresh foods such as vegetables, fish and meat is just bad. The lunch box was 30% off for 300 yen in the evening, but it's not particularly delicious. It does not support QR code payment, and I think that the only advantage is its location near the station.

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